Montes Haemus

Montes Haemus
Montes Haemus
Elevation 2.4 km
Listing Lunar mountains
Location the Moon
Coordinates 19°54′N 9°12′E / 19.9°N 9.2°E / 19.9; 9.2

Montes Haemus is a curving range of mountains that forms the southwestern edge of the Mare Serenitatis basin on the Moon. They form a less prominent mirror image of the Montes Apenninus range to the west, and curve up to nearly join at the northern end. The eastern edge terminates with the Promontorium Archerusla, to the northwest of the crater Plinius. This end reaches a gap where the Mare Serenitatis to the north joins the Mare Tranquillitatis to the south.

The selenographic coordinates of this range are 19.9° N, 9.2° E, and the diameter is 560 km. The tallest peaks in this range climb as high as 2.4 km. This range was named by Johannes Hevelius after the old Greek name for the Balkan mountains.

Several rille systems lie along the eastern side of this range. The eastern end of the range forms the western terminus of a rille system designated Rimae Plinius. 100 km farther to the west the craters Menelaus and Auwers are embedded within the range, and to their northeast are the Rimae Menelaus. Where the mountain range curves up to the northwest, the cup-shaped crater Sulpicius Gallus lies nearby on the lunar mare. Just to the northwest of this crater, and paralleling the mountains, are the Rimae Sulpicius Gallus.

Several small "lakes", formed from basaltic lava, lie along the southwest face of the range. From the northwest to the southeast these are Lacus Odii, Lacus Doloris, Lacus Gaudii, and Lacus Hiemalis. The Lacus Lenitatis lies farther to the south.

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