List of schools in Haiti

List of schools in Haiti

This is an incomplete list of schools in the Caribbean country of Haiti.

* [ Association Haiti Ecoles]
* Centre De Formation Classique (C.F.C.)
* Centre d'Etudes Secondaire
* Centre d'ensaignement Primaire Mixte
* Charite de Saint Louis
* College Adventiste de Diquini
* College Antillais
* College Bird
* [ College Catts Pressoir]
* College Centre Classique Feminin
* College CIM college international des madivins
* College Classic de Leogane
* College Classique D'Haiti
* College Classique Féminin
* College de Cote Plage
* [ College de Mazenod]
* College Diocesain St Paul des Gonaives
* College du Canado Haitien
* College Frantz Paillere
* College Georges Marc
* College Gerard Gourge
* College Hadem
* College Immacule Conceptione des Gonaives
* College Immaculee de Marie
* College Interfamilial
* College International
* College Jean Price Mars
* College Jose Marti
* College La Source
*college petit demele plop plop de delmas
*college jose marti
* College Lucien Hubert
* College Marie-Anne
* College Marie Dominique Maz
* College Martin Luther king
* College Marie Reine Immaculee
* College Mere Marie-Anne
* College Methodist de Freres
* College Mixte De Petion Ville
* College Notre Dame
* [ College Regina Assumpta]
* College Rene Descartes
* College Roger A. Anglade
* College Saint Francois D'asise
* College Saint Martial
* College Saint Pierre
* College Saint Thomas d'Aquin
* [ College Suisse, Jacmel]
* College Univers Frère Raphaël
* Cour Prive Mixte Saint Leonard (Port-au-Prince)
* [ Cours Prives Edme] college le normalien
* Georges Mark
* [ Diocese of Hinche School]
* [ Ecole Pilote Internationale]
* Ecole Saint Rose De Lima de Leogane
* [ Ecole Saint Vincent]
* [ Ecole Sainte Trinite de Musique]
* Ecole Surin Eveillard
* [ Grand Collège L'Humanisme]
* [ Haitian Academy]
* Institut Adventiste Franco-Haitien
* Institution du Sacré - Coeur
* college petit DEMELE plop plop
* Institut Georges Marc
* Institution Chretienne D'Haiti
* Institution de Chez Madamme
* Institution de L'ABC joyeux des Gonaives
* Institution La Source
* Institution Mixte La Precieuse Montessori
* Isidor Boirond
* Saint-Louis de Gonzague
* [ Institution St-Francois Xavier]
* Jar Dins Fleurir
* Kindergarten College de Marie-Andree (KCMA)
* [ Lekol Kominote Matènwa pou Devlopman]
* [ Louverture Cleary (providence Haitian Project)]
* [ Lycee Alexandre Dumas de Port-au-Prince]
* Lycee Anacaona de Leogane
* Lycee Antenor Firmin
* Lycee de Jeunes Filles
* Lycee Du Cent-Cinquantenaire
* Lycee Fito Gracia De Grand-Goave
* Lycee Jean Jacques Dessalines
* [ Lycee Marie Jeanne]
* Lycee Petion
* Lycee Phillipe Guerrier
* Lycee Toussaint Louverture
* Saint Anne
* Lycees Fabres Geffrard des Gonaives
* [ Morning Star Christian Academy]
* New American School
* [ The New Victorian School]
* [ Quisqueya Christian School]
* Saint Francois d'Assise
* Saint Louis de Gonzage
* [ Sainte Rose de Lima]
* [ SOS Cap Haitien Secondary School]
* Transfiguration School of Notre Dame de Lorette in Belle Anse
* [ Union School]

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