- Redemptoris Mater (seminary)
Redemptoris Mater (
Latin : "Mother of the Redeemer") is the name for specific missionary seminaries, that were inspired by theRoman Catholic way of life of theNeocatechumenal Way . These seminaries are distributed worldwide, with more than 1,500seminarian s. More than 1,200 graduates of these seminaries have been ordained to the priesthood.Redemptoris Mater Seminaries
Redemptoris Mater Seminaries are officially described as having a direct relationship to the
Neocatechumenal Way , as a Way of maturing towards an adult faith: this Way prepares and awakens its vocations in many young people before they enter the seminary. It accompanies them during their time of formation; once ordained as presbyters it continues to sustain them in their permanent formation within the Neocatechumenal Way, which then becomes a means of evangelisation for the ‘far away’, an instrument for the "implantatio ecclesiae", through the presence of families that accompany them and help them in their mission. [ [http://www.camminoneocatecumenale.it/all/papa.asp?id=159 Historical note on Neocatechumenal Way] .]These diocesan seminaries are presented as a fruit of the
Second Vatican Council as well as a fruit of the prophetical vision ofPope John Paul II and accept only priestly vocations coming from the Neocatechumenal Way. The idea to establish theseseminaries started inRome , thediocese of the Holy Father, to establish a seminary with these characteristics:
*international, i.e. with vocations coming from different nations;
*missionary, i.e. that upon ordination, the priests are available to go wherever the ordinary sends them [The inspiration is said to come from the "Presbyterorum Ordinis", a document of the Vatican II Council, where it is said: "Let priests remember, therefore, that the care of all churches must be their intimate concern. Hence, priests of such dioceses rich in vocations should show themselves willing and ready, with the permission of their own ordinaries, to volunteer for work in other regions, missions or endeavors which are poor in numbers of clergy. To accomplish this purpose there should be set up international seminaries... by means of which, according to their particular statutes and always saving the right of Bishops, priests may be trained and incardinated for the good of the whole Church..." (cfr. chapter 10 of [http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19651207_presbyterorum-ordinis_en.html Presbyterorum Ordinis] )] . In1988 , the firstRedemptoris Mater Seminary was erected byCardinal Poletti , Vicar of the Holy Father in Rome.Today, 73 Redemptoris Mater Seminaries have been started in the world, which have led to ordain more than 1200 priests [NC Way "Redemptoris Mater" priests, while "...legally incardinated in a diocese, often, in fact, exclusively serve the NC Way" (Italian text reads: "Il caso più vistoso è quello del Cammino Neocatecumenale, con più di cinquanta seminari "Redemptoris Mater" in tutto il mondo, dai quali sono usciti migliaia di preti giuridicamente incardinati nelle diocesi ma spesso, di fatto, a servizio esclusivo del Cammino"; source: [http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/7057 I sette vizi capitali dei movimenti, secondo "La Civiltà Cattolica"] ).] .
In April 2008, the Japanese Bishops' Conference sent a delegation «to discuss with Pope Benedict XVI "the serious problem" they are having with the Neocatechumenal Way and its seminary in
Takamatsu diocese».Peter Takeo Okada , Archbishop of Tokyo, said that "in the small Catholic Church of Japan, the powerful sect-like activity of Way members is divisive and confrontational. It has caused sharp painful division and strife within the Church. We are struggling with all our strength to overcome the problem but feel that if a solution is to be found, the consideration of Your Holiness for the Church in Japan will be of the utmost importance and direly needed". [ [http://www.ucanews.com/html/ucan/f_dishpatch.asp?title=%20%20Japanese%20Bishops%20Meet%20Pope%20For%20Second%20Time%20In%20Five%20Months&ucalang=English_../news_report/english/2008/04/w5/tue/ZY04894Rg.txt Japanese Bishops Meet Pope For Second Time In Five Months] (UCANews - April 29, 2008).] The Bishops told the Pope that they are having "irreconcilable problems with the Neo-Catechumenate" [Source: [http://sundayex.catholic.org.hk/inter/2008/inter080525.html Sunday Catholic News of the Week] .] .The Holy Father in response made the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Japan a Pontifical Seminary that depends direcly from Rome
Seminaries Redemptoris Mater around the World (2007)
***Rome [http://www.redemptorismater.it/]
***Namur [http://www.redemptorismater-namur.be/]
*** Córdoba
*** León
***Warsaw [http://www.redemptorismater.pl/uk/index.php]
***Cologne [http://www.redemptorismater.de/]
***Strasbourg [http://www.redmatstrasb.com/]
**The Netherlands
**United Kingdom
***Helsinki [http://www.redemptorismaterhelsinki.com/]
*North America
***Newark [http://pirate.shu.edu/~torresle/seminary/index.htm]
***Denver [http://www.archden.org/redemptorismater/]
***Washington [http://www.rmwashington.org/]
***Dallas [http://catholicvocationsofdallas.org/RedemptorisMater.aspx]
***Toronto [http://ccanizalez.tripod.com/en/seminary.html]
*Latin America
***Mexico D.F.
*** Guadalajara
**Dominican Republic
***Santo Domingo [http://www.srm.org.do/]
***Medellín [http://www.srmmedellin.org/]
***La Paz
***Brasilia [http://www.rmater.org.br/]
***Callao [http://www.srmcallao.org/]
***Managua [http://www.srmni.com/]
**El Salvador
*** San Salvador
***Esmeraldas in Quito [http://srmecuador.org/]
**Costa Rica
*** San José
***Kaoshun [http://www.catholic.org.tw/kaohsiung/ch/INDEX5.HTM]
***Manila [http://www.rcam.org/ministry/priestlyformation/seminaries/redemptorismatermissionary.htm]
***Beirut [http://www.redmatlib.org/index.asp]
***Hong Kong
**Cameroon [http://www.valvibrata.it/homezone/donflorindo/index.php]
**Democratic Republic of Congo
***Dar es Salaam
***Perth [http://www.perthcatholic.org.au/organisations/html/rmams.html]
*** Yona [http://www.odyssey.on.ca/~paul.buis/sem2/semhist.shtml]Football tournaments
In 2007, a Redemptoris Mater Seminarian team won [" [http://www.ilgiornale.it/a.pic1?ID=181360 Dal Divino Amore ai Neocatecumenali - Le squadre sante] " (
Il Giornale , 29 May 2007).] the first edition of theClericus Cup football tournament.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.