- List of ventriloquists
Ventriloquism is a distinct form of entertainment. The following is a list of ventriloquists and their most well-known characters:
*Patrick James Murray "Matilda and Company www.matildaandpatrick.com
*Edgar Bergen - "Charlie McCarthy ", "Mortimer Snerd", "Effie Klinker"
*Ramdas Padhye - Ventriloquist, Puppeteer and Puppet-Maker from India
*Dr.A.K.Rao - "Johny" and "Twinkle", A quasi professional from India.
*Shari Lewis - "Lamb Chop", "Charlie Horse", "Hush Puppy"
*Jeff Dunham - "Peanut", "Walter", "Jose Jalapeño (on a stick)", "Bubba J", "Sweet Daddy Dee", "Achmed the Dead Terrorist", "Melvin the Super Hero Guy", "The worm at the bottom of a tequilla glass."
*Terry Fator - "Emma", "Ernie", "Walter", "Andy", celebrity impressions
*Justin Ver Burg - "Guido", "Tony"
*Professor Barley Melodrama - "Daizy DooLittle", "Corky The Crocodile","Matilda The Monkey", "Clara The World's Only Singing Hippo", "Emily", "The Sergeant Major", "Pretty Polly Parrot"
*Ray Alan - "Lord Charles", "Tich and Quackers"
*Satyajit Padhye - Gen-Next Ventriloquist and Puppetmaker from India
*Peter Brough - "Archie Andrews"
*Nina Conti - "Monk"
*Shirley Dinsdale
*Jim Barber - "Barber & Seville", "Chico Pete", "Baby"
*Wayne Federman - "Beuford"
*Wayland Flowers - "Madame"
*Terry Hall - "Lenny the Lion"
*T.A. Hamilton
*Keith Harris - "Orville the Duck ", "Cuddles the Monkey "
*Jay Johnson - "Bob", "Darwin", "Arthur Drew"
*Kevin Johnson-"Clyde", "Matilda"
*The Great Lester - "Frank Byron, Jr."
*Ronn Lucas - "Buffalo Billy", "Scorch"
*Sandy Powell
*Prince -Purple Rain
*Carla Rhodes - "Cecil Sinclaire"
*Terri Rogers
*Jez Rose - "Boo" and "Carmen"
*Fred Russell - "Coster Joe"
*Saveen - "Daisy May"
*Ian Saville
*Alan Semok (actor/ventriloquist) - "Eugene" and "Laszlo"
*David Strassman - "Chuck Wood" and "Ted E Bear"
*Max Terhune - "Elmer"
*Willie L. Brown - "Woody"
*Willie Tyler - "Lester"
*Meghan Miller - "Abner Smooch", "Shannon", "Lexi", "Baby"
*Jules Vernon
*Señor Wences - "Johnny", "Pedro"
*Paul Winchell - "Jerry Mahoney", "Knucklehead Smiff"
*Arthur Worsley - "Charlie Brown"
*Paul Zerdin - "Sam"
*Chad Kurtz
*Dan Horn - "Orson"
*Dillon Shelton - "Charlie" , "Grandpa"
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