

Abaddon (Hebrew אבדון "Avaddon", meaning "destruction"). In Biblical references ("Job" 26:6; "Proverbs" 15:11), it comes to mean "place of destruction", or the realm of the dead, and is associated with Sheol. Abaddon is also one of the compartments of Gehenna.Metzger & Coogan (1993) O"xford Companion to the Bible", p3.] By extension, it can mean an underworld abode of lost souls, or hell. In some legends, it is identified as a realm where the damned lie in fire and snow, one of the places in Hell that Moses visited. Ginzberg, Lewis. "The Legends of the Jews", Volume II: From Joseph to Exodus. 1909. [http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/loj/loj206.htm] ]

In "Revelation" 9:11, it is personified as Abaddon, "Angel of the Abyss", rendered in Greek as Apollyon; and he is described as king of the locusts which rose at the sounding of the fifth trumpet. In like manner, in Rev. vi. 8, Hades is personified following after death to conquer the fourth part of the earth.

Abaddon is one of the infernal names used in LaVeyan Satanism, and is first in the listonly as it comes first alphabeticallyand means "the destroyer."

Identification of Abaddon

Many Biblical scholars believe him to be Satan or the antichrist
Jehovah's Witnesses originally also considered Abaddon a demon, but now identify him with Jesus. [The Watchtower, May 1, 1992 p. 11, “"Keep Close in Mind the Day of Jehovah".”]

According to them, there are several proofs in favor of their concepts, including Revelation 20:1, which reads that "the angel with the key of the abyss and a large prison in his hand seized the dragon (Satan the Devil) and threw him down into the abyss, and closed it on him (Satan)", meaning that the 'angel of the key' had power and authority superior to that of the Devil himself. Therefore, from their standpoint, Abaddon, "the angel with the key of the abyss" (see Revelation 9:1,11) and "the ancient serpent", "the dragon", Satan the Devil, must not be both the same person.

External links

* [http://www.cblibrary.org/schaff_h/aa/abaddon.htm "Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge"] Abaddon


*cite book
last =Metzeger
first =Bruce M. (ed)
authorlink =
coauthors = Michael D. Coogan (ed)
title = The Oxford Companion to the Bible
publisher = Oxford University Press
date = 1993
location = Oxford, UK
pages =
url =
doi =
isbn = 0-19-504645-5

*cite book
last =Halley
first =Henry H.
authorlink =
coauthors = James E. Ruark (ed)
title = Halley's Bible Handbook
publisher = ZondervanPublishingHouse
date = 2000
location = Grand Rapids, MI
pages =
url =
doi =
isbn = 0-310-22479-9

*cite book
last =MacDonald
first =William
authorlink =
coauthors = Art Farstad (ed)
title = Believer's Bible Commentary
publisher = Thomas Nelson Publishers
date = 1995
location = Nashville, TN
pages =
url =
doi =
isbn = 0-8407-1972-8

*"This article incorporates text from the public-domain "Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge" 1907"

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  • Abaddon — • A Hebrew word signifying: ruin, destruction (Job 31:12); place of destruction; the Abyss, realm of the dead (Job 26:6; Proverbs 15:11) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Abaddon     Abaddon …   Catholic encyclopedia

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