

Infobox German Location
Name = Winterberg
Art = Stadt
image_photo = Winterberg_imwinter.jpg
imagesize =
image_caption = Winterberg
Wappen = winterberg arms.pnglat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 12 | lat_sec=0
lon_deg = 08 |lon_min = 31 | lon_sec=0
Lageplan =
Bundesland = NRW
Regierungsbezirk = Arnsberg
Landkreis = Hochsauerlandkreis
Höhe = 667
Fläche = 147.86
Einwohner = 14361
Stand = 2006-06-30
pop_source =
PLZ = 59955
Vorwahl = 02981
Kfz = HSK
Gemeindeschlüssel = 05 9 58 048
Gliederung = 14
Adresse = Fichtenweg 10
02981 Winterberg
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Werner Eickler
Partei = CDU

Winterberg is a town in the Hochsauerland district, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.


Winterberg is located in the middle of the Sauerland, at the source of the Ruhr and Lenne river.

Neighbouring municipalities

* Hallenberg
* Medebach
* Olsberg
* Schmallenberg

Division of the town

After the local government reforms of 1975 Winterberg consists of 14 districts:

Twin Towns

* ) -- since 1974
* ) -- since 1974
* ) -- since 1989
* (Germany) -- since 1990


Winterberg was declared a city about 1270, and was a member of the Hanseatic League from the 13th until the 17th century. As it is located in high hills with swampy ground, it always was a poor city. Only since tourism started about 200 years ago has it blossomed. In 1975 several small villages were merged into the city, increasing the population notably - the center of Winterberg only has 4,536 residents.

Points of interest

The second highest mountain of the Sauerland, the "Kahler Asten" in the Rothaargebirge, is located in the city area, which also contains the spring of the Lenne and Ruhr rivers.


The city is one of the winter sports centers of the Sauerland, best known probably for the bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton track. In 2003, there were the first official World Wok Championships, initiated by Stefan Raab.

Coat of arms

The arms show the city (the city walls only existed between 1261 and 1266) behind the patron of the city, Saint James, as Winterberg is located on one of the Ways of St. James.

External links

* [ Official website] de icon
* [ Touristical website of Winterberg] de icon nl icon
* [ Webcams in Winterberg]

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