Magneto-Hydrodynamik — Die Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) ist ein Teilgebiet der Physik. Sie beschreibt das Verhalten von elektrisch leitenden Fluiden, die von magnetischen (und elektrischen) Feldern durchdrungen werden. Die Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) im engeren Sinne… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Magnetohydrodynamik — Die Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) ist ein Teilgebiet der Physik. Sie beschreibt das Verhalten von elektrisch leitenden Fluiden, die von magnetischen (und elektrischen) Feldern durchdrungen werden. Die Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) im engeren Sinne… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of sensors — * Accelerometer * Touch sensor * Active pixel sensor * Air flow meter * Alarm sensor * Bedwetting alarm * Bhangmeter * Biochip * Biosensor * Breathalyzer * Capacitance probe * Carbon paste electrode * Carbon monoxide detector * Catadioptric… … Wikipedia
Magnetohydrodynamics — For the academic journal, see Magnetohydrodynamics (journal). Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) (magneto fluid dynamics or hydromagnetics) is an academic discipline which studies the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids. Examples of such fluids… … Wikipedia
Inertial navigation system — An Inertial Navigation System (INS) is a navigation aid that uses a computer and motion sensors to continuously track the position, orientation, and velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a vehicle without the need for external references … Wikipedia
Coronal seismology — is a technique of studying the plasma of the Sun s corona with the use of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves and oscillations. Magnetohydrodynamics studies the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids in this case the fluid is the coronal plasma.… … Wikipedia
Radiofrequency MASINT — is one of the six major disciplines generally accepted to make up the field of Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT), with due regard that the MASINT subdisciplines may overlap, and MASINT, in turn, is complementary to more traditional… … Wikipedia
Akula-Klasse — Projekt 971 Schiffsdaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Geber — Spender; Stifter * * * Ge|ber 〈m. 3〉 1. jmd., der anderen etwas gibt, etwas schenkt (GeldGeber) 2. 〈Tech.〉 Verteiler 3. 〈Tel.〉 Taster, Sender * * * Ge|ber, der; s, : 1. [mhd. geber, ahd. gebāri, zu ↑ … Universal-Lexikon
Geomagnetic storm — This article is about disturbances within Earth s magnetosphere. For other uses of magnetic storm , see Magnetic storm (disambiguation). Solar particles interact with Earth s magnetosphere. A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the… … Wikipedia