

governor=Kåre Preben Hegland (H)
lat_deg=58| lat_min=53| lat_sec=13| lon_deg=9| lon_min=20| lon_sec=49
utm_zone=32V| utm_northing=6527544 |utm_easting=0520004| geo_cat=adm2nd
Audio|Krageroe.ogg|Kragerø is a town and municipality in the county of Telemark, Norway.The town of Kragerø was established as a municipality January 1, 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt). It has 495 islands, islets and skerries and 4,000 leisure houses. There are also 190 freshwater lakes in the municipality. In the days of the sailing ships Kragerø was one of Norway's largest port cities. The rural municipalities of Sannidal and Skåtøy were merged with Kragerø January 1, 1960.

Kragerø is the southernmost municipality in Telemark. It borders on Risør (southwest) and Gjerstad (northwest) of Aust-Agder county and furthermore in a clockwise direction, the two Telemark municipalities Drangedal and Bamble. Kragerø is popular among Norwegians (as well as foreigners) as a vacation destination during the summer, when the population swells considerably (approx. 250% increase).Fact|date=August 2007

The London based newspaper The Independent [] , published an article on Kragerø in 2004 called "Norway's seaside special" [] , claoin that "When Norwegians want to get away from it all they head for Kragero. Forests, fjords and islands await them at the place where Edvard Munch found peace and relaxation." Edvard Munch fell in love with Kragerø in his days, and called it "The Pearl of the Coastal Towns" (Perlen blandt kystbyene). In 2002 [The Independent] , published an article on the regional coastline called "Is this the coolest Riviera?" [] writing that "It may not have many sandy beaches, but the coast of Norway offers sophistication and stunning scenery."

The name

The Norse form of the name was "Krákarøy". The first element is probably the genitive case of "*krák" f 'crow' (a sideform of "kráka" f 'crow'). The last element is "øy" for 'island' or 'ey' as in Scottish. The form "Kragerø" is a Danish form of the name, established in the 17th Century.

Another possible origin of the first part of the name, originates from the Norse word 'krag' as in the Scottish 'crag', meaning steep. This would refer to the extreme steepness of the island's eastern and southern facades. It should also be noted that 'Krak' is a boy's name in Norse.


The coat-of-arms is from 1938. It shows a galley. (When Kragerø was given the rights of a city in 1666 the citizens in return was obliged to equip a galley.)

Locations/villages in Kragerø


Famous inhabitants

*Anton Martin Schweigaard
*Christian Gierløff
*Edvard Munch
*Helge Rykkja
*Nils Ørvik
*Ole Myrvoll
*Ole Øisang
*Per Hanson
*Theodor Kittelsen

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