Yornup, Western Australia

Yornup, Western Australia

Infobox Australian Place | type = town
name = Yornup
state = wa

caption = Yornup Town Hall (Est 1913)
lga = Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes
postcode = 6256
pop =
est = 1889
stategov = Blackwood-Stirling
fedgov = Forrest
dist1 = 280
location1= Perth
dist2 = 13
location2= Bridgetown
dist3 = 23
location3= Manjimup

Yornup is a small town in the South West region of Western Australia, situated between Bridgetown and Manjimup on the South Western Highway.

Yornup's name is of Noongar Aboriginal origin. It was primarily a milling settlement, and Greenacres Mill continues to this day. At one point, Yornup had a school, post office, hall and stores - only the hall remains today, used for community dances. The school was relocated to the rear of 144 Hampton Street, Bridgetown, in March 1996 in anticipation of the construction of a heritage precinct which never eventuated. A large Western Power substation is located in the town and an industrial estate is proposed for the area.

External links

* [http://www.abc.net.au/southwestwa/stories/s1093860.htm Tales from times past] , ABC South West, 5 July 2004

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