

Nunatsiavummiutut, also known as Labradorimiutut, and called Inuttut by its speakers, is a dialect of the Inuit language. It was once spoken across northern Labrador by Inuit people, whose traditional lands have now been consolidated as "Nunatsiavut".

The language has a distinct writing system, created by German missionaries from the Moravian Church in Greenland in the 1760s. This separate writing tradition, and the remoteness of Nunatsiavut from other Inuit communities, has made it into a distinct dialect with a separate literary tradition.

Although Nunatsiavut claims over 4,000 inhabitants of Inuit descent, only 550 reported any Inuit language to be their mother tongue in the 2001 census, mostly in the town of Nain. Nunatsiavummiutut is seriously endangered.

Further reading

* Smith, L. R., and Sam Metcalfe. "Labrador Inuttut-English Glossary". [St. John's] : Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1970.

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