Orlović clan

Orlović clan

Orlovići are a Serb clan originating from Čarađe, near Gacko (modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina). They are descendants of Vuk Orle, father of Pavle Orlović. Many of their descendants can be found in Montenegro.

By legend, after the death of Pavle Orlović, his four sons escape their hometown, Čarađe, near Gacko, and flee to a village called "Velimlje", in Banjani (modern-day Montenegro). The Turks soon conquer Banjani, and the Orlović brothers, after spending merely a winter there, Bajko, Bjelan and Nenoje (other sources call him "Bajo"), continued on to Ržani do in Cuce, whereas, the fourth brother, Tepo, returned to Čarađe and founded the Tepavčevići. Bajko, Bjelan and Nenoje later established a church in the village dedicated to their patron saint, Saint John. However, Bajko later moved to Zaljut in Cuce with the rest of his family, effectively branching off and creating the Bajkovići. Bjelan moved to Resanj in Bjelice with his family, of whom descends voivode Milija, found in The Mountain Wreath by Petar II Petrović-Njegoš. From voivode Milija descend the Milići. Nenoje (Bajo) would move to Bjelice with his family, and establish the Martinovići. However, scholars that it's more probable that Pavle's so-called "sons" are actually his relatives.[1]

According to Jovan Erdeljanović, four brothers did in fact relocated from Gacko to Cuce, however, they were named as follows: Bajko, Bjelan, Nenoje and Čejo. Bajko remained in Cuce, where his offspring founded the Bajković clan. Bjelan moved to Bjelice, and his descendants founded the modern-day clans of Milići, Abramovići, etc. Nenoje moved to Bajica, where his descendants would later branch off into the Martinović and Vuksanović clans. Čejo returned to Gacko and converted to Islam, effectively creating the Čengić clan. According to this legend, there were three more brothers, who had initially remained in Čarađe. One of the brothers would establish the Samardžić clan in Krivošije. The second brother was the ancestor of the Bandići in Komani, as well as the Đuričići in Zagarač. The third brother converted to Islam and would establish the Osmanagići in Podgorica.[2]

Voivode Bijela, who is also known as "Rade" and "Orli Ban", was the grandson of Martin Orlović (Pavle's brother) and is said to have been the lord of the fortress of Moštanica in Župa Nikšićka. In 1482, the Turks attacked the fort, and Bijela heroically died in the aftermath. Accounts place Tepo and Bajo, supposed sons of Pavle Orlović, as actually being the sons of Bijela, along with Čejo and Jovan.[2]

Tepo Orlović, also known as Vaso, had four sons. One of his sons decided to carry the surname Tepavčević in honor of his father. His second son, Manojlo, fathered what would soon become the Manojlovići. The third son, Damjan, became the ancestor of the Damjanovići, who, due to external conflicts, later split up into branches, the Herzegovinian branch carrying the surname Damjanac and the Montenegrin branch carrying Damjančević. As if this weren't enough, a member of the Damjanovići later split from the clan and established the Bjeković family.[3]

According to Andrija Luburić, after the deaths of Pavle Orlović and Damnjan Tomković, Pavle's mother, pregnant at the time, journeyed to Dubrovnik with her son, Milija. On the road, they ate in the town of Gacko, where they spent the night with knez Vratko. Pavle's mother had come to like knez Vratko's daughter, and she arranged a marriage for her and her Milija. After the wedding, Milija remained in Gacko with his in-laws meanwhile his mother continued her journey to Dubrovnik. Once she reached Dubrovnik, she gave birth to Martin Orlović, who was baptised a Catholic. The duo later return to Gacko to live with Milija.[4]

Milija's grandson, Bijela, was a voivode in Gacko and held a fortress on the Bjelatice mountains near the village of Krsce. This fort defended the Duga Gorge, and the road to Nikšić. Bijela would fight with the neighboring Turks from the fortress in nearby Ključa for 20 years (Ključa was captured by the Turks in 1463. In 1482, after years of fighting, the Turks were finally able to conquer Bijela's fortress, sending him and his family to Banjani.[4] They remained there for a spring and all but one of his sons relocate to Montenegro and settle in various parts of the Katunska nahija.[5]

Meanwhile, Martin's grandson, Rade (or Orli Ban), held a fortress in Moštanica, near Nikšić. In 1482, after courageously defending the fortress against Turkish invasion, the Turks captured the fortress and captured Rade.[5]

Another account has a certain Šćepan Orlović, possibly son of Bajo Orlović, fathering three sons: Bajko, Culo (Cuko) and Bjelan (Bjelo). Bjelan, served as the ancestor of the Orlovići in Bjelice. Two of Bajko's sons, Vučić and Vučeta, later branched off and founded the Bajković clan in Cuce, ultimately, with their uncle Culo, becoming the ancestors of the Orlovići in Cuce. Meanwhile, Nenoje, Radonja, Raič and Savo, also Bajko's sons, relocated to Bajice, where they became the ancestors of the Orlovići in Bajice. The Martinovići are said to descend from Nenoje, while the Bandići are said to have descended from Radonja's sons, Vuk and Sekula.[2]

The Samardžić family, from Krivošije in the Bay of Kotor, descends from Savo Orlović.

There are many other descendants of Pavle Orlović, but without recognized status of nobility. The most famous non-noble descendant of Pavle Orlović is surely Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla.

Orlović family is now the oldest living Serbian noble house dating from Vuk Orle (13th century).[6]

Members of Serbian royal house of Obrenović are cadet branch of Martinović family.

Famous Bosnian Muslim family Čengić from Herzegovina traces their descendance from Čejo Orlović, who was recognized as spahii and bey by Ottoman Turks after his conversion to Islam. Čengić family was always aware of her noble status over ordinary Bosniak and Orthodox Serb families. The most prominent member of Čengić family was Smail-aga Čengić, whose death was described in the poem "Death of Smail-aga Čengić" (Croatian Serbian "Smrt Smail-age Čengića") by Croatian Romantic poet Ivan Mažuranić.

Another noble Muslim family of Orlović descendance is Osmanagić family from Podgorica, descendants of unnamed member of Samardžić family. There are some speculations that after conversion, that Samardžić took name Osman, and that he was granted title of Aga, which gave the name to all his descendants. According to Andrija Luburić, however, it is said that the Osmanagići are descended from Jovan Orlović, Martin Orlović's grandson. It is said that Jovan was imprisoned by the Turks as a child in Gacko during his family's escape to Montenegro. Jovan was taken to Mostar and later "turkified", meaning converted to Islam. According to certain documents, Jovan's descendants were called the Koskići and they lived in Mostar. In 1650, the Koskići relocated to Podgorica. During the Moravian War, Elez-aga Koskić saved two of the greatest Brda heroes, Petar Bošković from Bjelopavlići and Novo Popović from Kuči. When the vezier in Scutari heard news of such event, he had Elez-aga decapitated, his mother and two women killed and had the rest of the Koskići killed off and scattered. One Koskić who carried the surname Osmanagić survived, and from him descend the modern-day Osmanagići.[7]

Descedants of House of Orlović are royal families of Karađorđević through Princess Ljubica "Ziva" of Serbia, and House of Savoy through Queen Elena of Italy, daughters of Nicholas I of Montenegro, and Montenegrin Royal house of Petrović Njegoš through various members of the Martinović family.


  • Orlovići
    • Bajkovići (descendants of Baj(k)ov Šćepanov Orlović)
      • Borilovići (descendants of Borilo (Boroja) Bajkov Bajković) [8][9]
      • Nikolići (descendants of Nikola Nenojev Bajkov Bajković) [8]
        • Martinovići (descendants of Martin (V)Latkov Nikolin Nikolić-Orlović) [9][10]
          • Batrićevići (descendants of Batrić Martinov Martinović-Orlović) [9]
          • Ivanovići (descendants of Ivan Martinov Martinović-Orlović) [9]
          • Markovići (descendants of Marko Martinov Martinović-Orlović) [9]
          • Miloševići (descendants of Miloš Martinov Martinović-Orlović) [9]
          • Obrenovići (descendants of Obren Jovanov Martinov Martinović-Orlović) [10]
          • Tomašević (descendants of Tomaš Martinov Martinović-Orlović) [9]
        • Raičevići (descendants of Raič (V)Latkov Nikolin Nikolić-Orlović) [10]
    • Koskići (descendants of Jovan ... Martinov Vukov Orlović) [7]
      • Osmanagići [7]
    • Samardžići (descendants of Savo Orlović)
    • Tepavčevići (descendants of Tepo Bijelin Orlović)
      • Manojlovići (descendants of Manojlo Tepov Bijelin Orlović)
      • Lalovići (descendants of Lale(?) Tepov Bijelin Orlović)
      • Damjanovići (descendants of Damjan Tepov Bijelin Orlović)
        • Damjanci
        • Damjančevići
        • Bjekovići


  1. ^ Kovijanić, Risto (1963) (in Serbian). Crnogorska plemena u kotorskim spomenicima, Vol. I. 
  2. ^ a b c Damjanac, Drago (in Serbian). Орловићи - постанак, разбој и кретање. http://damjanci.com/orlovici.php. 
  3. ^ Damjanac, Drago (in Serbian). Дамјанци у 18. вијеку и даље. http://damjanci.com/damjanci.php. 
  4. ^ a b Luburić, Andrija (1934) (in Serbian). Орловићи и њихова улога у црногорском бадњем вечеру 1710 године.. Belgrade: Štamparija Drag. Gregorovića. p. 9. http://www.damjanci.com/wp/?page_id=16. 
  5. ^ a b Luburić, Andrija (1934) (in Serbian). Орловићи и њихова улога у црногорском бадњем вечеру 1710 године.. Belgrade: Štamparija Drag. Gregorovića. p. 10. http://www.damjanci.com/wp/?page_id=18. 
  6. ^ Samardžić, Obrad Mićov (1992) (in Serbian). Porijeklo Samardžića i ostalih bratstava roda Orlovića. Mostar. ISBN 86-82271-53-2. 
  7. ^ a b c Luburić, Andrija (1934) (in Serbian). Орловићи и њихова улога у црногорском бадњем вечеру 1710 године.. Belgrade: Štamparija Drag. Gregorovića. p. 34. http://www.damjanci.com/wp/?page_id=25. 
  8. ^ a b Luburić, Andrija (1934) (in Serbian). Орловићи и њихова улога у црногорском бадњем вечеру 1710 године.. Belgrade: Štamparija Drag. Gregorovića. p. 11. http://www.damjanci.com/wp/?page_id=20. 
  9. ^ a b c d e f g Simonović, Budo (1999) (in Serbian). Ilustrovana Politika: Badnjak na Cetinju. Politika. http://www.politika.rs/ilustro/2087/cetvrti.htm. 
  10. ^ a b c Luburić, Andrija (1934) (in Serbian). Орловићи и њихова улога у црногорском бадњем вечеру 1710 године.. Belgrade: Štamparija Drag. Gregorovića. p. 16. http://www.damjanci.com/wp/?page_id=25. 

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