Buddhist terms and concepts

Buddhist terms and concepts

Several Buddhist terms and concepts lack direct translations into English that cover the breadth of the original term. Below are given a number of important Buddhist terms, short definitions, and the languages in which they appear. In this list, an attempt has been made to organize terms by their original form and give translations and synonyms in other languages along with the definition.

Languages and traditions dealt with here:
*English (Eng.)
*Pāli: Theravāda Buddhism
*Sanskrit (or Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit): primarily Mahāyāna Buddhism
*Tibetan (Tib): Tibetan Buddhism
*Thai: Theravāda Buddhism
*Burmese (Bur): Theravada Buddhism
*CJKV languages
**Chinese (Cn): Chinese Buddhism
**Japanese (Jp): Japanese Buddhism
**Korean (Ko): Korean Buddhism
**Vietnamese (Vi): Vietnamese Buddhism








ee also

* Buddhism
* Buddhist texts

External links

* [http://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/Pali/ Pali Text Society Dictionary] (Be sure to check the "Unicode font" option, and to have one; also, if looking for a word, choose "words that match")
* [http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/indologie/tamil/mwd_search.html Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary]
* [http://www.buddhism-dict.net/ddb Digital Dictionary of Buddhism] (Login with userid "guest")
* [http://kadampa.org/en/reference/glossary-of-buddhist-terms/ Kadampa Glossary of Buddhist Terms]

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