Eugène Burnouf

Eugène Burnouf

Infobox Person
name = Eugène Burnouf

birth_date = birth date and age|1801|04|08
birth_place = Paris, France
death_date = death date and age|1852|05|28|1801|04|08
occupation = Orientalist

Eugène Burnouf (April 8, 1801–May 28, 1852) was a French orientalist.

He was born in Paris. His father, Professor Jean Louis Burnouf (1775-1844), was a classical scholar of high reputation, and the author, among other works, of an excellent translation of Tacitus (6 vols., 1827-1833). Eugène Burnouf published in 1826 an "Essai sur le Pali ...", written in collaboration with Christian Lassen; and in the following year "Observations grammaticales sur quelques passages de l'essai sur le Pali".

The next great work he undertook was the deciphering of the Avesta manuscripts brought to France by Anquetil-Duperron. By his research a knowledge of the Avestan language was first brought into the scientific world of Europe. He caused the "Vendidad Sade", to be lithographed with the utmost care from the manuscript in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and published it in folio parts, 1829-1843.

From 1833 to 1835 he published his "Commentaire sur le Yaçna, l'un des livres liturgiques des Parses"; he also published the Sanskrit text and French translation of the "Bhagavata Purana ou histoire poétique de Krichna" in three folio volumes (1840-1847). His last works were "Introduction à l'histoire du Bouddhisme indien" (1844), and a translation of "Le lotus de la bonne loi" ("The Lotus Sutra", 1852). He had been for twenty years a member of the Academie des Inscriptions and professor of Sanskrit in the Collège de France.

See a notice of Burnouf's works by Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, prefixed to the second edition (1876) of the "Introd. à l'histoire du Bouddhisme indien"; also Naudet, "Notice historique sur MM. Burnouf, père et fils", in "Mém. de l'Acad. des Inscriptions", xx. A list of his valuable contributions to the "Journal asiatique" and of his manuscript writings, is given in the appendix to the "Choix de lettres d'Eugène Burnouf" (1891).



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