

French commune
View of the Saar River and the casino in Sarreguemines
département=Moselle ("sous-préfecture")
canton=Chief town of 2 cantons
insee= |cp=57200
maire=Céleste Lett
Sarreguemines Confluences
alt moy= |alt mini= |alt maxi=
hectares=2,967 |km²=29.67
dens= 782.0|date-dens=1999

Sarreguemines (German "Saargemünd") is a town and commune in the Moselle "département", in Lorraine, northeastern France. It is the chief town of an arrondissement.


Sarreguemines, whose name is a French spelling of the name in local Lorraine-German dialect "Saargemin", meaning "confluence into the Saar", is located at the confluence of the Blies and the Saar, 40 miles east of Metz, 60 miles northwest of Strasbourg by rail, and at the junction of the lines to Trier and Saarburg. Traditionally Sarreguemines was the head of river navigation on the Saar, its importance being a depot where boats were unloaded.


Sarreguemines is the chief town of two cantons:
* the canton of Sarreguemines, comprising the sole commune of Sarreguemines
* the canton of Sarreguemines-Campagne, comprising 21 nearby communes


Saargemünd, originally a Roman settlement, obtained civic rights early in the 13th century. In 1297 it was ceded by the count of Saarbrücken to the Duke of Lorraine, and passed with Lorraine in 1766 to France.

It was transferred to Germany in 1871, with the Treaty of Frankfurt following the Franco-Prussian War. From 1871 to 1918 it formed part of the German imperial province of Alsace-Lorraine and manufactured plush velvet, leather, porcelain, and earthenware, and was a chief depot for papier-mâché boxes, mostly used for snuffboxes. It was returned to France after World War I.

Notable citizens

Sarreguemines was the birthplace of
*Jean-Pierre Bachasson, comte de Montalivet (1766-1823), Peer of France and a French statesman.
*Eric Hassli (born 1981), French footballer
*Matthieu Sprick (born 1981), French cyclist.

External links

* Official website



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  • SARREGUEMINES — SARREGUEMINES, town in the Moselle department, northeastern France. Jews have lived in Sarreguemines since the 13th century. Expelled in 1477, they reappeared at the latest in 1690 under the French occupation. One family was authorized to settle… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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