

Limnor is a generic codeless and visual programming system. The aim is to enable users to create computer software without directly coding in a programming language. It can be extended by software developers.



Limnor is based on property-method-event programming components called "Performers". Available Performers define the programming capability. Performers shield developers from complex programming tasks which are needed to realize the functionality each Performer provides, boost programming productivity and give non-computer-professionals the power of computer programming. Like C code may use “in line Assembly code”, Limnor has a UserFunctions performer for using VB and C# code and a DLLCaller performer for using DLL libraries which can be made in any capable language.


Limnor supports fundamental programming capabilities such as:

* Loops
* Recursive execution
* Branching (conditional execution)
* Logical, binary, string and array functions
* Macros and Automation

In addition, the language provides:

* Standard graphical user interface elements
* Built-in multilanguage support
* Methods to call DLLs
* Facilities to use Visual Basic and C# code, use ActiveX controls, and .NET classes all directly and in a codeless manner.
* Integration of video and audio elements
* Database connections via OLE or ODBC.
* The ability to embed Microsoft Office objects such as spreadsheets into applications.
* The ability to extend functionality by user developed "Performers" using Limnor's SDK or user made DLLs

External links

* [ Limnor home page]
* [ Sample Limnor Applications]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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