List of Sudan-related topics

List of Sudan-related topics

This is a list of topics related to Sudan. Those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on "Related changes" in the sidebar.


* Sudan

Buildings and structures in Sudan

Archaeological sites in Sudan

* H.U.N.E.
* Nubian pyramids

Ancient Greek sites in Sudan

* Berenice Panchrysos

Roman sites in Sudan

* Berenice Panchrysos

Cemeteries in Sudan

* Cemetery 117

Dams in Sudan

* Merowe Dam

hopping malls in Sudan

* Afra Mall

ports venues in Sudan

* AlHilal Stadium
* Stade de Khartoum

Football venues in Sudan

* Stade Al-Merghani Kassala
* Stade de Al-Merrikh
* Stade Al-Taka Kassala
* AlHilal Stadium
* Stade de Omdurman
* Stade Port Sudan
* Stade Al-Amal Atbara
* Stade de Khartoum
* Stade Wad Medani

Cities in Sudan

* List of cities in Sudan
* Abekr
* Abu Hamad
* Ad-Damazin
* Al Qadarif
* Al-Fashir
* Al-Ubayyid
* Atbarah
* Awag el Baqar
* Bentiu
* Berber, Sudan
* Bor, Sudan
* Daga Post
* Deim Zubeir
* Delgo, Sudan
* Doka
* Dongola
* Ed Dueim
* El Ait
* El Gebir
* El Khandaq
* Er Rahad
* Er Roseires
* Geneina
* Gondokoro
* Hala'ib
* Heglig
* Hosh Bannaga
* Iyal Bakhit
* Juba, Sudan
* Kaduqli
* Kassala
* Kaya, Sudan
* Khartoum
* Khartoum North
* Kodok
* Kosti
* Kurmuk
* Kutum
* Malakal
* Nebelat el Hagana
* Nyala, Sudan
* Old Dongola
* Omdurman
* Port Sudan
* Qeissan
* Rokon
* Rumbek
* Sennar
* Shendi
* Suakin
* Taiyara
* Torit
* Umm Bel
* Umm Dam
* Umm Debbi
* Umm Gafala
* Umm Keddada
* Umm Qantur
* Umm Saiyala
* Umm Shanqa
* Wad Banda
* Wad Madani
* Wadi Halfa
* Warab
* Wau, Sudan
* Wawa,Sudan
* Yambio
* Yei

Communications in Sudan

* Communications in Sudan
* .sd
* List of people on stamps of Sudan

udanese culture

* Culture of Sudan
* Coat of arms of Sudan
* Date cultivation in Dar al-Manasir
* Flag of Sudan
* Naffir
* Nahnu Djundulla Djundulwatan
* The Wedding of Zein:"See also: #Sudanese media":"See also: #Religion in Sudan":"See also: #Sport in Sudan"

Ethnic groups in Sudan

* List of ethnic minorities of Sudan
* Acholi
* Afitti
* Amri people
* Anuak
* Avukaya
* Baggara
* Bai (Sudan)
* Baka (Sudan)
* Banda (Sudan)
* Bari people
* Beja people
* Belanda Bor
* Beni Halba
* Berti
* Bidayat
* Bisharin
* Burun
* Bviri
* Daasanach
* Debri
* Didinga
* Dilling people
* Dinka
* Dongotona
* Dubasiyin
* El Hugeirat
* Eliri
* Erenga
* Fertit
* Fongoro
* Fulani/Fulbe
* Fungor
* Funj people
* Fur people
* Gaalin
* Gawamaa
* Gberi
* Ghulfan
* Gimma
* Golo
* Guhayna
* Gule
* Gulud
* Gumuz
* Habbaniya
* Hasania
* Hawawir
* Heiban Nuba
* Homa people
* Husseinat
* Indri people
* Ingessana
* Jumjum
* Jur Modo
* Jurchol
* Kababish
* Kadaru
* Kakwa
* Kaligi
* Kaliko
* Kanga people
* Kara people
* Karko
* Katla people
* Kawahla
* Keiga
* Keiga Jirru
* Kerarish
* Kichepo
* Kimr
* Kineenawi
* Koalib Nuba
* Kreish
* Krongo Nuba
* Kuku people
* Kuraan
* Lafofa
* Lahawin
* Lango
* Lango of Sudan
* Laro
* Logo people
* Logol people
* Lokoja people
* Lopid
* Lotuko
* Luo (family of ethnic groups)
* Maalia
* Maba
* Madi
* Magyarab
* Mangaya
* Mararit
* Masalit
* Mesakin
* Messiria
* Midob
* Missriya
* Molo
* Mondari
* Moro Nuba
* Morokodo
* Moru
* Mundu people
* Narim people
* Ndogo
* Ngulgule
* Nuba
* Nubians
* Nuer
* Nyamusa
* Nyangatom
* Nyimang
* Olubo
* Otoro Nuba
* Padang people
* Rashaida people
* Rek
* Rizeigat
* Rufaa
* Ruweng
* Sara Gambai
* Sebei
* Selim people
* Shaikia
* Shatt
* Sherifi
* Shilluk
* Shita
* Shuweihat
* Shwai
* Sienetjo
* Sillok
* Sinyar
* Sungor
* Tacho
* Tagale
* Tagbu
* Talodi
* Tama people
* Taisha
* Temein
* Tenet people
* Thuri
* Tima
* Tingal
* Tira people
* Tirma
* Toposa
* Tornasi
* Tukam
* Tulishi
* Tumma
* Tumtum
* Tunjur
* Turum
* Umm Heitan
* Vidiri
* Welega Oromo
* Werni
* Wetawit
* Yazeed
* Yerwa Kanuri
* Yulu
* Zaghawa

Languages of Sudan

* Acholi language
* Aja language
* Aka language
* Beja language
* Berta language
* Domari language
* Fulfulde- Fulani
* Juba Arabic language
* Kordofanian languages
* Kujargé language
* Maban languages
* Masalit language
* Meroitic language
* Nobiin language
* Old Nubian language
* Nubian languages
* Sudanese Arabic
* Sungor language
* Tama language
* Temein language

Fur languages

* Amdang language
* Fur language
* Fur languages

Luo languages

* Acholi language
* Dhopadhola

udanese literature

* Sudanese literature

udanese books

* Season of Migration to the North
* Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies

udanese novels

* Season of Migration to the North
* The Wedding of Zein

udanese music

* Music of Sudan

Haqeeba(Classic style of Singing

Haqeeba singers

* Sarror

udanese musicians

* Muhamman Shata

Modern Sudanese singers

* AlKabli
*Ahmed Elmostafa
* Abdel Aziz El Mubarak
* Emmanuel Jal
*Abed elgadir Salim

* Mohammed Wardi
*Mohammed Elamin
*Mohammed Mergani
*Mostafa Sid Ahmed
*Mohmmod Abed Elaziz

:"See also: #Haqeeba singers"

Economy of Sudan

* Economy of Sudan
* Foreign aid to Sudan
* Sudanese dinar
* Sudanese pound

Companies of Sudan

:"See also: #Airlines of Sudan"

Trade unions of the Sudan

* Sudanese Workers' Trade Union Federation

Education in Sudan

* Education in Sudan

chools in Sudan

* List of schools in Sudan
* Gordon Memorial College
* Unity High School (Sudan)

udanese educators

* Al-hadi Abu-Bkr
* Awn Al sharief Qassim

Universities and colleges in Sudan

* List of universities in Sudan
* Ahfad University for Women
* Sudan University of Science and Technology
* University of Khartoum

chools of Medicine in Sudan

* Academy of Medical Sciences (Sudan)
* University of Khartoum

Environment of Sudan

* Environmental issues in Sudan

Biota of Sudan

Fauna of Sudan

* Aardvark
* Aardwolf
* African Buffalo
* African Bush Elephant
* African Civet
* African Wild Ass
* Banded Mongoose
* Barbary Sheep
* Black-backed Jackal
* Blue Duiker
* Bohor Reedbuck
* Bongo (antelope)
* Bushbuck
* Cape Hyrax
* Cheetah
* Common Duiker
* Common Genet
* Dama Gazelle
* Dorcas Gazelle
* Dugong
* Gemsbok
* Giant Eland
* Giant forest hog
* Giraffe
* Golden Jackal
* Grant's Gazelle
* Greater Kudu
* Grevy's Zebra
* Hartebeest
* Hippopotamus
* Klipspringer
* Kob
* Leopard
* Marsh Mongoose
* Nile Lechwe
* Okapi
* Oribi
* Pale Fox
* Plains Zebra
* Red Fox
* Red River Hog
* Roan Antelope
* Rueppell's Fox
* Side-striped Jackal
* Sitatunga
* Spotted Hyena
* Striped Hyena
* Temminck's Pangolin
* Thomson's Gazelle
* Warthog
* Waterbuck
* White Rhinoceros
* Yellow-backed Duiker

Geography of Sudan

* Geography of Sudan
* Butana
* Cataracts of the Nile
* Dar al-Manasir
* Darfur
* Date cultivation in Dar al-Manasir
* Dedengita
* Gallabat
* Gararish
* Gezira Scheme
* Hala'ib Triangle
* Ilemi Triangle
* Itbay
* Kerma Basin
* New Halfa Scheme
* Sudd
* Tagabo Hills
* Wadi Salih:"See also: #Cities in Sudan":"See also: #States of Sudan"

Deserts of Sudan

* Bayuda Desert
* Libyan Desert
* Nubian Desert

Districts of Sudan

* Districts of Sudan

Lakes of Sudan

* Lake Nasser

Maps of Sudan

* Maps of Sudan:"See also: #Maps of the history of Sudan"

Old maps of Sudan

* Maps of Sudan

Mountains of Sudan

* Djebel Al Awaynat
* Jebel Barkal
* Jebel Dair
* Kinyeti
* Marrah Mountains
* Nuba Mountains

Rivers of Sudan

* Abay River
* Atbarah River
* Bahr el Ghazal
* Kidepo River
* Mareb River
* Nile
* Blue Nile
* Sobat River
* Tekezé River
* White Nile

Towns in Sudan

* En Nahud

Villages in Sudan

* Abidiya
*Hai Al-Arab
* Jonglei (village)
* New Site, Sudan

Volcanoes of Sudan

* Marrah Mountains

udan geography stubs

* Abekr
* Abidiya
* Ad-Damazin
* Al Jazirah (state)
* Al Qadarif
* Al Qadarif (state)
* Al-Fashir
* Al-Ubayyid
* Atbarah
* Awag el Baqar
* Bahr El Ghazal
* Batn-El-Hajar
* Bayuda Desert
* Beida (Sudan)
* Berber, Sudan
* Blue Nile (state)
* Bor, Sudan
* Cataracts of the Nile
* Central Equatoria
* Daga Post
* Dedengita
* Deim Zubeir
* Delgo, Sudan
* Djebel Al Awaynat
* Doka
* Dongola
* East Equatoria
* Ed Dueim
* El Ait
* El Gebir
* El Khandaq
* En Nahud
* Equatoria
* Er Rahad
* Er Roseires
* Fazogli
* Gallabat
* Gararish
* Geneina
* Gezira Scheme
* Gondokoro
* Hala'ib
* Hosh Bannaga
* Itbay
* Iyal Bakhit
* Jebel Dair
* Jonglei
* Jonglei (village)
* Kaduqli
* Kassala
* Kassala (state)
* Kawahla
* Khartoum (state)
* Khartoum North
* Kidepo River
* Kinyeti
* Kodok
* Kurdufan
* Kurmuk
* Kutum
* Lakes (state)
* Mahas
* Malakal
* Malualkon
* Marrah Mountains
* Nebelat el Hagana
* New Site, Sudan
* North Bahr al Ghazal
* North Darfur
* North Kurdufan
* Northern, Sudan
* Nuba Mountains
* Nubian Desert
* Nubian Swell
* Nyala, Sudan
* Old Dongola
* Port Sudan
* Qeissan
* Red Sea (state)
* River Nile (state)
* Rokon
* Ruaba
* Rumbek
* Sennar
* Sennar (state)
* Shendi
* Singa
* Soba (city)
* Sobat River
* South Darfur
* South Kurdufan
* Suakin
* Tagabo Hills
* Taiyara
* Torit
* Umm Bel
* Umm Dam
* Umm Debbi
* Umm Gafala
* Umm Keddada
* Umm Qantur
* Umm Saiyala
* Umm Shanqa
* Unity (state)
* Upper Nile
* Wad Banda
* Wad Madani
* Wadi Halfa
* Wadi Salih
* Warab
* Warab (state)
* Wau, Sudan
* Wawa,Sudan
* West Bahr al Ghazal
* West Darfur
* West Equatoria
* West Kurdufan
* White Nile
* White Nile (state)
* Yambio
* Yei
* Yokuba

Government of Sudan

* List of Presidents of Sudan
* List of Presidents of the Government of Southern Sudan
* List of Vice-Presidents of the Government of Southern Sudan
* Politics of Southern Sudan
* Prime minister of Sudan

Foreign relations of Sudan

* Foreign relations of Sudan
* African Union Mission in Sudan
* Foreign aid to Sudan
* Hala'ib Triangle
* Ilemi Triangle
* Paul Salopek

Presidents and PrimeMinisters of Sudan

* List of Presidents of Sudan
*Ismail Azahri 1965-1958
* Ibrahim Abboud1958- 1964
*Sir elkhitim Elkhliffa 1964-1965
*Mohammed Ahmed Elmhajoub1965-1968
*PM. Elsadig Elmahdi 1968-1969
*president Isamil Azahri 1965-1969
*Gaafar Nimeiry1969-1985
*Gen. Sawar Eldahhab1985-1986
*PM. Elsadig Elmahdi1986-1989
*president Ahmed Elmergani 1986-1989
* Omar al-Bashir1989-

History of Sudan

* History of Sudan
* 1998 Sudan famine
* Addis Ababa Agreement
* Muhammad Ahmad
* Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory
* Amanishakheto
* Amanislo
* Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
* Anyanya
* Barabra
* Battles of El Teb
* Beja Congress
* Chadian-Sudanese conflict
* Dakar Accord
* Darfur Liberation Front
* Darfur conflict
* Early history of Sudan
* Eastern Front (Sudan)
* El Teb
* Equatoria
* Fashoda Incident
* First Sudanese Civil War
* Funj sultanate of Sinnar
* Gallabat
* History of Sudan (1884-1898)
* History of Sudan (Coming of Islam to the Turkiyah)
* History of Sudan (Independent Sudan)
* History of Sudan (Nimeiri Era, 1969-1985)
* History of Sudan (Sadiq Al Mahdi and Coalition Governments)
* History of the Anglo-Egyptian co-dominium
* Jebel Barkal
* John Granville
* Keira dynasty
* 1973 Khartoum diplomatic assassinations
* Kurdufan
* Lado Enclave
* Latuka
* List of Presidents of Sudan
* Mahdist War
* Marchand Mission
* Mediation of the Chadian-Sudanese conflict
* Napata
* National Movement for Reform and Development
* Operation Infinite Reach
* Operation Sparrowhawk
* Second Sudanese Civil War
* Shanakdakhete
* Soba (city)
* Sudanese pound
* Taqali
* Transitional Military Council
* Tripoli Agreement
* Turkiyah:"See also: #Archaeological sites in Sudan"

Battles of Sudan

* Battle of El Obied
* Battle of Khartoum

Battles of the Sudanese Mahdist revolt

* Battle of Abu Klea
* Battle of Khartoum
* Battle of Omdurman
* Battle of Umm Diwaykarat

Battles of the Chadian-Sudanese conflict

* Second Battle of Adré
* Battle of Amdjereme
* Battle of Borota
* Battle of N'Djamena

Darfur conflict

* April 8 Humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement
* Beni Halba
* Bibliography of the Darfur conflict
* Darfur conflict
* Genocide Intervention Network
* Human Rights First
* International response to the Darfur conflict
* Janjaweed
* Justice and Equality Movement
* Mukesh Kapila
* Kutum
* Minni Minnawi
* Stephanie Nyombayire
* Sudan Liberation Movement
* Sudan Peace Act
* Hassan al-Turabi
* United Nations Security Council Resolution 1706

Elections in Sudan

* Elections in Sudan

Maps of the history of Sudan

* Maps of Sudan


* Abraham of Makuria
* Ali Baba of Makuria
* Alodia
* Amanishabheto
* Aswan Dam
* Bakt
* C-Group
* Candace of Meroe
* Dar al-Manasir
* Dotawo
* Faras
* Georgios I of Makuria
* Georgios II of Makuria
* Kingdom of Kerma
* Kyriakos of Makuria
* Lower Nubia
* Makuria
* Markos of Makuria
* Merkurios of Makuria
* Nobatia
* Nobiin language
* Nubia
* Nubian languages
* Nubian pyramids
* Qasr Ibrim
* Rafael of Makuria
* Salomo of Makuria
* Saï (island)
* Simon of Makuria
* Temple of Dendur
* Zacharias I of Makuria
* Zacharias III of Makuria


* Kush
* Amanikhareqerem
* Amanikhatashan
* Amanishakheto
* Amanislo
* Aspelta
* Baskakeren
* Harsiotef
* Kashta
* List of Egyptian viceroys of Kush
* List of monarchs of Kush
* Meroë
* Nastasen
* Natakamani
* Nubian pyramids
* Piye
* Shanakdakhete
* Shebitku
* Shorkaror
* Taharqa
* Tantamani
* Teqerideamani I
* Teqerideamani II
* Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt
* Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire

Nubian deities

* Anhur
* Apedemak
* Dedun
* Mandulis
* Menhit

Rulers of Sennar

* Badi II
* Badi III
* Badi IV
* Rabat I

udan-related lists

* List of Sudanese
* List of schools in Sudan
* List of universities in Sudan
* List of news websites in Sudan
* List of newspapers in Sudan

udanese media

* Media of Sudan

udanese news websites

* List of News websites in Sudan

Newspapers published in Sudan

* List of newspapers in Sudan
* Al-Rayaam

Military of Sudan

* Military of Sudan
* South Sudan Liberation Movement
* Sudanese Air Force

udanese soldiers

* Ibrahim Abboud

udanese Air Force

* Sudanese Air Force

Organisations based in Sudan

* National Movement for Reform and Development

udanese people

* List of Sudanese
* Amir Ageeb
* Muhammad Ahmad
* Lam Akol
* Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi
* AlKabli
* Zeinab Badawi
* Francis Bok
* Candace of Meroe
* Benson Deng
* Fouad Ibrahim
* Gaafar Nimeiry
* Ibrahim 'Ali Salman
* Jamal Mohammed Ibrahim
* Josephine Bakhita
* Minni Minnawi
* Abdallahi ibn Muhammad
* Muhamman Shata
* Awn Alsharif Qasim
* Rabih az-Zubayr
* Rashid Bakr
* Tayeb Salih
* Sarror
* Alexander Siddig
* Sudanese refugees in Egypt
* Alfred Taban
* Gabriel Cardinal Zubeir Wako
* Mohammed Wardi
* Alek Wek
* Dwight York

:"See also: #Rulers of Sennar"

udanese Germans

* Samy Deluxe

udanese people by occupation

:"See also: #Sudanese educators":"See also: #Sudanese musicians":"See also: #Sudanese soldiers":"See also: #Sudanese sportspeople"

udanese actors

* Alexander Siddig

udanese models

* Alek Wek

udanese politicians

* Ibrahim Abboud
* Lam Akol
* Rashid Bakr
* Al-Jazuli Daf'allah
* John Garang
* Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein
* Mustafa Osman Ismail
* Jaafar Abdul El Hakh
* Salva Kiir Mayardit
* Joseph Lagu
* Riek Machar
* Sadiq al-Mahdi
* Ahmad Baba al Massufi
* El Hussein Abdel Galil Mohammed
* Muhammad Ahmad Mahgoub
* Abdallahi ibn Muhammad
* Osman Kebir
* Awn Alsharif Qasim
* Salah Ali Al-Ghali
* Samson L. Kwaje
* Ali Osman Taha
* Mahmoud Mohamed Taha
* Hassan al-Turabi
* Najib Abdul Wahab:"See also: #Presidents of Sudan"

udanese scientists

* Fouad Ibrahim

udanese writers

* Abdul Raheem Glaiati
* Alephonsion Deng
* Benson Deng
* Leila Aboulela
* Malkat Ed-Dar Mohamed
* Muhammad Ahmad Mahgoub
* Awn Alsharif Qasim
* Tayeb Salih

udanese poets

Politics of Sudan

* Politics of Sudan
* Alliance of Revolutionary Forces of West Sudan
* Beja Congress
* Council of States of Sudan
* Darfur Liberation Front
* Eastern Front (Sudan)
* Justice and Equality Movement
* Nairobi Agreement, 1999
* National Assembly of Sudan
* National Islamic Front
* National Legislature of Sudan
* National Movement for Reform and Development
* Politics of Southern Sudan
* Sudan Liberation Movement
* Sudan People's Liberation Army:"See also: #Elections in Sudan":"See also: #Foreign relations of Sudan":"See also: #Government of Sudan"

Political parties in Sudan

* List of political parties in Sudan
* Baath Party
* Democratic Unionist Party (Sudan)
* Liberal Democrats (Sudan)
* National Congress (Sudan)
* National Democratic Alliance (Sudan)
* Sudan Liberation Movement
* Sudan People's Liberation Army
* Sudanese Ba'ath Party
* Sudanese Communist Party
* Sudanese Socialist Union
* Umma Party (Sudan)

Regions of Sudan

* Bahr el Ghazal
* Equatoria
* Kurdufan
* Southern Sudan

Religion in Sudan

* Religion in Sudan
* Episcopal Church of the Sudan
* Islam in Sudan
* Roman Catholicism in Sudan
* Status of religious freedom in Sudan:"See also: #Cemeteries in Sudan"

cience and technology in Sudan

* Az-Zubair Prize for Innovation and Scientific Excellence
* Bayan Science and Technology University.
* Mycetoma Research Centre
* Sudan University of Science and Technology

udanese society

* Az-Zubair Prize for Innovation and Scientific Excellence
* Demographics of Sudan
* Fur Diaspora
* Manasir
* Material Culture of the Manasir
* Sudan Boy Scouts Association
* Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies:"See also: #Ethnic groups in Sudan":"See also: #Religion in Sudan"

Baggara tribes

* Hawazma

Lost Boys of Sudan

* Lost Boys of Sudan
* John Dau
* Benson Deng
* Alephonsion Deng
* God Grew Tired of Us
* Lost Boys of Sudan (film)

port in Sudan

* 1970 African Cup of Nations
* 1957 African Cup of Nations:"See also: #Sports venues in Sudan"

Football in Sudan

* Sudan Football Association
* Sudan national football team:"See also: #Football venues in Sudan"

udanese football clubs

Sudan Premier League

* Al-Ahli (Wad Medani)
* Al-Hilal (Kadougli)
* Al-Hilal (Omdurman)
* Al-Hilal (Port Sudan)
* Al-Ittihad (Wad Medani)
* Al-Merreikh
* Al-Mourada
* Al-Nil Al-Hasahesa
* Amal Atbara
* Hay al-Arab Port Sudan
* Jazeerat Al-Feel
* Khartoum-3

Other leagues

* Al-Ahli (Khartoum)
* Al-Ahli Atbara
* Al-Ameer Al-Bahrawi
* Al-Merreikh Al-Thagher
* Burri Khartoum
* Dakka Barbar
* Hilal Al-Hasahesa
* Hilal Al-Kamleen
* Hilal Al-Obeid
* Hilal Al-Qadarif
* Hilal Juba
* Hilal Niyala
* Ittihad Al-Facher
* Merghani Kassala
* Merreikh Niyala
* Shambat (Khartoum Bahri)
* Taka Kassala
* Wad Numeri Dongola

udanese footballers

* Haitham Mustafa
* Abu Baker Sharif
* Ammar Ramadan
* Richard Gastin Lado
* Khalid Jolit
* Faisal Agab
* Haytham Tambal

udan at the Olympics

* Sudan at the 1960 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1968 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1972 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1984 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1988 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1992 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1996 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 2000 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 2004 Summer Olympics

udanese sportspeople

:"See also: #Sudanese footballers"

udanese athletes

* Nagmeldin Ali Abubakr
* Yamilé Aldama
* Hassan El Kachief
* Ismail Ahmed Ismail
* Omer Khalifa
* Todd Matthews-Jouda

udanese basketball players

* Manute Bol
* Luol Deng
* Deng Gai

Olympic competitors for Sudan

* Nagmeldin Ali Abubakr
* Ismail Ahmed Ismail
* Omer Khalifa
* Todd Matthews-Jouda

tates of Sudan

* States of Sudan
* Al Jazirah (state)
* Al Qadarif (state)
* Blue Nile (state)
* Central Equatoria
* East Equatoria
* Jonglei
* Kassala (state)
* Khartoum (state)
* Lakes (state)
* North Bahr al Ghazal
* North Darfur
* North Kurdufan
* Northern, Sudan
* Red Sea (state)
* River Nile (state)
* Sennar (state)
* South Darfur
* South Kurdufan
* Unity (state)
* Upper Nile
* Warab (state)
* West Bahr al Ghazal
* West Darfur
* West Equatoria
* West Kurdufan
* White Nile (state)

Transport in Sudan

* Transport in Sudan

Airlines of Sudan

* Air West
* Azza Transport
* Badr Airlines
* Blue Bird Aviation
* Mid Airlines (Sudan)
* Sarit Air Lines
* Sudan Airways

Airports in Sudan

* Khartoum International Airport

udan stubs

* 1998 Sudan famine
* Abdel Aziz El Mubarak
* Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein
* Abdul Raheem Glaiati
* Abraham of Makuria
* Academy of Medical Sciences (Sudan)
* Addis Ababa Agreement
* Afitti
* Afra Mall
* Ahfad University for Women
* Air West
* Aja language
* Al-Jazuli Daf'allah
* Al-Merrikh
* Al-Mourada
* AlHilal
* AlHilal Stadium
* Alara of Nubia
* Ali Baba of Makuria
* Ali Osman Taha
* Amanikhatashan
* Amarar
* Amir Yakoub Mohammed Al Amir Mahmoud
* Anyanya
* Artega
* Atwot
* Awadia and Fadnia
* Awlad Hassan
* Awlad Mana
* Azza Transport
* Badi II
* Badi IV
* Badr Airlines
* Batahin
* Battle of Khartoum
* Battle of Umm Diwaykarat
* Bayan Science and Technology University.
* Beja Congress
* Beja people
* Blue Bird Aviation
* Cemetery 117
* Dar Sila
* Darfur Liberation Front
* Democratic Unionist Party (Sudan)
* Deng Gai
* Didinga
* Districts of Sudan
* Dubasiyin
* El Hussein Abdel Galil Mohammed
* Elections in Sudan
* Foreign aid to Sudan
* Fouad Ibrahim
* Francis Bok
* Gabriel Cardinal Zubeir Wako
* Gberi
* Georgios I of Makuria
* Georgios II of Makuria
* Ghazi Salah al-Addin
* Gordon Memorial College
* Gulud
* Habbaniya
* Haitham Mustafa
* Hammad Ali Amno Gadallah
* Harsiotef
* Ibrahim Abboud
* Ingessana
* Ismail al-Azhari
* Jamal Mohammed Ibrahim
* Jumjum
* Justice and Equality Movement
* Kababish
* Kamil Idris
* Kashta
* Kerma Basin
* Kyriakos of Makuria
* Lado District
* Lam Akol
* Lango of Sudan
* Laro
* Leila Aboulela
* Liberal Democrats (Sudan)
* List of political parties in Sudan
* Lotuko
* Madi
* Markos of Makuria
* Merkurios of Makuria
* Minni Minnawi
* Missriya
* Mohammed Taha (journalist)
* Mohammed Wardi
* Molo
* Muhammad Ahmad Mahgoub
* Mustafa Ibrahim Mustafa Al Hassan
* Mustafa Osman Ismail
* Mycetoma Research Centre
* Nahnu Djundulla Djundulwatan
* Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-watan
* Najib Abdul Wahab
* National Congress (Sudan)
* Nodding disease
* Noor Uthman Muhammaed
* Operation Lifeline Sudan
* Osman Kebir
* Otuho language
* Peace and Security Council
* Politics of Southern Sudan
* Rabat I
* Rafael of Makuria
* Rashaida people
* Rashid Bakr
* Rek
* Rizeigat
* Saeed Madibo
* Salah Ali Al-Ghali
* Salim Mahmoud Adem Mohammed Bani Amir
* Salomo of Makuria
* Sarit Air Lines
* Sarror
* Saï (island)
* Shagia
* Shorkaror
* Simon of Makuria
* Sudan Liberation Movement
* Sudan Tribune website
* Sudan University of Science and Technology
* Sudan at the 1968 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1972 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1984 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1988 Summer Olympics
* Sudan at the 1992 Summer Olympics
* Sudanese Air Force
* Sudanese refugees in Egypt
* Tacho
* Todd Matthews-Jouda
* Toposa
* Um Sidir
* United Nations Security Council Resolution 1564
* United Nations Security Council Resolution 1706
* Unity High School (Sudan)
* Walid Mohammad Haj Mohammad Ali
* Zacharias I of Makuria
* Zacharias III of Makuria
* Zaghawa:"See also: #Sudan geography stubs"

ee also

*Lists of country-related topics - similar lists for other countries

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