List of Swedish fish

List of Swedish fish

List of fish encountered in Swedish waters; both fresh water (lakes and streams) and in the marine salt water.

The table denotes species native to Sweden, as well as those introduced from a neighbouring country and those that are only occurred occasionally. In total there are approximate 140 species native and common in Sweden, and another 90 which are sporadical, not established or extinct. [Kullander]

The IUCN Red List is set of certain criteria of the fish population status in Sweden. The following terminology is used: Extinct, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Near Threatened, Least Concern, Disappeared, Data Deficient and Not Evaluated.



The Aulopiformes, or "grinners", are marine fish, most of which live in deep-sea waters in the Atlantic. Only sporadically encountered in Swedish waters, e.g. the "Magnisudis atlantica" has to date been found eight times, the first in 1960 and the last in 1978. [sv icon [ "Laxtobis"] -- The Swedish Fish Database]

Carcharhiniformes (Ground sharks)

The order Carcharhiniformes, or Ground sharks, are the largest order of sharks and include many well-known types such as the blue shark and the sandbar shark.


The order Batrachoidiformes, or toadfish, are a type of ray-finned fish normally found on the sand and mud bottoms of coastal waters worldwide. The only example of a fish from this order caught in Swedish water was a specimens of the "Halobatrachus didactylus" -- a fish native to the coasts of Africa -- caught by the shore of southern Sweden in 1820 (specimens preserved). [sv icon [ "Paddfisk"] -- Swedish Fish Database]


The family Abramis ballerus consists of several type of Carp-like fishes, the most important being the Cyprinid -- the carps and minnows.

The Carp bream ("Abramis ballerus"), the largest of the breams, is of note in Swedish fresh waters. Once an important source of food (which is still the case in parts of Europe), it is today only of economical importance in Sweden's southern parts (Skåne, etc). However it is still common in other waters in Sweden, where it is a popular game fish. [sv icon [ "Brax"] From the Swedish Fish Database ]

Gasterosteiformes (Pipefish or Sticklebacks)

The most notable families of the Gasterosteiformes order are the sticklebacks. On the northern hemisphere, the three-spined stickleback ("Gasterosteus aculeatus") is common in all oceans including the Swedish coasts, and in adjacent fresh water lakes and streams. It was once caught in large quantites to make fish oil; today it is still caught in some extent for the purpose of fish meal. [sv icon [ "Storspigg"] -- From the Swedish Fish Database ]

Lampriformes (Deep sea ray finned fish)

The Lampriformes is an order of primitive, often rope-like, fishes. Living in deep-sea in tropical and temperate waters, they are rarely encountered in Nordic waters.


Petromyzontiformes (Lampreys)

A lamprey is a jawless fish with a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth, with which most species bore into the flesh of other fishes to suck their blood. In zoology, lampreys are not considered to be true fish because of their vastly different morphology and physiology.

In Sweden, the European river lamprey ("Lampetra fluviatilis"), living in fresh waters, is the most usual usage of the term lamprey. The "Lampetra planeri" is a closely related species living in small streams, possibly even the same species.

The lamprey is the provincial fish of Västerbotten in northern Sweden.


The family of Rajiformes include ten families of ray-like fishes such as skates and stingrays.

Of the Rajiformes, three species are common in Nordic waters. The largest is the Blue skate, which is commons in the Skagerrak and Kattegatt west of Sweden but otherwise only sporadic. It is together with the Thumback ray ("Raja clavata") the only cartilaginous fish of economical importance in Sweden. [sv icon [ "Slätrocka"] -- The Swedish Fish Database]

tomiiformes (Dragon-like fish)

Fish of this order are deep-sea ray-finned fishes of very diverse morphology, including dragonfishes, lightfishes, marine hatchetfishes and viperfishes . Primarily residing in temperate waters they are uncommon in Swedish waters.


Tetraodontiformes are ray-finned fish, most of which are marine and dwell around tropical coral reefs. As such, they are only rarely encountered in Nordic waters. The large Sunfish ("Mola mola") has however in recent decades been seen with more regularly in Swedish waters, almost on a yearly basis. [sv icon [ "Klumpfisk"] ]


The order of Zeiformes are most known for the dories. Generally not native in Nordic waters, but the John Dory ("Zeus faber") became an occasional visitor around Swedish coasts by the late 19th century, and has in the latest decades been seen with annual regularity, although not in such quantities that systematical fishing of it is conducted. The fish is otherwise an attractive food fish in southern Europe and other parts of the world. [sv icon [ "Sankt Pers fisk"] -- The Swedish Fish Database]



*Kullander, S.O. 2002. "Svenska fiskar: Förteckning över svenska fiskar." World Wide Web elektronisk publikation; Naturhistoriska riksmuseet.
* [ English/Latin names of fishes]
* Swedish Sportfishers: "Sportfishing official records in fresh waters" -- [ "Officiella rekord i svenska sötvatten]


* Gärdenfors, U. (red). 2005. "Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2005. The 2005 Red List of Swedish species." Artdatabanken, Uppsala, 496 pp.
* Fries, B. Fr., C. U. Ekström & C. J. Sundewall. 1836-1857. "Skandinaviens Fiskar". P.A. Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm, IV+222 ss. Appendix 1-44, 1-140, pl. 1-60.
* Kottelat, M. 1997. "European freshwater fishes. An heuristic checklist of the freshwater fishes of Europe (exclusive of former USSR), with an introduction for non-systematists and comments on nomenclature and conservation." Biologia, Zool., 52, suppl. 5: 1-271.

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