
Leaves of Sararanga sinuosa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Pandanales
Family: Pandanaceae
Genus: Sararanga

See text

Sararanga is a genus of flowering plants with two species originating from the Philippines to New Guinea. It belongs to the family Pandanaceae. They occurring in the northern part of New Guinea, in Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon Islands[1] They are palmlike dioecious trees and shrubs Often called Palms, these plants are not closely related to palm trees. There are related to Pandanus, Freycinetia, and Martellidendron genus in the Pandanaceae family. The scientific name comes from the name of the common type species of these plants named sararang, in the Solomon Islands.



The trees reach a height of 20 meters. Plants form aerial roots at the base of the trunk-branches. Flowers unisex, gathered in panicles complex. Single-chamber ovaries.

Fruits are berries, with seeds numerous, with a thick shell.


According to Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (updated APG system III of 2009) belongs to the family type (Pandanaceae), in the line (' 'Pandanales) belonging to the monocots


  • Sararanga philippinensis Merr., Publ. Bur. Sci. Gov. Lab. 29: 5 (1905).[2]
  • Sararanga sinuosa Hemsl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 30: 216 (1894).


  1. ^ |imię= Rafaël |nazwisko= Govaerts |tytuł= World Checklist of Selected Plant Families |opublikowany= The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew |język= en |data dostępu= 2011-02-22
  2. ^

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