Earth radiation

Earth radiation

Earth radiation is a theoretical geophysical phenomenon described primarily by the German authors Manfred Curry and Ernst Hartmann. They both describe a mystic force field (similar to Odic force, Mana, Qi) that supposedly covers the earth at regular intervals and may be detected by dowsing using a divining rod. It is not supposed to be detectable by common scientific instruments but some still connect it to telluric currents, which are actual phenomena, detectable by scientific instruments.

Placing people or other living things in certain spots of the earth radiation knots is believed to be beneficial/harmful depending on radiation flow direction. It connects to the Gaia philosophy and vitalist school and is very popular in certain New Age circles in Europe, especially in Germany.

It's told that cats like resting in earth radiation knots. Anthills are also said to be placed next to trees which stands in line with the knots.

The radiation is described as a grid-like arrangement with lines at regular distances:

* "Curry lines" are understood to be circa 3 meters apart (with variations), diagonally to the poles, east to west, are sometimes called the "Curry Grid".
* "Hartmann lines" run both east-west and north-south forming a grid across the earths surface with a distance of circa 2 meters in the north-south direction and 2.5 meters in the east-west direction.
* "Ley lines" are man-made energy lines, created by stone formations such as stone ships or other ancient archaeological structures. The knowledge of creating Ley lines is supposed to be lost.

Some proponents of this theory will also mention "Schumann Waves" (which, like telluric current, is an actual scientifically detectable phenomena) and "Black lines".

Critical view

The vast majority of scholars in geophysics believe that the theory of earth radiation is nothing but pseudoscience or even a hoax.

ee also

*Telluric current
*Animal magnetism
*Odic force


*Manfred Curry, 1952, Das Reaktionsliniensystem als krankheitsauslösender Faktor, Hippokrates, Heft 19.
*Ernst Hartmann, 1967, Krankheit als Standortproblem, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg.
* [ Folkvett issue 3-4 1997] published by Föreningen Vetenskap och Folkbildning presents a sceptic view (in Swedish)
*Robinson, Edwin and Coruh, Cahit: Basic Exploration Geophysics, John Wiley & sons, New York, 1988, ISBN 0-471-61297-0 (sceptic)
*Weinberg, Steven: Dreams of a Final Theory, Hutchinson radius, London, 1993, ISBN 0-09-1773954 (sceptic)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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