- Academy of Medical Sciences (Sudan)
The University of Medical Sciences and Technology (UMST) is a mainly medical oriented college in
Khartoum ,Sudan . It is located in the Riyad district ofKhartoum . It first opened its doors in 1996 with a student body of only forty students and two faculties. It is now home to over one thousand students and eleven faculties.Infobox_University
name= University of Medical Sciences and Technologies
type= Private
vice_chancellor=Prof. Dr.
city= Khartoum State
undergrad= 00
postgrad= 00
master= 00
phd= 00
staff= 00
free_label= Campuses
free= 1
website= [http://www.amst-edu.com/ www.amst-edu.com] The AMST began as a private, non-profit making educational institution, in Khartoum Sudan, which was established in 1996 to serve the educational needs of Sudanese,African andArab students. In a few years the Academy has expanded to include 10 faculties namely, Medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Dentistry, Dental Technology, Nursing, Computer Sciences, Administrative & Financial Sciences Biomedical Engineering and Anaesthetic Sciences and has recently been awarded university status and has become a fully feldge university in the year 2007.The vision on which the AMST was established, is to provide quality universe graduates. Its belief is that recently government universities in the whole of Africa and the Arab countries have deteriorated and are often faced with diminishing resources both in human experts and material resources. The AMST offers two
master degrees inNursing (community & paediatrics) and a master degree in Public and Tropical Health.AMST
Faculty of Medicine
Training to be a doctor in medicine is challenging. The constant advances in technological services which are readily used in diagnosis and treatment of diseases necessitate a balanced curriculum between teaching bed-side medicine and high technologically oriented techniques in patient-management. Medicine as a discipline is based on science (logical and evidence-based thinking), the art of diagnosis and human touch in patients care. In Sudan, endemic diseases, mainly of tropical nature, constitute a significant cause of diseases and also lay an extra burden on medical students learning etc. and expond the curriculum even further. With these challenges in mind, the Faculty of Medicine in the Academy was established in 1996 with the following objectives. 1. To graduate medical doctors equipped with scientific basis of medicine, trained on patients care (actual patients, not simulators or actors). And properly advised on ethical conduct and behavior.2. To train the future doctors on modern diagnostic and treatment modalities including advance imaging techniques and advance therapeutic treatment.3. To enable the student to think in terms of critical analysis of medical conditions equipped with sound research methods and be able to answer a research question in an acceptable way and be able to produce a research thesis on graduation. 4. The graduate shall combine knowledge of primary health care and hospital and institute early treatment of primary health problems. The Faculty of Medicine is equipped with lecture theatres and advance laboratories (Biochemistry, Physiology, Physics, Dissection room, Biology/Molecular biology and Skills laboratory). The Teaching Hospital and a number of health centers were also established to receive the students. Moreover, two-specialized high tech diagnostic/treatment clinics were opened to receive the students for training:a) Yastabshiroon Centre (where advance imaging techniques were housed e.g. MRI, Spiral CT, ultrasound and echo scan, EEG, EMG, Endoscopy with laproscopic surgery, laser treatment facilities. b) An advanced fertility clinic.
Faculty of Dentistry
The school of Dentistry was established in 1971 as part of fcaulty of medicine .but was renamed faculty of Dentistry in 1998 after extensive developments and expansion of buildings and departments.. Its objectives are:1/ To graduate dentists who are knowledgeable, highly skilled, competent, and of the highest ethical standards.2/ To establish curricula that are comprehensive, modern and relevant. These curricula as well as addressing international requirements also address local issues.3/ To establish links with international reputable dental institutes in undergraduate and postgraduate education and training.4/ To foster research and postgraduate studies in dentistry.5/ To actively participate in the dental national healthcare programs .
The Faculty of Dentistry conducts a course of studies leading the degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) to students who satisfy the regulations and successfully pass the examinations undertaken during five academic years. The Faculty of Dentistry is located at the Academy Charity Teaching Hospital (ACTH) ,in Elimtidad, Khartoum and among a heavily populated residential area which guarantees an excellent catchments of patients for training of students and within reach of transport facilities from the centre of Khartoum.The dental clinic equipped with the needed dental units ( one unit per student) is within the main outpatient department of ACTH . The Deans office, The lecture theatres ,the laboratories are existing in one block and within 50 meters from the dental outpatient department. The School of Dental Technology share the same building and there are provides an excellent role in training and patient service. There are two lecture halls with a capacity of 42 students each ,two phantom skills laboratories with 24 phantom heads for preclinical training in operative dentistry and fixed prosthodontics ..There are chrome cobalt /porcelain and an acrylic laboratories each with a capacity for 20 students at a time .Technicians from Sudan and abroad run the work at these laboratories .
Faculty of pharmacy
The Faculty of pharmacy is located within the vicinity of the already existing faculties of the Academy. The Faculty of Pharmacy comprises adequate lecture theatres, well-equipped Laboratories, a Library and two teaching pharmacies which are located at the main Academy premises and at the Academy Charity Teaching Hospital.
1. To provide a sound scientific foundation on which the graduate can base an effective career as a pharmacist.2. To provide a breadth of instructions and experience so that the graduate will be able to apply effectively the acquired scientific under-standing in their chosen branch of pharmacy and will be able to set their knowledge of pharmacy in their wider social and scientific context.3. To develop the ability of the student to learn and work effectively both independently and as a member of the health care team.4. To enable the student to design and carry out experiments, to assemble, analyze, assimilate and disseminate information effectively for other health care providers.5. but Sudan is very poor countery and is depressing area for grduated person6. i hope these situation is change and we get our price after stadying pharmacy
g manual and automated methods of laboratory testing. We aspire to remain abreast of advances in the field of diagnostic testing, and of the challenge created by the demands of the health services community by constantly upgrading the curriculum.
Objectives:The Faculty aims to qualify suitable candidates to become professional medical laboratory scientists who are:1- Competent at offering cost-effective, quality laboratory testing service, mindful of high standards of ethical commitment and professionalism.2- Able to conceptually assimilate, and effectively conduct manual and automated procedures; calibrate and standardize automated equipments, and correct operational faults; within a framework of providing a premier service at a competitive cost.3- Are efficient managers of laboratory operations including customer service, record keeping, human resources, and material supply maintenance; being mindful of environmental, occupational, public and personal safety.
Faculty of Nursing Sciences
The Faculty of Nursing Sciences started in 1999, as an integral part of the Academy of Medical Sciences and Technology
Vision:The A.M.S.T. Faculty of Nursing vision is that in a changing world nursing professionals will offer efficient and effective practice of the highest possible standard, based on the maximum safety and foundation on up-to-date research and knowledge. They will meet the present and future health care needs of the people as members of the health team in a cost – effective manner in a variety of settings, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the maintenance and /or improvement of life quality.
Mission:Our mission is to prepare nurses for meeting the ever changing diverse health needs of our nation and to enable them to remain dedicated to:Upholding the highest standards of nursing care. Promoting conditions that allow nurses to practice their profession to the full extent of their knowledge and skill. Shaping health policy through its expertise and the strength and cohesiveness of its membership.
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering strives to be
- a leader in its field, recognized locally and internationally for excellence and focus on quality, renowned for its competitiveness and relevance through continuous innovation.- a home for scholars, employers and those requiring research solutions.- To prepare graduate engineers capable of fulfilling the demand for specialist in information technology field, in hospital engineering, manufacturing and teaching; who have: 1- high standards of knowledge and professionalism qualifying them to perform research. 2-advanced technical skills applicable to life sciences, electronics, computer sciences and information systems. 3-superiour competence at operation, installation, trouble-shooting, quality control, maintenance, calibration of equipment.-Sending lecturers and teaching assistants to educational courses to improve their performance and skills.-Build the culture of integrity by offering connection between the BE and the other medical specializations (MLS, Medicine, Nursing)-Supporting research and providing funds.-Training courses in BME for technicians and specialists.-Organizing lectures, workshops and seminars about new technologies in the field.-Introducing the concepts of quality assurance in biomedical.
Faculty Computer Science and Business Administration
Academic Staff:
[http://www.amst-edu.com/cs/DrSRaviraja/default.htm Dr. S. Raviraja ] PhD Computer Science, Dean, Faculty of Computer Science
Dr. Saif Eldin Osman Saeed PhD Computer Science,
Dr. Omer Mohammed Abdalla PhD Electronics
Dr. Mohammed Elhassan Mirghani PhD mathematics
Dr. Shareef Abdalla Hamid PhD Physics
Mr. Mohammed Izz Eldin MSc Computer Science
Mr. Mohammed Elshaikh MSc Computer Science
Mr. Muntasir Sinada MSc Computer Science
Mr. Ahmad Hassan Mohammed BSc Computer Science
Mr. Hatiam Mohammed Osman BSc Computer Science
Mr. Mu'taz Ali Maher Adam BSc Computer Science
The faculty computer science and Business Administration was established to satisfy an urgent need for a program of advanced study & training in the ever-developing field of Information Technology. Our objective is to achieve levels of qualification worthy of being recognized by the relevant international computer Science institutions. The faculty offers a distinguished program of advanced study and training tailored to prepare the students for an interesting and rewarding career in the burgeoning computer industry underpinning the economic growth and social developments now gathering pace. Information Technology plays a vital role in all aspects of our lives and has become an essential function in the activities of both private and government institutions. We endeavor to turn out career-ready graduates well trained in current technologies, and equipped with the necessary foundation and theoretical knowledge that will enable them to update their skills and keep abreast with new developments in a fast moving industry. Our curriculum is designed to give students a solid grounding in both theoretical and practical topics in computer science. We continually review our curriculum to keep abreast with the latest developments in computer science education. The dean recently returned from Britain where we conducted a comprehensive review of the curriculum with the assistance of some of the leading computer science experts in the British Universities. Our computer facilities are of the highest specifications, and all facilities are linked together through a superior digital network linking over 150 computers. All computers all connected to the Internet through a high-speed broadband connection. Our laboratories and lecture theatres are equipped with modern audiovisual equipment, employing large format plasma screen technology, for efficient and accurate instruction and delivery of the subject material.
The mission of the faculty is to serve our society in Sudan by building a breed of modern, creative and innovative administrative and Financial science graduates. Our courses are designed to enable students to conduct modern business using the latest inputs of science and technology thus leading towards development and sustainable peace in the country Our vision is that the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences will be the leading Business Faculty in Sudan , Africa and the Middle - East in the near future. The Objectives of the Faculty To equip students with the basic knowledge pertaining to the conduct of modern business in the Sudan in accordance with the inputs of science and technology. To help in building a breed of potential managers who possess appropriate skills to run profit-making as well as non-profit making enterprises. The graduates are expected to demonstrate a range of cognitive and intellectual skills, together with the techniques directly related to business management.
The proposed programs should furnish broad analytical and integrated study of business and management. Students should not only be exposed to theories, concepts and business operation, but also be able to link environmental issues and problems with conceptualization. The program should prepare students to work on the integration between the academic and business community in such a way that the components of the program reflect the areas of concern and problems emanating from local, regional as well as international practices. Entrepreneurs are intended to be involved in program implementation for their prospected valuable inputs. Preparation of students to solve business problems via quantitative techniques, without glossing over the qualitative approach when deemed necessary. The program aims at capacity building of self-learning beside the classical methods of teaching. Through harnessing the cyber education and E-learning the program focuses on heavy use of the internet to search for data and using whatever available in the learning process. 7The ‘‘creation’’ of manager is a focal objective. It is hoped that path-finding leaders are to be prepared, not just technocrats or mediocre administrators. Varieties of skills-building modules (courses) serve the purpose.
Protocols between the Academy and the Graduate Union
----The Academy’s right on behalf of its graduate
# With collaboration between the graduate union, the graduates themselves and the academic secretary, a scheduled program can be set in which the graduates can make positive participation by giving special training programs and courses to the students in different fields of study.
# With the help of graduates settling abroad, those currently residing in
Sudan and with the involvement of institutes, organizations and Hospitals worldwide. Support can be given to any of the Academy’s Institutions in the form of books, equipment, and any possible mean of aid available.# The Union is prepared to make contact with other organizations to avail financial assistance to those patients admitted at the Academy Charity Teaching Hospital.
# To make use of the spots and positions that graduates are occupying in the hospitals, corporations and institutes locally and internationally by providing means of student exchange programs and finding ways to allocate jobs.
# To make use of the relations and strong bonds with the consultants abroad by means of encouraging them to perform operations, surgeries and medical treatment to those patients seeking advise. Not only this but they can be appointed to give lectures, tutorials and seminars to students and short training programs for post-graduates during their visits to the country whether that involved some from of disbursement and a written contract or free of charge (charity).
# To participate and take part in the conferences sponsored by the Academy. Be part of its committee and most important of all making sure that the papers presented in the conference level up to the standards that make them eligible to be presented in a respected scientific gathering such as the Academy’s Annual Conference.
# A yearly medical field trip is to be carried accompanying the festivals of the Graduates day in association with The Academy’s Student Union. The field trip involves bringing medical assistance in the form of equipment to the area visited and a life-long medical contribution in the name of the AMST ( in the name of equipments and facilities) is going to be set permanently there.
# The arrangement of the Graduate’s Day.
# To support the formation of “The Academy Medical Journal”.
----The Graduates right on behalf of The Academy:
# The Academy graduate should have the right of being appointed in any of the Academy’s institute over anyone else provided that he has a record of excellence.
# The Academy is to offer yearly scholarships to those with remarkable and outstanding performances in any particular subject. It takes the responsibility and duty to train them and still have the advantage of employing them in any of the Academy’ institutes.
# The Academy is to offer contracts for postgraduate study locally or abroad, keeping in mind the Academy’s right in employing this individual in any of the Academy’s Institutes in the areas that is found suitable to his/her profession.
# The Members are to be entitled for 20 percent discount on any of the post graduate studies, the short intensive courses or any courses offered in the future by any of the departments of the Academy.
# Discount will be considered for the brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and spouse of the graduates.
# The Academy is to issue “The Graduates’ Union Membership Card” free of charge for every graduate.
# The Graduates’ Union card serves as an ongoing proof of appointment; through it the graduate will have access to the Academy’s facilities including the services provided by the library, internet, sport amenities and without any doubt having the privilege of visiting the Academy’s premises.
# The Graduates’ Union card enables its members to enjoy a 20 percent discount on diagnostic investigations, consultant fees, drugs and in-patients services at the ACTH and The Academy Medical Center (Yastabshiroon).
# The Graduates are to have the benefit of up to 20 percent discount at The Academy’s Printing Press Publications.
# The Academy is to provide a Post-Graduate Developmental Center that provides preparation courses to the graduate. In the form of training programs for international exams. In all the different fields of study provided by the Academy (Be that Medical or Non-Medical), with special offers and discounts. It should have all the necessary facilities.
# The “Graduate Union” home is to be allocated by the Academy for its graduates and members of staff.
# The Academy is to facilitate the activities of the Union and ensure that its work goes smoothly and at ease.
# The Academy takes responsibility of providing Letters of recommendations to those needing them and professional career advising from staff members.
This agreement was drawn on this day of Saturday 24 February 2007, at AMST, Khartoum - Sudan
Dr. Khalifa Elmusharaf President, AMST Graduates’ Union
Prof. Mamoun M. A. Homeida President, AMST
External links
* [http://www.amst-edu.com Official AMST Homepage] .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.