
DinoZaurs: The Series
DinoZaurs Logo
Genre Action
Original video animation
Directed by Tetsuro Amino
Studio Sunrise
Released December 1998
Episodes 5
TV anime
Directed by Kiyoshi Fukumoto
Studio Sunrise
Network Fuji TV
English network United States Fox Kids
Canada YTV
Original run July 2000December 2000
Episodes 26
Anime and Manga Portal

DinoZaurs: The Series, also known as Prehistoric Warriors and DinoZone (ダイノゾーン?) in Japan, is the name of a Japanese anime which is a combination of traditional animation and computer animation.



There were five promotional CGI-only Original video animation episodes released, the first four were sold with the initial Dinozone toys in Japan. Dino Tyranno came with an episode entitled "Revive, Dinosoldier", while Gigano Dragon came with a video called "Gigano Dragon Strikes Back!!". A third featuring the Cerazaur Brothers was sold with Dinostyras. A fourth OVA was released with Nightwing. A final fifth OVA was given only to subscribers of Televi Magazine and Comic Bom Bom. The pilot was dubbed into English and released in the US on a VHS available as a special offer with the toys in 2000. The voices used in the pilot were different than the cast for the series, as Saban were not involved in the dubbing of the pilot.

TV Plot

It has been 65,000,000 years since the Dino Knights had last defeated the Dragozaurs. When the Dragozaurs returned, a boy named Kaito has reawakened the Dino Knights. The battle between the Dino Knights and the Dragozaurs begins once again as the Dino Knights prevent the Dragozaurs from stealing Earth's life force.


There are three different races in this series: Dino Knights, Dragozaurs, and Humans:

Dino Knights

When the Dragozaurs first attacked, the planet chose prehistoric animals to fight them, converting them into Dino Knights (ダイノソルジャー Dinosoldiers?). Normally fossilized, a Dino Knight can assume a more metallic form when re-animated. The saying to power up the Dino Knights with the Dino Daggers is "Take this, the power of righteousness, righteous armour, the justice headband. Equip!".

Principal Dino Knights

The main Dino Knights reside in the Dinotarium.

  • Dino Tyranno (ダイノティラノ Daino Tirano?): Dino Tyranno is the leader of the Dino Knights. He wields the Silver Sword. He has a rivalry with Gigano Dragon since prehistoric times. He was knocked into an erupting volcano by Dark Dragon, but becomes an Ultimate Dino Knight with Dino Ramph's energy boost revitalizes him and wields the Mega Blade Broad Sword. His dinosaur form is a Tyrannosaurus.
  • Dino Brachio (ダイノブラキオ Daino Burakio?): Second-in-command, Dino Brachio serves as Tyranno's advisor and is the biggest, oldest and wisest of the Dino Knights. Brachio would prefer to settling the Dragozaur problem peacefully, but since they don't listen, he's more than happy to deliver a taste of his Axe of Valor. His dinosaur form is a Brachiosaurus.
  • Dino Tricera (ダイノトリケラ Daino Torikera?): Dino Tricera is another one of the Core Dino Knights. He wields the Tricera Spears of Jade. He was knocked into an erupting volcano by Dark Dragon, but becomes an Ultimate Dino Knight with Dino Ramph's energy boost revitalizes him and wields the Triple-Threat Halberd. Like Stego, his favorite pastime is fighting the Dragozaurs. His dinosaur form is a Triceratops.
  • Dino Stego (ダイノステゴ Daino Sutego?): Dino Stego is the "tough guy" of the Core Dino Knights. Likes nothing better than fighting the Dragozaurs, he attacks with the Stego Skeletal Revolution where his chest rotates spinning any enemy around and around. His dinosaur form is a Stegosaurus. It was revealed that he had a girlfriend named "Daisy".
  • Dino Sabre (ダイノサーベル Daino Sāberu?): Dino Sabre is one of a few members of the Dino Knights whose form isn't a dinosaur. He's one of the youngest of the Dino Knights and doesn't mind having fun with the Dragozaurs as well. He wields the Saber Wailing Whip. He doesn't have a dinosaur form because he's a Smilodon/Sabertoothed cat.
  • Dino Ptera (ダイノプテラ Daino Putera?): One of a few female Dino Knights, Dino Ptera serves as aerial recon for the Dino Knights. She attacks with the Ptera Bristle Boomerang. Her pterosaur form is a Pteranodon.
  • Dino Mammoth (ダイノマンモス Daino Manmosu?): Very sane, competent member of the Dino Knights. Like Dino Sabre, Dino Mammoth doesn't have a dinosaur form, he's a Woolly Mammoth who wields the Mammoth Tusks of Vigor. Might not be the fastest of the Dino Knights, but he's a formidable adversary nonetheless.

Cerazaur Brothers

The Cerazaur Brothers are three Dino Knights that were found by Rick. By the command "Triblade fusion! Integrate!", they can combine to form Dino Triblades (大剣者トリブレードス Daikensha Toriburēdos, Great Swordsman Triblades?) who wields the Quadruple Fossil Star Sword.

  • Dino Centro (ダイノセントロス Daino Sentorosu?): Dino Centro is a Centrosaurus and wields the Fossil Moon Sword.
  • Dino Toro (ダイノカスモス Daino Kasumosu, Dino Chasmos?): Dino Toro is a Torosaurus and wields the Fossil Sun Sword.
  • Dino Styraco (ダイノステラス Daino Suterasu?, Dino Styras): Dino Styraco is a Styracosaurus and Centro & Toro's older brother. Styraco wields the Styraco Sword of Stealth.

Dino Weapons

The Dino Weapons (ウェポンザウルス・ダイノアームズ Weponsaurusu Daino Āmusu, Weaponsaurus DinoArms?) are Dino Knights that can become weapons outside of their dinosaur and warrior forms and attach to any Dino Knight. They were found on a strange island in a weird state and were nearly abducted by Gomez. Once Dino Tyranno and Dino Brachio got the three to remember their secret identities, they helped Dino Tyranno and Dino Brachio fend off the Drago Clones and the Dragozaurs.

  • Dino Pachy (ソードサウルス Sōdomisaurusu, Swordsaurus?): Dino Pachy's dinosaur form is a Pachycephalosaurus and he can form a sword. His sword form is first used by Tyranno, and later by Brachio after Dino Tyranno's upgrade. He was the only one trapped by Gomez, but was freed when he regained his memory.
  • Dino Arch (シールドサウルス Shīrudosaurusu, Shieldsaurus?): Dino Arch's creature form is an Archelon (a prehistoric sea turtle) and can form a shield. His shield form is first used by Dino Tyranno, and later Dino Brachio after Dino Tyranno's upgrade. He later falls in love with Dino Icthyo.
  • Dino Kenty (ドリルサウルス Dorirusaurusu, Drillsaurus?): Dino Kenty's dinosaur form is a Kentrosaurus and can form a drill. His drill form is first used by Dino Brachio and later used by Dino Stego.


  • Dino Icthyo (ダイノイクチオ Daino Ikuchio?): Also called "Theo," Dino Icthyo is another female Dino Knight (and the last to be discovered) who moves around well in water because her creature form is an Ichthyosaurus. She wields the Trident of the Tides and uses a bubble-themed attack on her enemies. Her fossil was worshiped by the Atlanteans of Atlantis.
  • Dino Ramph (ダイノランフ Daino Ranfu?): A legendary Dino Knight, Dino Ramph is the most powerful but doesn't talk much. Also known as the Phoenix, his power is so great that at one point Diamond Ryugu harnessed his power for a weapon. It is unknown if Dino Ramph has a fighting mode in the TV series but it has been shown that he has in magazine scans.[1] His creature form is a Rhamphorhynchus.


The Dragozaurs (デスイーター Desu Ītā, Death Eaters?) are an alien race that feed off of a planet's life force causing the planet to be life-less and in ruins. The Dragozaurs are:

  • Diamond Ryugu (ダイモンリューグ Daimon Ryūgu?): Leader of the Dragozaurs, only his eyes were seen in most of the series and his effeminate voice heard, usually leaving Drago Wing, Gigano Dragon and Dark Dragon to do his dirty work. When he is fully shown in battle on different occasions, he is a very large Ankylosaurus which breathes blue fire. He devours the life force of planets to become stronger. His warrior form comes out of the Ankylosaurus back, which gives him something a centaur-like appearance. He was killed when exposed to sunlight that caused Diamond Ryugu to melt.
  • Gigano Dragon (ギガノドラゴン Gigano Doragon?, 2-12, 23-26): Dino Tyranno's rival, his form is that of a Chinese dragon and he is a vicious fighter who is indifferent to Diamond Ryugu's plans and would rather focus on getting his revenge against Tyranno, leading to his death. But Gigano Dragon was resurrected by Dark Dragon with the power link up with Drago Wing. He was eventually destroyed by a laser.
  • Drago Wing (ナイトウイング Naito Uingu, Night Wing?): Field Commander to the Dragozaur Armies, Drago Wing can drain any opponent of their life force, like a vampire can drain blood from his victim. Sneaky, underhanded, but tends to be insulted by both Gigano Dragon and Dark Dragon. Crushed along with Drago Elephas and Drago Brachio when a skeleton fell on them. His form is a prehistoric bat.
  • Dark Dragon (13-24): A Drago Wizard who once betrayed the Dragozaurs, Dark Dragon was an old enemy of the Dino Knights. Unlike the rest of the main cast, his normal form is a humanoid one and when fighting he transforms into what resembles a European dragon. He also has the ability to manipulate and produce bats, as well as other powers. Dark Dragon is very intelligent and relies on subtle manipulation for his plans, though he's extremely powerful, the only villain surpassing him being Diamond Ryugu himself. Destroyed by Dino Tyranno near the finale.
  • Dragozaur Army Forces: Most of the Dragozaur Army Forces have the form of an Allosaurus and cannot transform into their warrior forms like the others. Dark Dragon can also call forth bats from thin air to form his version of the Dragozaur Army Forces. Every one of them was destroyed along with Drago Tigra when the room they were in was blown up.

Drago Clones

Created by Diamond Ryugu, the Drago Clones (シャドーウォリアー Shadō Woriā, Shadow Warriors?) were as powerful as their counterparts in the main Dino Knights.

  • Drago Tyran (シャドーティラノ Shadō Tirano, Shadow Tyranno?, 8): Dark version of Dino Tyranno, and is the leader of the Drago Clones. Destroyed in one of their first fights with the Dino Knights.
  • Drago Ceratops (シャドートリケラ Shadō Torikera, Shadow Tricera?, 8-26): Dark version of Dino Tricera. Takes command after the death of Dragon Tyran. He dies when his head is shredded by Stego Skeletal Revolution.
  • Drago Brachio (シャドーブラキオ Shadō Burakio, Shadow Brachio?, 8-11): Dark version of Dino Brachio. Destroyed when Dino Brachio used Dino Kenty's Drill mode onto him.
  • Drago Stegus (シャドーステゴ Shadō Sutego, Shadow Stego?, 8-?): Dark version of Dino Stego. Killed in a fight with Dino Stego.
  • Drago Dactylus (シャドープテラ Shadō Putera, Shadow Ptera?, 8-?): Dark version of Dino Ptera. Decapitated by Saber Wailing Whip.
  • Drago Tigra (シャドーサーベル Shadō Sāberu, Shadow Saber?, 8-?): Dark version of Dino Sabre. Tried to escape but the room he was in was blown up.
  • Drago Elephas (シャドーマンモス Shadō Manmosu, Shadow Mammoth?, 8-26): Dark version of Dino Mammoth. Crushed along with Drago Brachio and Drago Wing when a skeleton fell on them.


  • Supersaurus (スパザウルス Supazaurusu?): A complete skeleton that was discovered in Colorado that was supposed to be delivered to the Dinotarium. Dark Dragon uses his powers on to create havoc in the city streets. Dark Dragon gave the Supersaurus skeleton the ability to absorb the Dino Knights' life force and turn them back into fossils. This caused the Dino Knights to find a way to stop the Supersaurus skeleton without touching it.


  • Kaito Tatsuno (竜野 海斗 Tatsuno Kaito?): Kaito is a teenager who seemed less interested in actual dinosaurs even when his father helped to design the Dinoterium, a place that is a tribute to dinosaurs. When he stumbles upon the Dragozaurs stealing a local life force, his cry for the sake of life reawakens the Dino Knights and since then, he has been their ally. He possesses one of three Dino Daggers that can restore a Dino Knight's strength.
  • Rena: Rena is Kaito's friend since kindergarten. She shares Kaito's secret about the Dino Knights. She possesses the second Dino Dagger. Another fact about her is that she can't swim and has a fear of scorpions and spiders.
  • Rick: Rick is a cowboy from the west who is good with a lasso and travels on a horse. Since the death of his parents, he protects the two fossils that turn out to be two of the three Cerazaur Brothers. Only his Dino Dagger can restore their strength.

Other Humans

  • Taki: Taki is a bully that bothers Kaito on different occasions. Despite that, he's a coward when it comes to different occasions. He tries to prove of the existence of revived dinosaurs.
  • Princess Helen: Helen is the current princess of Atlantis. Kaito and Rena are saved by Helen (who was wearing a hooded robe at the time) and tells them that they are in Atlantis. She does help them get to where the Dino Dagger confiscated from Kaito was where they end up ambushed by the guards. Helen was knocked down during this where her identity as the princess was revealed. When the Dragozaurs attack Atlantis, Helen convinces her father to let Kaito reclaim his Dino Dagger so that he can reawaken Dino Icthyo. After the Dragozaurs were repelled, Helen and her father disappear to the afterlife alongside the other Atlanteans imploring Kaito, Rena, and the Dino Knights to protect the Earth at all cost.
  • Naomi Kimura (木村 ナオミ Kimura Naomi?): She is the tour guide at the Dinotarium.
  • Dr. Abbott:
  • Professor Takuda:
  • Gomez: A greedy fossil hunter who tried to get the Dino Weapons on the island they were on. He and his henchmen were scared away when the Drago Clones invaded the island. He later returned and tried to steal Gigano Dragon's fossil only to be thwarted by Dark Dragon.
  • Ronnie: Kaito's little brother.
  • Emily:

Episode list

  1. The Dino Knights Revived -
  2. The Dino Daggers of Friendship -
  3. Everything's Relative -
  4. Save Dino Ptera -
  5. The Battle of the Aurora -
  6. A New Friend -
  7. The Master Swordsman Triblades -
  8. Battle of the Drago Clones -
  9. Long Lost Love -
  10. Rick's Big Adventure -
  11. Their Name is Dino Weapons -
  12. The Legend of Dino Ramph (1) -
  13. The Legend of Dino Ramph (2) -
  14. A New Shadow (1) -
  15. Keep the Faith (2) -
  16. The Stolen Dino Dagger -
  17. Welcome Back Theo -
  18. Dino Icthyo in a Pinch -
  19. Baby Come Back -
  20. Remember Your True Self -
  21. The Ninja Castle in the Sky -
  22. Supersaurus' Great Strength -
  23. Gigano Strikes Back -
  24. The Demonic Solar Eclipse -
  25. Invasion of the Bite Lice (1) -
  26. For the Earth (2) -


Japanese Cast

English Cast


English Crew


Dino Knights

  • DZ-1 Dino T-Rex "Dino Tyranno"
  • DZ-2 Dino Brachio
  • DZ-3 Dino Stego
  • DZ-4 Dino Sabre
  • DZ-5 Dino Ptera
  • DZ-6 Dino Tricera
  • DZ-7 Dino Mammoth


  • DG-1 Gigano Dragon
  • DG-2 Drago Tyran
  • DG-3 Drago Brachio
  • DG-4 Drago Stegus
  • DG-5 Drago Tigra
  • DG-6 Drago Dactyl
  • DG-7 Drago Ceratops
  • DG-8 Drago Elephas

Utimate Packs


  • Ultimate Dino T-Rex 3-Pack
    • DZ-1 Dino T-Rex
    • DZ-11 Dino Pachy
    • DZ-12 Dino Arch
  • Ultimate Dino Brachio 3-Pack
    • DZ-2 Dino Brachio
    • DZ-4 Dino Sabre
    • DZ-13 Dino Kenty
  • Ultimate Dino Styrako 3-Pack
    • DZ-8 Dino Styrako
    • DZ-9 Dino Toro
    • DZ-10 Dino Centro


  • Ultimate Gigano Dragon 2-Pack
    • DG-1 Gigano Dragon
    • DG-9 Drago Wing
  • Ultimate Drago Draconus
    • Drago Draconus "Dark Dragon"
    • DG-5 Drago Tigra


External links

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