Australian Special Air Service Regiment

Australian Special Air Service Regiment

Infobox Military Unit
unit_name=Special Air Service Regiment

caption=Cap badge of the Special Air Service Regiment
dates=20 August 1964 - Present
type=Special Forces
command_structure=Royal Australian Infantry Corps
role=Counter-Terrorism/Strategic Reconnaissance
size= One regiment
garrison= Swanbourne, Western Australia
ceremonial_chief_label=Colonel in Chief
nickname=Chicken stranglers [ [ ABC Radio National - Background Briefing: 9 March 2003 - SAS: Combat Fatigue ] ]
motto="Who Dares Wins"
identification_symbol_label=Unit Color Patch
march=Quick - "The Happy Wanderer" Slow - "Lili Marlene"
battles= Indonesian Confrontation Vietnam War International Force for East Timor War in Afghanistan
*Operation Slipper
Invasion of Iraq
*Operation Catalyst
decorations= Unit Citation for Gallantry
notable_commanders= Major General Michael Jeffery
Major General Duncan Lewis
Colonel Rowan Tink
Major General Tim McOwan

The Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) is a Special Forces regiment modelled on the original British SAS and also drawing on the traditions of the Australian World War II 'Z' Special Force commando unit, as well as the Independent Companies which were active in the South Pacific during the same period. It is based at Campbell Barracks, Swanbourne, Perth, Western Australia and is a unit of the Royal Australian Infantry Corps, part of the Australian Defence Force. As with the British SAS, the regimental motto is 'Who dares wins'.


The SASR currently has two primary roles, reconnaissance and counter-terrorism. [David Horner (2001). "Making the Australian Defence Force". Oxford University Press, Melbourne. ISBN 0-19-554117-0. Pages 197-198.] They also are responsible for surgical direct-action missions, while the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (4 RAR) conducts large-scale raids and provides cordons for SASR direct action missions, much like US Rangers support Delta Force operations.


In the reconnaissance role the SASR typically operates in small patrols which have the task of infiltrating enemy-held territory and providing intelligence on enemy troop movements. In this role the SASR generally seeks to avoid directly engaging enemy units, though SASR soldiers will call in air and other support to destroy enemy units whenever possible. SASR reconnaissance patrols can be inserted by air, land or sea (including by submarine) and have proven capable of covering large distances in jungle and desert terrain.Horner (2001). Page 197.]

Counter-terrorism and Special Recovery

In the counter-terrorism and special recovery roles the SASR specialises in tasks such as direct action and hostage rescue, including boarding moving ships (ship underway). In contrast with the SASR's reconnaissance role, when operating in the counter terrorism role SASR units are only tasked with the mission statement "to rescue the hostages". The SASR provides Tactical Assault Group (West), with the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (Commando) providing Tactical Assault Group (East).

In contrast with this TAG (WEST) assumes additional roles in which TAG (EAST) does not. TAG (WEST) is responsible for special recovery operations outside of Australia, whereas TAG (EAST) provides a domestic counter-terrorist capabliity.

The SASR's three 'sabre squadrons' rotate between the war/reconnaissance and Counter-Terrorism/Recovery roles. Two squadrons are maintained in the war/reconnaissance role with the remaining squadron filling the Counter-Terrorism/recovery role. [Horner (2001). Page 198.]

Rotations occur every 12 months, so each squadron fulfills the counter-terrorism/recovery role and configuration every three years.

Reports that the squadron filling the counter-terrorism role is always designated 1 Squadron are incorrect as that practice ceased in the late 1980s.


Early days

The Australian Special Air Service was established on 25 July 1957 as the 1st Special Air Service Company, Royal Australian Regiment. The SASR was expanded to three 'sabre squadrons and gained Regimental status on 20 August 1964 when the Australian Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) was established.

The SASR first saw action in 1965 as part of the British Commonwealth force stationed in north Borneo during the Indonesian Confrontation. The Australian SASR troopers operated alongside their British and New Zealand counterparts in operations aimed at stopping Indonesian infiltration into Malaysia.


The SASR's participation in the Vietnam War began when 3 Squadron deployed as part of the 1st Australian Task Force (1 ATF) in April 1966. The SASR's role in Vietnam was to act as the 'eyes and the ears' of the Australian Task Force through conducting reconnaissance patrols throughout 1 ATF's area of responsibility. As in Borneo the SASR operated closely with the New Zealand SAS, with a New Zealand SAS troop being attached to each Australian Squadron.

SASR Squadrons rotated through Vietnam on one year long deployments until the last Squadron was withdrawn in October 1971. During its time in Vietnam the Regiment was extremely successful in the reconnaissance role. Members of the Regiment became known as 'Phantoms of the Jungle' attributed to their fieldcraft.

The Australian and New Zealand SAS killed at least 492 and as many as 598 and losing only two men killed in action and three fatalities from friendly fire. The last remaning Australian digger who went Missing In Action in 1969 after falling into the jungle during a suspended rope extraction was found in August, 2008. [ ]

Australia's SASR also worked with US SEAL Teams and US Army Special Forces, and provided instructors to the LRRP School. Some members also served with the highly secret MACV-SOG Units.

After Vietnam

The Australian withdrawal from Vietnam brought to an end the doctrine of 'forward defence' through involvement in South East Asian wars. Instead, the Australian military's new focus was on the defence of continental Australia against external attack. In line with this change, the SASR took the lead in developing the Australian Army's capability to conduct patrol operations in Northern Australia. [Horner (2002). Page 393.] This role is now filled by the Army's three Regional Force Surveillance Units.

Following the Sydney Hilton bombing in February 1978 the SASR was given responsibility for providing Australia's military counter-terrorism response force. [Horner (2002). Page 423.] In addition to being able to respond to terrorist attacks in Australian cities, the SASR counter-terrorism unit was also required to be capable of boarding ships and oil platforms.


The SASR has been at the forefront of numerous peacekeeping missions in recent years. The first SASR units to deploy on active service after the Vietnam War did so as part of Australian peacekeeping deployments. The first major deployment of SASR troops occurred when a squadron sized group deployed as part of the Commonwealth Monitoring Force in Rhodesia during the 1980 changeover to Zimbabwe. Small SASR units were attached to Australian forces in Somalia to provide an elite response and VIP protection and security. Contrary to some reports, SASR did not provide a security team for service in Cambodia although a number of SAS qualified signallers from 152 Signal Squadron were deployed as part of the Australian military contribution to the United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC) and FCU UNTAC. SASR Patrol Medics were also deployed as part of the contribution to the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda, some of whom were present during the massacre at Kibeo. The current SOCOM RSM earned a Medal for Gallantry in Rwanda. There is a dedicated Security Sergeant's position within the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) allocated to SASR and several SAS qualified Signals Sergeants have also been deployed to MFO in Sinai. In addition, individual members of the SASR have been attached to a wide range of Australian peacekeeping deployments where their high levels of technical skills have proven invaluable.

The Blackhawk tragedy

Deaths during training accidents make up the majority of the SASR's fatalities. The worst accident in the Regiment's history occurred on 12 June 1996 when two S-70A Blackhawks from the 5th Aviation Regiment carrying SASR troopers collided during a live fire counter-terrorism/special recovery operation exercise at Fire Support Base Barbara in the High Range Training Area at Townsville, Queensland. [ [ 10th anniversary of the Black Hawk accident] ]

This activity was part of Exercise DAY ROTOR 96 and took place on the second day of the exercise sometime after 6:30pm in the evening requiring the pilots to use night vision goggles. Thirty seconds from the Landing Zone (LZ) one of the helicopters veered to the right, clipping the tail rotor of a second aircraft. Both aircraft caught fire, with one Black Hawk crashing immediately while the other was able to make a crash landing. The moments that followed were marked by outstanding heroism as crash survivors and soldiers from the other helicopters risked the flames and exploding ammunition to rescue their comrades and retrieve the bodies of the dead. [ [ Black Hawk Helicopter Crash case study] ]

Fifteen members of the SASR and three members of the 5th Aviation Regiment lost their lives in the accident while 14 personnel were given official recognition for their part in the rescue and evacuation operations. [ [ Outcome of the Board of Inquiry into the Black Hawk Training Accident] ]

Broader horizons

In 1998 the SASR's made its first squadron strength deployment since Vietnam when 1 Squadron, with an attached New Zealand SAS troop, was deployed to Kuwait as part of the American-led Operation Desert Thunder. While this crisis was resolved peacefully, if military action had been taken the SASR's role would have been that of rescuing the crews of aircraft shot down by Iraqi air defences (CSAR).

The SASR played a key role in the Australian-led international peacekeeping force in East Timor between September 1999 and February 2000. 3 Squadron spearheaded most operations conducted by the international force during the early days of the intervention in East Timor and, as in Vietnam, served as the eyes and ears of the force. 1 Squadron replaced 3 Squadron in December 1999 and was subsequently replaced by 2 Squadron.

Domestic security and controversy

The SASR formed a key element of the security force in place for the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. During the Games two SASR squadrons were available for Counter-Terrorist operations. The SASR's Counter-Terrorist role has increased in prominence since the September 11 terrorist attacks, and the SASR has since formed part of the security force for events such as the 2003 Rugby World Cup. The SASR currently provides one of Australia's two elite Tactical Assault Groups (designated TAG(West)), with the other TAG being provided by the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (Commando).

The boarding of the MV Tampa in August 2001 is the most controversial incident in the SASR's history.Fact|date=May 2008 In late August 2001 the Australian government ordered the then Counter-Terrorist squadron to deploy to Christmas Island and board the Tampa once it illegally entered Australian waters.] While the members of the SASR involved did what they could to improve conditions on the Tampa, the use of an elite military unit to prevent refugees (who the Australian Government had labelled as illegal immigrants at the time) landing in Australia was not supported by all members of the Regiment and remains controversial. [McPhedran (2005). Page 139.] Less controversial, however, was the SASR's involvement in the boarding of the North Korean freighter MV Pong Su in 2003.

Afghanistan and Iraq

In October 2001 the Australian government announced that it was sending a Special Forces Task Group built around a SASR Squadron to participate in the campaign against al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan (designated Operation Slipper). After staging through Kuwait, 1 Squadron arrived in Afghanistan in November 2001 with the other SASR squadrons rotating in at approximately 6 monthly intervals. Once again, a troop from the New Zealand SAS was attached to each Australian SASR squadron. The SASR's main role in Afghanistan was to conduct surveillance of al Qaeda and Taliban positions, though SASR Troopers also conducted a number of offensive operations. The SASR initially operated in southern Afghanistan with the US Marines before moving to eastern Afghanistan where it played an important role in Operation Anaconda. The SASR withdrew from Afghanistan in November 2002 after all three SASR squadrons had served in the country. One member of the SASR, Sergeant Andrew Russell, was killed during this deployment when the vehicle he was travelling in hit a land mine.

The SASR provided the majority of the ground force element of the Australian contribution to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The Australian Special Forces Task Group was built around 1 Squadron, with a platoon from the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and a troop from the Incident Response Regiment available to support the SASR. 1 Squadron operated in western Iraq where it was successful in securing its area of operations, including the huge Al Asad air base. [Ian McPhedran (2005). "The Amazing SAS. The Inside Story of Australia's Special Forces". HarperCollins Publishers. Sydney. Pages 250-325.] 1 Squadron was withdrawn from Iraq without replacement shortly after the end of the war, though media reports have claimed that elements of the SASR have subsequently conducted counter-insurgency and training operations in Iraq.

The SASR was re-deployed to Afghanistan in August or September 2005. The Australian Special Forces Task Group in Afghanistan consisted of elements from the SASR, 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (Commando), the Incident Response Regiment and logistic support personnel. This task group was withdrawn in September 2006. A Special Operations Task Group, including SASR, was redeployed to Afghanistan in April 2007. [ [ Op Slipper] ]

A SASR Troop was deployed to Timor Leste in May 2006 as part of Operation Astute. [John Hunter Farrell, 'Dili Madness. The ANZAC Intervention in Timor Leste' in "Australian and NZ Defender". No. 55 Spring 2006. Page 34.] It was reported in October 2006 that a force of 20 SASR soldiers was operating in the southern Philippines supporting Filipino operations against the Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiah terrorist groups. [Greg Sheridan [,20867,20576810-25377,00.html 'Special forces wage war by stealth'] in 'The Australian'. 14 October 2006.] This story was denied by the Australian government, however. [Australian Department of Defence media release [ No ADF Operations in the Philippines] . 14 October 2006.]

Uniform and equipment

The uniform of the regiment is Australian issue camouflage (Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform, or DPCU) and a sand-coloured beret with metal gold and silver flaming Excalibur badge (often wrongly described as a winged dagger) on a black shield. This differs from the British 22 SAS, who have a woven cap badge of the same design. SAS 'Ibis' style parachute wings (rounded at the bottom and straight on top) are worn on the right shoulder only on formal Summer, Winter or Mess dress. SASR qualified Parachute Jump Instructors (PJI) on posting to the Parachute Training School wear the SAS hat badge on an airborne maroon beret and may wear a locally purchased DPCU parachute badge on their Para Smock.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, SASR operators were distinguished by their long hair and beards. Generally, shaving is not carried out whilst on patrol.

Basic patrol weapons are the M4 Carbine (designated M4A5 in Australia) with M203A1 40mm grenade launcher and F89 Minimi Para light machine gun. Another popular patrol weapon is the 7.62mm SR-25 rifle. The main pistol used in the CT role is the Heckler & Koch USP, in wartime roles however it is usually the ADF's standard issue defence sidearm, the Browning Hi-Power that operators will carry. Many other weapon systems are used as the mission dictates. Up to a third of SASR operators are qualified snipersFact|date=June 2007. Operators are multi-skilled and all are parachute-qualified, but they specialise in either Air, Water or Vehicle-mounted insertion methods.

The Regiment is organised into three 'sabre' squadrons, each of up to 100 'beret qualified' operators, and an embedded signal squadron (152 Signal squadron), logistic support squadron, and Operational Support Squadron, which conducts the selection and training courses. Only a small percentage of the Regiment are 'beret qualified' operators. The majority of the regiment personnel are highly trained specialist staff who are posted to the unit to provide support for all operations. These include signallers, mechanics and technicians, medical staff, storemen, and various specialists. 'Beret qualified' SASR members are known as 'Operators' and support staff are affectionately known as 'Blackhats', due to the dark blue berets they wear. Infantry soldiers who are posted to the unit as storemen, drivers, clerks etc wear the dark 'rifle' green Infantry Corps beret.

There are also a number of support personnel who are qualified to wear the sandy beret but have chosen or been directed to remain serving in their particular specialist field. There are also beret qualified members who have been injured and subsequently moved into a support related area.

Signals Corps personnel undertake the same selection and reinforcement cycle training as the rest of the Army, but are rarely released for Corps transfer to Infantry due to the requirement to provide SAS qualified Corps signallers to the Regiment. Personnel from 152 Signal Squadron are encouraged to attempt selection, but as a rule, if successful they remain in the signal squadron and do not transfer into a 'Sabre' squadron. However, in being 'Beret' qualified, they receive a significant pay rise and increased posting longevity to SASR. Members of 152 Signal Squadron are affectionately known as 'Chooks' and are often fully integrated into the 5 man SASR patrols. One member of 152 Signal Squadron was awarded an Infantry Combat Badge during service with the "Gerbils" in Somalia. This was made on the basis that he held an Infantry Employment Code Number (ECN 353 SASR Trooper)and was deployed as part of an SASR team.

election and training

Selection is open to all serving male Australian military personnel and involves a 3 week selection course which assesses both individual attributes and the ability to work effectively in a small team. [Patrick Walters, 'Unfinished Business' in "The Australian" 6 October 2006.] Prior to Selection SAS candidates will face the Special Forces Paper Board to assess their psychological and medical suitability for the SASR. Around 80% will meet the standard and continue to the Special Forces Entry Test (also called the barrier test) that tests their physical fitness and includes push-ups, endurance marches and swimming. Another 80% of applicants will pass the Special Forces Entry Test and continue on to the three week SASR selection course. [McPhedran (2005). Page 10.] Approximately 25 percent of the remaining applicants pass the SAS selection course. [Dodd (2007)] Following selection candidates must complete up to 18 months of further courses before they join a squadron as a junior trooper or troop commander (Captain). Officers only complete the necessary basic courses to qualify them for service in the unit. Their expertise is in planning and administration. In general, they do not get the opportunity to complete all the specialist courses required of the ORs. A wide array of training and courses are conducted throughout a SASR Soldier's career to allow the regiment to have the most highly-qualified soldiers in the Australian Defence Force.

A new troop commander is carefully mentored by both his troop sergeant and patrol commanders. Generally, a troop commander will only serve in the unit for two or three years but may come back as a Major if he has performed well. Soldiers may serve in the Regiment for their entire career, but this will usually include one or more two year external postings to instructional positions on the east coast.

Promotion for soldiers is quite slow in the unit. On receiving their coveted sand-coloured SAS beret, all soldiers are given the rank of Trooper, which may involve a reduction from their previous rank. They usually also change corps if they are not already members of the Infantry Corps. Despite a possible reduction in rank, SASR soldiers receive significant allowances, which make them among the highest paid soldiers in the Australian Defence Force. With specialist allowances an SASR Trooper earns about $100,000 per annum.Patrick Walters [,20867,20531687-31477,00.html 'Unfinished Business'] in "The Australian" 6 October 2006.]

Since their beginnings in 1954, the SASR has lost more men in training than on combat operations, due to the nature of their training regimen.


*GBR - Special Air Service [cite web
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Australian Special Air Service Regiment
*Training Squadron
*Base Squadron
*152 Signal Squadron
*3 Sabre Squadrons (1, 2 and 3 Squadron) -each of which contains 5 troops
**Headquarters(Smaller than the other Troops)
**Vehicle Mounted
**Signals (contains Signallers which are assigned to the 5 Man Patrols)

ee also

*Special Air Service (which uses a similar abbreviation, SAS(R), for its Territorial Army regiments)
*Special Air Service of New Zealand

External links

* [ SASR operations in Afghanistan] - September 2006
* [ SASR selection]
* [ SASR loses one of its finest in mishap]
* [ SASR - roll of honour, awards and images.]
* [ Outcome of the Board of Inquiry into the Black Hawk Training Accident of 12 June 1996]



*cite news |first=Mark |last=Dodd |authorlink= |author= |coauthors= |title=Our SAS elite |url=,25197,22459601-31477,00.html |format= |work= |publisher=The Australian |id= |pages= |page= |date=2007-09-22 |accessdate=2007-09-22 |language= |quote= |archiveurl= |archivedate=
*cite book |last=Horner |first=David |authorlink=David Horner |coauthors= |title=Making the Australian Defence Force |year=2001 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Melbourne |isbn=0195541170
*cite book |last=Horner |first=David |authorlink=David Horner |coauthors= |title=SAS : Phantoms of War. A History of the Australian Special Air Service |year=2002 |publisher=Allen & Unwin |location=Sydney |isbn=1865086479
*cite book |last=McPhedran |first=Ian |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=The Amazing SAS. The Inside Story of Australia's Special Forces |year=2005 |publisher=HarperCollins |location=Sydney |isbn=073227981X

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