- Symphyandra
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Symhyandra hofmannii"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Asterales
familia =Campanulaceae
genus = "Symphyandra" A.DC.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text."Symphyandra" is a genus of 10-12 species of
flowering plant s in the familyCampanulaceae , mainly native to the eastern part of theMediterranean region inAsia Minor , theBalkans , andCrete , but with one species in easternAsia inKorea . The genus is closely related to "Campanula ", but has connateanthers (fused or joined in the same whorl), while "Campanula" species have separated anthers. They are mostly biennial (monocarpic ) to short lived perennials. They have fleshyroot s, with the leaves in a basal rosette, and alternately up the flowering stems. The basal leaves are commonly heart-shaped with toothed margins and covered with short hairs and have long petioles. Theflower s are produced in racemes, corymbs orpanicles , flowering throughout the summer; they are nodding, tubular bell shaped, coloured white or blue.;Species:
* "Symphyandra armena"
* "Symphyandra asiatica"
* "Symphyandra cretica"
* "Symphyandra daralaghezica"
* "Symphyandra finitima"
* "Symphyandra hofmannii"
* "Symphyandra lazica"
* "Symphyandra lezgina"
* "Symphyandra odontosepala"
* "Symphyandra ossetica"
* "Symphyandra pendula "
* "Symphyandra repens"
* "Symphyandra transcaucasica"
* "Symphyandra wanneri"
* "Symphyandra zangezura"(some of these names are
synonym s orhomonym s)
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