List of Conservative Roundtable episodes

List of Conservative Roundtable episodes

List of Conservative Roundtable episodes:


*1 February Dave Sullivan/Grover Norquist
*2 February Grover Norquist/Dave Sullivan
*3 March John Lofton/Larry Uzell
*4 March Larry Uzell/Michael Johns
*5 March Michael Johns/John Lofton
*6 April Jennifer White/Mark Siljander
*7 April Dave Ridenour/Tom Birch
*8 April Arvydas Barzdukas/Dave Ridenour


*9 February Cal Thomas/George Tryfiates
*10 February Larry Pratt/George Tryfiates
*11 March Ron Robinson/Sam Dickens
*12 March Dan Graham/Sam Dickens
*13 May Mark Weaver/Doug Bandow
*14 May Mark Weaver: U.S. Taxpayers Alliance
*15 December Jardo Muekalea/Capt. Russell Evans
*16 December Jack Wheeler: Somalia, China
*17 December Jack Wheeler/Russell Evans


*18 February William Middendorf/Scott Hodge
*19 February Gen. Milnor Roberts/Gen. Al Knight
*20 February Sam Francis: The New World Order
*21 February Charles Orndorff: D.C. Statehood
*22 March Frank Gaffney: SDI, Cuba
*23 March Sven Kraemer: Nukes in the Former Soviet Union
*24 April Jock Nash: NAFTA & Trade
*25 April Chuck Cunningham: Gun Control
*26 April Alan Dye: Federal Campaign Laws
*27 April Floyd Brown: Willie Horton, Clinton scandals
*28 June Lew Tambs: Drugs & NAFTA
*29 June Gen John K. Singlaub: Jimmy Carter Defense Policies
*30 June Joe Douglass: China, Cuba & Drugs
*31 June Ben Hart: The Christian Coalition
*32 June Delegate Bob Marshall: Virginia Legislative Strategies
*33 June Jim Guirard: Political Use of Language
*34 July Mike Farris: Education, Home Schooling
*35 July Robert Knight: Exposing the Homosexual Agenda
*36 July Terence Jeffrey: Pat Buchanan, Etc.
*37 August Georgie Anne Geyer: Fidel Castro, Cuba
*38 August Richard Norman: Direct mail fundraising
*39 September Tricia Katson: NAFTA
*40 September Dr. Paul Cameron: Homosexuality
*41 September Judie Brown: Protecting the right to life
*42 September Dr. James Lucier: James Monroe and the Constitution
*43 October Herb Titus: God, Constitution, & Government
*44 October Fred Schwarz: History of the fight against Communism
*45 October Susan Hirchmann: NEA, Hyde Amendment
*46 October Peter Hammond: South Africa & the A.N.C.
*47 November Joseph Sobran:
*48 November Dr. Edwin Vieira: Constitutional Money
*49 November John Gizzi: Political forecasting
*50 November William Olson: Threats to free speech
*51 December David Denholm: Hatch Act, union power
*52 December Peter Ferrara: Socialized medicine
*53 December Brian Crozier: Author, "The Unseen War"
*54 December Grover Norquist: Taxes, Socialized medicine
*55 December F. Andy Messing: Foreign policy


*56 January Jerry & Deborah Strober: Their book about JFK
*57 January Richard Vigurie: Founding of the New Right
*58 January Greg Mueller: Conservative use of the media
*59 February Dr. Ron Godwin: Washington Times, Whitewater
*60 February Lee Edwards: The Life of Conservative Leader Dr. Walter Judd
*61 March Gen. Dan Graham: SDI Missile Shield, Defense Policy
*62 March Darrell Smith: Indian Policy
*63 March Jardo Mukalea: Angola, UNITA
*64 April Dave Bossie: WhitewaterGate
*65 April Dave Mason: Congressional Reform
*66 April Gen. Robert Richardson: Space, Defense
*67 April Pat Trueman: (AFA) Child Pornography
*68 May F. Andy Messing: Africa & Mid East
*69 May Malik Chaka: The UNITA Freedom Fighters & Angola
*70 June Jonathan Landrum: Ballot Access
*71 June Peter LaBarbara: The "Lambda Report" on the Homosexual Agenda
*72 July Jim Woodall: CWA. Family Issues
*73 July William Gill: Problems with Free Trade
*74 July Sandra Crosnoe:Waco Massacre & Texas Elections
*75 July David Keene: Discussion of 1994 & 1996 Campaigns
*76 August Rep. Bob Dornan:Whitewater, Right-to-life
*77 August Rep. Bob Dornan: B-2 Battle, Culture & homosexual agenda
*78 August Chris Manion: Stopping socialized medicine, etc.
*79 August John Snyder: Defending the 2nd. Amendment
*80 September Bruce Eberle: Fundraising for conservatives
*81 September Dan Peterson: How we defeated socialized medicine
*82 October Richard Dykema: (Assistant to Rep. Rohrabacher)
*83 October Sen. Steve Symms: Property rights vs. government
*84 October Bay Buchanan: GATT, taxes, 1996 elections
*85 October Dr. Tim Lahaye: Christian Values
*86 November Otto Scott: Government criminalizes the innocent, not the guilty
*87 November Otto Scott: Restoring Constitutional Government
*88 November Terry Scanlon: How the left wing gets corporate funding
*89 November Doug Phillips: Home schooling and the U.N. child treaty


*90 February Joan Veon: Beware the U.N. Global income tax
*91 February Dr. Paul Cameron: A pro-family tax proposal
*92 February Bill Spadea: College GOP loyal to conservative principles
*93 April Peter Flaherty: GOP politicians who betray conservatives
*94 April Michael Schwartz: Pro Life advocacy
*95 April Michelle Easton: Goals 2000 is major threat to education
*96 June Maureen Gawler: Defund the Legal Services Corp
*97 June Neal Hogan: Exposing dangers of Legal Services Corp
*98 June Michael Waller: Russia still a threat to U.S and freedom
*99 July Bob Sweet: How government destroys education
*100 July Nellie Gray: Organizing the March for Life
*101 July Ken Boehm: Need to abolish Legal Services Corp
*102 August Barbara Ledeen: Exposing feminism & the U.N. Women's Confernece
*103 August Alfred Regnery: Publishing conservative books
*104 August Ben Partin: Did government plan Oklahoma City bombing?
*105 September Pat McSweeney: Importance of principle in government (Former Va. GOP Chairman)
*106 September Scott Stanley: A new Clinton scandal emerges
*107 September Rob Ross: Ending illegal immigration in Florida
*108 October Dr. Judith Reisman: Exposing "Kinsey Report" as criminal
*109 October John Clark: Why immigration controls are needed
*110 October Dr. Curtis Caine: Benefits of Medical Savings Accounts
*111 October Mark Mix: The need for a national right-to-work law
*112 October James Martin: AARP betrays senior citizens with taxpayer $
*113 October David Sullivan: Michael New, U.N. military power
*114 November Cliff Kincaid: United Nations
*115 November Mike Hammond: GOP betrays conservatives
*116 November Laura Genero: United Nations
*117 December Chris Ruddy: Vincent Foster & other Whitewater deaths
*118 December John O'Leary: Reducing government
*119 December Pat Korten: Handling the media during the Reagan years


*120 March Jamie Dettmer: Conservative investigative journalism
*121 March Gerald Seals: How to effectively cut local government
*122 March William J. Murray: Putting prayer back in schools
*123 March Bosco Matamores: Cuba and Central America update
*124 April Paul Rodriguez: Congressional Ethics
*125 April Edward Ellison: Interview with a Constitutional scholar--Part 1
*126 April Edward Ellison: Interview with a Constitutional scholar--Part 2
*127 June Dr. Raymond Damadian: The Inventor of the MRI Medical Scanner -- U.S. Patent system under attack
*128 June Balint Vazsonyi: The principles of freedom
*129 June Dr. Joseph Douglass: U.S. P.O.W.s still held in Russia
*131 November Joe Sobran: Commentary on the Constitution
*132 November Larry Pratt: GOP surrenders to Clinton on 2nd Amendment
*133 November Jack Clayton: Ratifying the Constitution
*134 November Mike Hammond: GOP Leadership betrayed conservatives


*135 January Peg Luksik: Fighting destructive public school policies
*136 January Gen. Albion Knight: The threat from Russia continues
*137 January Herb Titus: Abortion and the Constitution
*138 January Cliff Kincaid: The U.N. threat to U.S. liberty & independence
*139 February Maj. Gen. John Singlaub, Ret: Update on Nicaragua & Taiwan
*140 February Ken Boehm: Why the Legal Services Corp. must be abolished
*141 February William Lind: "The Next Revolution"--populism vs. the establishment
*142 March Peter LaBarbera: Exposing the homosexual agenda
*143 March John Rishel: How the U.N. is seeking influence over U.S. lands
*144 March Dick Dingman: National Empowerment Television
*145 April Alan Dye: Tax laws and political activity
*146 April Gina Marie Hatheway: U.S. interests threatened at Panama Canal
*147 April Helen Blackwell: Election fraud in Louisiana!
*148 April J. Michael Waller: Red China targets U.S.A
*149 May Rep. Ron Paul: (R, Tx.) A Constitutionalist in Congress
*150 May Sam Francis: Who is protecting America's interests?
*151 May Tom Piatak: Pat Buchanan's trade policy
*152 May Mouloud Said: Self-determination in Western Sahara
*153 June Reed Larson: Fighting for the right to work
*154 June Ron Stephens: Protecting the U.S. Patent system
*155 June Paul Weyrich: Political News Talk Television
*156 June Cliff Kincaid: U.N. "reforms" are a sham
*157 July Delegate Bob Marshall: Making a difference in state legislatures
*158 July Ralph Hallow: Preview of Year 2000 presidential campaign
*159 July Chris Ruddy: Who killed Vincent Foster?
*160 July Chris Ruddy: How the liberal media protects Clinton & how to fight back
*161 August Larry Klayman: "ChinaGate" & Who killed Ron Brown? Transcript
*162 August Larry Klayman: Treason, bribery, drugs, high crimes & misdemeanors Transcript
*163 August Jock Nash: NAFTA and WTO
*164 September Terry Jeffrey: Building a conservative governing coalition
*165 September Duncan Sellars: U.S. helps Communists consolidate power in Angola
*166 September Stephen Moore: Real tax and budget reforms needed
*167 September Gordon Jones: Government takeover of medical care
*168 November Gary Aldrich: "The continuing criminal enterprise" in the White House
*169 November Chris Ruddy: "The strange death of Vincent Foster"
*170 November Luis Merizalde: "Tour d'horizon"
*171 November Beverly Selby: Assault on the U.S. Patent system
*172 December Pat Morse: America's security betrayed
*173 December Grant Madsen:
*174 December Jared Taylor: Editor, American Renaissance Magazine
*175 December Tom Deweese: The dangerous fraud of "global warming"


*176 May Michael Boos: Dangers of the U.N. International Criminal Court
*177 May Jeff Bell: Prospective Presidential candidates in 2000
*178 May Thomas Moore: Why we don't have a missile defense
*179 May Ron Robinson: Who bought Ronald Reagan=s California Ranch & Why?
*180 June Lee Edwards: Building the Victims of Communism Memorial
*181 June Dr. James Johnson: Succeeding against the odds!
*182 June Jim Ellis: Big government vs. smokers
*183 June Armstrong Williams: A crusader for freedom
*184 June Angel Joy Rocker: School choice is a civil rights issue
*185 June Sallie Baldwin: Creating the Southern Military Institute
*186 June Dr. Thomas Droleskey: U.S. Senate candidate in New York
*187 June Matthew Chancey: Christian Boys' & Men's Titanic Society
*188 July Larry Pratt: Protecting the Second Amendment
*189 July Jacob Hornberger: Constitutional government and Libertarian Party
*190 July Paul Brown: Pro-life issues
*191 July James Humes: The secrets of great orators
*192 August Richard Viguerie: Behind the scenes in the conservative movement
*193 August Pat Mooney: Intolerance on college campuses, Pro-Life politics
*194 August Dr. S. Fred Singer: The myth of "Global Warming"
*195 September Steve Myers: A review of British politics
*196 September John Lofton: Outrageous Federal grants
*197 September Brad Phillips: Independent candidate for U.S. Congress
*198 September Patrick Knowlton & John Clarke: Vincent Foster=s strange death
*199 October Bill Olson: Federal election laws
*200 October David Tyson: Political trends
*201 October Richard DelGaudio: Red Chinese influence in Panama
*202 October Chris Ruddy & Betsy Gibson: Intimidation of anti-Clinton witnesses
*203 November Suzanne Scholte: Struggle for freedom in the Western Sahara
*204 November Daniel New: Michael New vs. the New World Order
*205 November Lt. Gen. Gordon Sumner, Jr. (Ret): Panama Update


*206 February John Snyder: Gun Restrictions Review
*207 February Mark Levin: Post-Impeachment Analysis
*208 February Terry Scanlon: How Companies Bankroll Left-Wing Groups
*209 February Brad Phillips: Religious War in Sudan
*210 April William Olson: Abuse of Executive Orders
*211 April Hon. Helen Bentley: (U.S. Congress, ret) Serbia and NATO=s war
*212 April Joe Becker: Assistant to U.S. Rep. Ron Paul
*213 April Michael Hambrick: The Hambrick Radio Show
*214 May Alan Keyes: "America's Wake Up Call"
*215 May Bill Triplett: Co-author, "Year of the Rat" Book concerning Red China
*216 May Senator Bob Smith: Principle over politics in the U.S. Senate
*217 May David Frankie: Y2K
*218 June Tom Fitton: Continuing Investigation into Clinton Scandals
*219 June Gov. Evan Mecham: (R-AZ)
*220 June Al Santoli: Panama Canal and Red China
*221 November Ed Vieira: The History of Constitutional Money
*222 November Ed Timperlake: Co-Author of "Red Dragon Rising"
*223 November Charlie Zahm: American Folk Singer -- he sings on the program
*224 November U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: The Reagan Presidency, Panama Canal


*225 January Dr. Norman Bailey: Developments in Latin America and Croatia
*226 January Constantine Menges: International Affairs Update
*227 March George Archibald: Political News Reporting
*228 March Walt Olson: Campaign Fundraising Laws
*229 March Jim Lucier: United Nations Update
*230 March Chris Farrell: Judicial Watch - Panama Canal Update
*231 April Morton Blackwell: Educating Young Conservatives
*232 April Stephen Moore: Taxes & Spending in Congress
*234 July Lou Wein: Constitution Party Candidate for Senate in New York
*235 July Don Kroah: Host, "The Don Kroah" Show
*236 July Michael Peroutka: Host, "Institute on the Constitution" Radio Show
*237 July Mark Dankoff: Constitution Party Candidate for Senate in Delaware
*238 December Jim Clymer: Pennsylvania Politics & Constitution Party
*239 December Bill Gertz: Author, "The China Threat"
*240 December Dr. Jay Cochran: Author, "Midnight Regulations"
*241 December Dan Flynn: Fighting Political Correctness on Campus


*242 January Herbert Romerstein: Author, "The Venona Secrets" (Soviet Union)
*243 January Alan Brownfield: Propaganda, Politics & Affirmative Action
*244 January Samuel Wright: Florida Military Balloting Review
*245 January Steve Baldwin: California Political Profile
*246 March Amb. Henry Cooper: Missile Defense (Host: Jay Parker)
*247 March Richard Viguerie: Conservative Voice on the Web (Host: Jay Parker)
*248 March Gen. Gordon Sumner: Foreign Policy--the First Line of Defense
*249 March Michael Waller: Missile Defense & Global Security
*250 April Eugene DelGaudio: Guerilla Theater & the Culture War
*251 April Terry Jeffrey: China and Asian Policy
*252 April Ken DeGraffenreid: Security & Intelligence
*253 April Jo Thoburn: John Thoburn and Property Rights
*254 May Natalie Grant: Soviet & Russian Disinformation
*255 May Dennis Fusaro: Don=t Compromise on the 2nd Amendment
*256 May Jock Nash: U.S. Sovereignty vs. Free Trade
*257 May Mark Montini: Grassroots Campaigning for Conservatives
*258 June Bay Buchanan: Populist Support for 3rd Parties
*259 June Amb. Henry Cooper: Missile Defense--a Shield in Space
*260 June John Thoburn: One Man=s Stand for Property Rights
*261 July Steven Mosher: China--Storm Clouds in Asia
*262 July Peter LaBarbara: Homosexuals and Political Correctness
*263 July Charles Jarvis: The Fraud of Social Security
*264 July Dr. Richard Lessner: Winds of American Renewal
*265 August Dr. Neil C. Livingston: Security after 9/11
*266 August Joan Veon: Global Taxes and the UN
*267 August Cal Zastrow: Enthusiastic Missionary & the Constitution Party
*268 August Peter Metrahi: A Conservative from Iran
*269 October Rebecca Hagelin:
*270 October Dr. Joe Douglass: Unconventional Warfare
*271 October Peter Ferrara: Freedom in Retirement & Health Care
*272 October Ken Timmerman: Exposing Jesse Jackson=s Corrupt Tactics
*273 November William Lind: Tolerance, Multi-culturism & War
*274 November Kent Snyder: Defending the Constitution in Congress
*275 November Genevieve Wood: Communicating the Conservative Message on TV
*276 December Rep. Bob Dornan: Passion, Purpose & Patriotism in Congress
*277 December Rep. Bob Livingston: National Defense Priorities
*278 December Peter Flaherty: Unions, Charities & Corporations Funding the Left


*279 January Erik Licht: Building Conservative Coalitions
*280 January Marc Morano: 9/11 Funds Diverted to Left Wing Groups
*281 January Stephen Moore: Taxation and Economic Growth
*282 February Bob Dornan: Save the B-1 Bomber
*283 February Jardo Muekalia: A Tribute to Dr. Jonas Savimbi
*284 February Tom Bethell: Liberty and Property Rights
*285 February Steven David: Report from India
*286 March Brad Phillips: Sudan and Angola
*287 March Cliff Kincaid: United Nations
*288 March Cliff Kincaid:
*289 March Prof. Daniel Dreisbach: The First Amendment and Religion
*290 April Prof. Leonard P. Liggio: The Political Power of Oil
*291 April John Carbaugh: Key Senate Races in 2002
*292 April Thomas DiLorenzo: Author "The Real Lincoln"
*293 April Dr. Christopher Manion: Principle & Honor vs. Compromise
*294 May David Martin: Rule of Law for Law Enforcement
*295 May Kimberly Bellissimo: Political Communicdations & Fundraising
*296 May Thomas Jipping: Judicial Appointments & Political Agendas
*297 May Dr. Constantine Menges: Communist Geopolitial Strategy
*298 June William Gill: Free Trade: a Primrose Path
*299 June Tres Kerns: The Culture Wars in Maryland
*300 June Dr. Edwin Vieira: Constitutional Money
*301 June William Murray: Political Pandering in the GOP
*302 July Reed Irvine: Media Credibility and Accountability
*303 July David Pyne: President Bush's Defense Policy
*304 July Maj. Andy Messing (Ret.): The Threat from Saddam Hussein
*305 July Pastor Paul Michael Ramond: The Believer's Place in Politics
*306 August Frank Creel: Congressional Candidate in Virginia
*307 August Rebecca Mercuri: Preventing Electronic Vote Fraud
*308 August Oleg Kalugin: Former Top KGB Agent Speaks
*309 August Dan Flynn: Confronting the Left on Campus
*310 August Doug Tietz: Young Americans for Freedom is Growing
*311 September Dr. Jim Lucier, Jr.: The Writings of James Monroe
*312 September Marc Morano: The U.N. Earth Summit was Anti-Civilization
*313 September Stephen Peroutka: Importance of Teaching the Constitution
*314 September Dr. Joseph Douglass: Author, "Betrayed", about U.S. abandonment of POWs
*315 October William Hawkins: International Economics and National Security
*316 October Scott Stanley: The Early Days of the Conservative Movement
*317 October Peter Thomas: A look at Bureaucracy out of Control
*318 November Brad Phillips: Persecution of Christians in Sudan
*319 November Dr. Janice Crouse: (CEDAW) U.N. Women's Treaty
*320 November John Gizzi: Election 2002 Report
*321 December Erin Adaire Anderson: Illegal Immigration via Mexico
*322 December Dennis Frye: Co-Producer of the upcoming Civil War movie, "Gods and Generals"
*323 December Mac Ross:


*324 March George Landrith: Federal land grabs in the West -- CRT
*325 March Norma McCorvey: "Roe No More" -- FTT
*326 March David Franke: The Impact of Newsletters -- CRT
*327 March Norma McCorvey & Alan Parker: Re-opening Roe vs. Wade -- FTT
*328 April Jim Sedlak: Speaking up for the Right to Life -- FTT
*329 April Sara McKalips: Rock for Life -- FTT
*330 April Michael Schwartz: A Negotiator for Life in Congress -- FTT
*331 April Joe Scheidler: Winning the Supreme Court RICO Case -- FTT
*332 May David Mason: Federal Campaign Laws -- CRT
*333 May Matt Chancey: Parents Rights and Home Schooling -- CRT
*334 May Marji Ross: Publishing Conservative Books -- CRT
*335 May Joe Starrs: -- FTT
*336 June Delegate Bob Marshall: -- CRT
*337 June Don Kroah: -- FTT
*338 June David Almasi: -- CRT
*339 June Nellie Gray: The March for Life -- FTT
*340 July Dr. Larry Wortzel: -- CRT
*342 July Michael McCormick: The Family, Foundation for Life -- FTT
*343 July Tom Lizardo: Dangers of the "Continuity of Government" Proposal -- CRT
*344 August Patricia Coll: The Right to Life Battle in Congress -- FTT
*345 September Paul Michael Raymond: Theonomic Research Progress Report -- CRT
*347 September William Beach: The Fraud of Social Security -- CRT
*349 September Thorne Auchter: Running OSHA under Reagan - CRT
*351 September Barb Lindsay: Reforming U.S. Indian Policies - CRT
*346 October Rep. Roscoe Bartlett: (R-MD) Defending Life in Congress -- FTT
*348 October Wendy Wright: The RU-486 Outrage -- FTT
*352 October Joseph Giganti: Judicial Appointments for Life -- FTT
*October George MaAlouf: -- FTT


*350 February Rep. Patrick Toomey: (R-PA) Principle, Power and Government -- FTT
*354 February Wendy Wright: Post Abortion & Forgiveness -- FTT
*356 February Bill Sammon: Author "Fighting Back" -- FTT
*357 February Day Gardner: Black Americans for Life -- FTT
*353 March D.J. McGuire: Author, "Dragon in the Dark" -- CRT
*355 March Edwin Vieira: Judicial Usurpation and Tyranny -- CRT
*358 April Joe Starrs: Double Standards in Church and Government -- FTT
*360 April Joe Giganti: "Fetus, Latin for Little Child" -- FTT
*362 April Martyn Babitz: Why the Constitution Does Matter -- FTT
*364 April Stephanie Gray: International Right to Life Issues -- FTT
*359 May Tres Kerns: Property Rights -- CRT
*361 May George Farah: Open the Presidential Debates -- CRT
*363 May Mark Mix: Union Agendas and Politics -- CRT
*365 May Alex Mooney: A Conservative State Senator in Maryland -- CRT
*366 June Rep. Ron Paul: "A Republic, If You Can Keep It" -- FTT
*374 June Va. Senator Ken Cuccinelli: -- FTT
*378 June Thomas Cronquist: Advertising the Pro-Life Message -- FTT
*382 June Dr. Paul Schenck: The Papers of Justice Blackmun -- FTT
*367 July Bill Spadea: 2004 GOP Nominee, U.S. Congress (NJ-12) -- CRT
*369 July Katherine DeBrecht: Author, "Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed!"-- CRT
*373 July Lynn Gibson: Director, Young Leaders Program, Heritage Foundation -- CRT
*375 July Brig. Gen. T.C. Pickney (USAF, Ret.) Editor, The Baptist Banner -- CRT
*376 August Joe Sobran: "Life, the First Inalienable Right" -- FTT
*371 September Jim Clymer: Constitution Party Nominee, US Senate (PA) -- CRT
*377 September Jim Clymer: National Chairman, Constitution Party -- CRT
*381 November Clovis Kabongo Malembo: Candidate for President, D.R. Congo -- CRT
*387 November Kent Snyder: Forced "mental health" testing -- CRT
*388 November Matt Chancey: Campaign Manager, Justice Tom Parker -- CRT
*389 November Steve Camarota, PhD: Research Director, Center for Immigration Studies -- CRT
*380 December Nellie Gray: Organizing the March for Life -- FTT
*384 December Rita Marker, J.D.: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide -- FTT
*386 December Wesley Smith: Author, Expert on Fetal and Adult Stem Cells -- FTT


*379 Jock Nash: Trade Policy -- CRT
*385 Steve Solarz: Indian and Chinese Policy -- CRT
*383 Tom Moore: Defense Policy, Women in the Military -- CRT
*396 Chuck Cunningham: Second Amendment Legislative Update -- CRT
*393 John Quirk: Communist Influence in Central America (Shot in Panama) -- CRT
*395 Ed Hall: Safeguarding World Shipping (Shot in Panama) -- CRT
*390 Hon. Frank Gaffney: Law of the Sea Treaty -- CRT
*391 Col. Jim Scheideman: Candidate, Virginia House of Delegates -- CRT
*392 Adam Redmon & Katie Dardis: Walking Across America for Life, Part 1 -- FTT
*394 Martha Nolan & Sean Murphy: Walking Across America for Life, Part 2 -- FTT
*397 Cory Burnell, President, -- CRT
*398 Jerry Taylor: Global Warming Report -- CRT
*399 Tom Bethell, Senior Editor, The American Spectator -- CRT


*403 Bahman Batmanghelidj: Promoting Democracy in Iran
*404 Rebecca Hagelin: Author, “Home Invasion”
*405 Jon Utley: Visiting Soviet-era Concentration Camps
*406 Alan Keyes: Stop Illegal Immigration
*407 Rev. Rob Schenck: The Ten Commandments in Washington, DC
*408 Ambassador Curt Winsor: Latin America, Russia
*409 Rep. Steve King: Stop Bilingual Ballots
*410 Robert Rector: Kennedy-Bush Immigration Bill
*411 Ronald Kessler: Chief Washington Correspondent,
*412 Jerome Corsi: Interview with a Best Selling Author
*413 Jerome Corsi: The Dangers of the North American Union
*414 Charles Orndorff: DC Voting Representation is Unconstitutional
*415 R. Cort Kirkwood: Author, “Real Men”
*416 J. A. Parker: “How to Succeed in Life”


*417 Walter Olson #1 Campaign finance laws
*418 Walter Olson #2 Campaign finance laws, continued
*419 Luis Merizalde: Central and South America
*420 Ron Maxwell: Director, “Gettysburg” and “Gods and Generals”
*421 Dick Dingman “Assault on the First Amendment”

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