- List of Mr. Show episodes
This is a list of all 30 episodes of the comedy television series Mr. Show.
Episode guide
Season 1: 1995
The first season began on TV on November 3, 1995. HBO had given the show a budget of 2 episodes which the writers and cast used for 4. The season was released on DVD June 4, 2002 as disc 1 of Mr. Show: The Complete First And Second Seasons. The bonus features on the DVD are: "The Incredible, Fantastical News Report" (best of episode for season 3), 10 original TV spots, "Fuzz" The Musical featuring Ronnie Dobbs, "Before It Was A TV Show...", Bob & David bios, and commentary on all 4 episodes.
Designation Title Airdate Sketches 101 The Cry of a Hungry Baby November 3, 1995 Entitilitus (Cold Open)
Hitler Sings / Guys In Audience (Open)
Hit By Truck
Asshole At Party
Watching VCR (Link)
Change For A Dollar
Ronnie Dobbs
Ronnie Dobbs Movie
Incubation Pants / Show Sponsor (Close)102 What to Think November 10, 1995 Arts Funding (Cold Open)
Tracking Collar (Open)
Old Swerdlow
Books For Seniors
Good News
Jesus & Marshal (The 13th Apostle)
Commercials Of The Future (Globo-Chem)
The Joke: The Musical
Senator Tankerbell (Tag)103 We Regret to Inform You November 17, 1995 Letters (Dear Globo-Chem / Mail Order Bride) (Open)
Kissing Booth
Gay Porn Titles (Link)
Third Wheel
Writer In Audience
Video Complaints
Borden Grote
Soul Singer (Larry Black)
Supermodel Hotline
Film Festival (Close)104 Who Let You In? November 24, 1995 Watching Chase Of The Chaste (Open)
Popemobile Chase / News
Dudes Arguing (Link)
Nil's Guitar Shop
Imminent Death Syndrome
Trial Of The Millennium
Expert Truck
Founding Fathers
History Museum
Watching Murders (Close)Season 2: 1996
The second season began on HBO on November 15, 1996. The season was released on DVD June 4, 2002 as disc 2 of Mr. Show: The Complete First And Second Seasons. The only bonus feature on the DVD is commentary on all 6 episodes.
Designation Title Airdate Sketches 201 Now Who Wants Ice Cream? November 15, 1996 Cabin In Woods (Cold Open)
Sovereign Nation (Open)
Mountain Dougie (Part 1)
Peterson Family News (KPFN)
Miracles (Link)
Thrilling Miracles
Ernie Flies
Mountain Dougie (Part 2)
F.F. Woodycooks
Independent Nations Games
Old Man In House (Tag)202 A Talking Junkie November 22, 1996 David Acts English, Rap (Open)
Talking Junkie
New Son
Red Balloon
Mom & Pop Porn Shop
Ewww Girl Video
Video Soul
Rap! The Musical
Homage Awards
Creepy Peeping Videos (Tag)203 The Biggest Failure in Broadway History November 29, 1996 Beating Hippie (Open)
No Adults Allowed
No Slackers
Ad Awards
Mob Chase (Link)
Drunk Cops
Pet Funeral (Link)
Jeepers Creepers
Hippie Pie (Close)
Hippie Pie (Tag)204 If You're Going to Write a Comedy Scene,
You're Going to Have Some Rat Feces in ThereDecember 6, 1996 Mr. Show Corporation (Open)
Child Labor Writers' Room
Van Hammersly
Gay Son
Major Stockholder Interrupts (Link)
Grass Valley Greg
Big Boss (Link)
Bhopal / Newsreel
New San Francisco
GVG Cleans
Bhopal (Tag)205 Operation Hell on Earth December 13, 1996 Young Superstar (Open)
Old Folks' Home
Hate Group
News Family Anchors
Blame-A-Thon (Link)
Fartin' Gary
Second Wind
Older Superstar (Close)206 The Velveteen Touch of a Dandy Fop December 20, 1996 Charity / Blind Gary (Open)
Donut Shop
Megaphone Crooners
Greenlight Gang (Movie Execs)
Coupon: The Trial
Coupon: The Movie
Credits Testimonials (Close)Season 3: 1997
The third season began on HBO on September 12, 1997. The season was released on DVD August 26, 2003 as a 2 DVD box set. The bonus features on the DVDs are: "Fantastic Newness" (best of episode for season 1), Bob & Dave at the 1997 US Comedy Arts Festival (2 promos and an on stage performance), 8 original TV spots, "Drugachusettes" the instrumental score by Eban Schletter, "Bob And David - Where Are They Now?", and commentary on all 10 episodes.
The designation numbers are in order of production and are taken from the book "Mr. Show: What Happened?!". The episodes were aired out of sequence and appear in order of air date on the DVD release.
Designation Title Airdate Sketches 301 Heaven's Chimney September 12, 1997 Heaven's Chimney (Open)
Heaven Tour
Crazy Religious Beliefs
Watch Us Have Sex
Blatant Sexual Symbolism Montage (Link)
The Devastator
Educational Film Festival (Link)
Medieval Science Film
Hail Satan
Cartoon (Cold Tag)302 Peanut Butter, Eggs, and Dice September 19, 1997 Very Special Episode (Cold Open)
David Comes Out As Bald (Open)
Ratings Man Song / Map (Link)
Santa's Workshop
Tatiana (Hermaphrodite Weathergirl) (Link)
Cock Ring Warehouse
Marriage Announcement
Fuzz: The Musical
Terry Gets An Award / Fly By Awards (Link)
The Dewey Awards
Bob Lamonta
Handing Out Awards (Close)303 Oh, You Men October 3, 1997 Banana / Mayor Of Television (Open)
Entertainment 4 Every 1
People Watching TV / TV Guide (Link)
The Hanged Man
DeLongpre Dannon Show
Sticky Pads
Lie Detector
Television TV (Link)
Time Caplet
Lose The Lost Episode (Close)
Monkey / Outer Space (Cold Tag)304 Flat-Top Tony and the Purple Canoes October 10, 1997 Mr. Show Morning Graphic (Cold Open)
Womyn's Solidarity Collective (Open)
Black & White Film (Hard Day's Night)
VTV (Smoosh, Norma Jean Monster)
Break Thru Weekend
Young People & Companions
Newscast Bloopers (Link)
Fashion Forecast
Fashion Documentary
Constant Chum High (Link)
Indomitable Spirit
Apocalypse Drill
Smoosh On Moon (Cold Tag)305 Please Don't Kill Me October 24, 1997 Swearing Jar (Open)
TV Ministry (Link)
Swearing Preacher
Rolling In It / Ferrari Poster (Link)
Victor & Dylan
Fad Three
Hunger Strike
Mayostard / Mustardayonnaise
Evil Genius Telethon
Mustmayostardayonnaise (Cold Tag)306 Goin' on a Holiday October 31, 1997 Elderly (Open)
Age War
Bills, Bills, Bills! (Link)
Our Secret Love
Marriage Photo (Link)
Photo Shop
Blowing Up The Moon
Don Pratt
SMC / Streakers
Streak Dome '97
Elderly Taking Over (Link)
Goin' On A Holiday307 Bush is a Pussy November 7, 1997 Kedzie Backstage (Cold Open)
Kedzie Takes Over (Open)
Worthington's Law (Link)
Value Magazine
Ranking Monkey (Link)
Siamese Twins
Bad News Breakers
Mafia Mathematicians
24 Is The Highest Number / Marching Band (Link)
Mediocrity (Close)
Dr. Katz (Cold Tag)308 It's a No-Brainer November 14, 1997 Li'l Devil Knee Socks (Cold Open)
Protesters (Open)
On The Spot News
Lineup Room / VTV (Link)
Culture Hunt
Frankly Anne
Europe Maps (Link)
Jack Webber
Calendar (Link)
Dream Of A Lifetime
Massage Cream Commercial
Anders' Press Conference / Sloppy (Close)
Fishing (Cold Tag)309 A White Man Set Them Free November 28, 1997 Viewer Hate Mail / Cracker Barrel (Open)
Bob And David Go To Mail Box
Marriage-Con And Boat Show
Map (Link)
Humanimal / Ice Cream Flavors (Link)
The Last Indian
Vietnam Helicopter (Link)
Army Scene
Night Talk With The Senate Subcommittee
All-Star Salute To The Last Indian
Last Indian (Cold Tag)310 The Return of the Curse of the Creature's Ghost December 5, 1997 Moe Phelps (Open)
Gus Kryzinski, Night Janitor
Local World News
Blowjobs (Link)
Music Video (Link)
Pre-Taped Call-In Show
The Return Of The Curse Of The Creature's Ghost
Chip On Your Shoulder Club
Up Your Mother's Ass
Moe Phelps' Play (Close)Season 4: 1998
The fourth season began on HBO on October 26, 1998. The season was released on DVD September 21, 2004 as a 2 DVD box set. The bonus features on the DVDs are: "Mr. Show Jukebox" (24 songs from the show), blooper reel (1st, 2nd and 3rd season), "The Naked Improv" 1998 Comic Relief Appearance, "The Grand Reunion" Featurette By Bob Odenkirk And David Cross, and commentary on all 10 episodes.
The designation numbers are in order of production and are taken from the book "Mr. Show: What Happened?!". The episodes were aired out of sequence and appear in order of air date on the DVD release.
Designation Title Airdate Sketches 401 Life is Precious and God and the Bible October 26, 1998 Medical Marijuana (Open)
Electric Underwear (Link)
Law School
Apple Butter (Link)
Cloning Hitler
Final Thought (Link)
Scams & Flams
Weather (Close)402 Show Me Your Weenis! November 2, 1998 Rat Pack (Open)
Mr. Show Boys' Club
Stealing News
Toenapper News Intro (Link)
Underground Tapes
Wyckyd Sceptre
Butt Plugs (Link)
Menocu Blind House
Racist In The Year 3000
Benny Hill (Close)403 Rudy Will Await Your Foundation November 9, 1998 Blooper (Open)
Superstar Machine
Phone Sex
Dude's Dude (Link)
Dad & You
Prenatal Pageant
The Burgundy Loaf
Frenchie Delivers (Close)404 The Story of Everest November 16, 1998 Lethal Logo (Cold Open)
Sweetie Pie (Open)
Family Of Five (Link)
Clumsy Waiter
Food Ads (Fairsley Foods)
Bumbling Fool (Close)
Sweetie Pie (Cold Tag)405 It's Perfectly Understandishable November 23, 1998 Rehearsal (Open)
Those Amazing Actors
Blind Girl
Emergency Psychic Hotline
Dalai Lama
Monk Academy
Chimp (Close)406 It's Insane, This Guy's Taint November 30, 1998 Dead Crew Guy (Cold Open)
Blind Date (Link)
Ka-Ching (Link)
Stop, Change Thieves
Men's Club Of Allah (Link)
Be Kind, Rewind
The Windbreaker
Dream Weaver (Close)407 Eat Rotten Fruit from a Shitty Tree December 7, 1998 Water Cooler (Open)
Marty Farty
Date With Queen
Spite Marriage
Heaven's Gate (Link)
God's Book-On-Tape
Monster Mash
Coffee Hunt (Close)408 Like Chickens...Delicious Chickens December 14, 1998 Reparations (Open)
Mississippi Fun Bucks
Bugged Drug Deal
America's Dumbest Juries (Link)
Rich Guy Negative Ads
The Great Hemingway
Most Trusted News Team
Fat Survivor
2000 lb. Old Man (Link)
Civil War Reenactments
Pledge Drive (Close)409 Sad Songs Are Nature's Onions December 21, 1998 Ratings Child (Open)
Music Offer
Inside The Actor
Lost Inside The Actor
Earth Shoes
Dying Planet (Link)
Teardrop Awards
Shrunken Mr. Show (Close)410 Patriotism, Pepper, and Professionalism December 28, 1998 Resort (Cold Open)
Exec (Open)
Money Warning
Warnings (Link)
Weeklong Romance
Godyssey (Link)
Marilyn Monster Pizza Parlours
Info Jimmy
Tombstone / Vendetta (Link)
Info Jimmy (Close)The Best of Mr. Show specials
Title Airdate Sketches Fantastic Newness October 1, 1996 Change For A Dollar (#101)
Old Swerdlow (#102)
Books For Seniors (#102)
Good News (#102)
Commercials Of The Future (#102)
Skrewballz (#103)
Season 2 PreviewThe Incredible, Fantastical News Report October 1, 1998 Blowing Up The Moon (#307)
Lie Detector (#304)
Cock Ring Warehouse (#303)
Druggachusettes (#304)
Titannica (#309)
Season 4 PreviewMr. Show Hosts Categories:- Lists of comedy television series episodes
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