Lucius Vorenus

Lucius Vorenus

Infobox Military Person
name=Lucius Vorenus

allegiance=Julius Caesar
unit=Legio XI Claudia
portrayedby=Kevin McKidd

Lucius Vorenus (given as L. Varenus in some translations) was one of the two soldiers of the 11th Legion (Legio XI Claudia) mentioned in the personal writings of Julius Caesar. The other soldier mentioned was Titus Pullo.

He appears, along with Pullo, in Caesar's "Commentarii de Bello Gallico," Book 5, Chapter 44. The episode describes the two as centurions, approaching the first ranks, who shared a bitter rivalry. It related how Pullo had charged the enemy (the Nervii) in the heat of battle. He then cast his javelin at one of the enemy from a short distance, but he was in turn pierced by a spear and surrounded by other Nervii who prevented him from drawing his sword. At that moment, his rival Vorenus, who had followed him from the fortifications, reached the site of the mêlée and drew the enemy's attention away from Pullo by engaging in hand-to-hand combat with those assailing him. After slaying one of the enemy and driving back the rest, Vorenus lost his footing on the irregular terrain. As the Nervii drew closer to him, Pullo came to his rescue. After slaying many of their opponents, the two retreated to the fortifications amidst roaring applause from their comrades in arms.

Fictional depictions

*Lucius Vorenus is a principal character in the HBO/BBC original television series "Rome", played by actor Kevin McKidd. The character is loosely based on the historical Vorenus, although he is depicted as Titus Pullo's commanding officer, and as belonging to "Legio XIII Gemina" and not to "Legio XI".
*Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are also minor characters in "Caesar", the antepenultimate book in Colleen McCullough's "Masters of Rome" series. They are shown as centurions, serving under Quintus Cicero, commander of the Ninth Legion ("Legio IX Hispana").
* Vorenus also appears in the "Legion" tetralogy of the Videssos Cycle by Harry Turtledove. The novels recount the adventures of several maniples of Caesar's legions in Gaul that are whisked away by druid spells to a land of magic loosely based on the Byzantine Empire. The two companions are fairly faithful to Caesar's portrayal, starting as rival legionaries before rising to centurion rank and becoming fast friends.

External links

* [ "De Bello Gallico:" V:XLIV] (Latin original)
* [ "The War in Gaul:" 5:44] (W. A. MacDevitte's English translation)

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