- Soft Ices
Soft Ices is an arts project by the artist
Mark Storer and composerJules Maxwell . Mark and Jules have been travelling aroundJaywick in anice cream van , which has been given a new lease of life as arecording studio , persuading local people to literally ‘sing for their supper’. In return for their songs, they are rewarded with free ice creams. Samples of their songs will be transformed into a piece of music which will be broadcast at the Tower’s opening. All those who recorded a song will be invited to collect their book, and anyone else who attends the event will also receive a book.Description
From the
Jaywick Martello Tower one hundred red ribbons, held by children, flutter from the rooftop to the ground, where they are pegged down. On the roof, there is another tower, a gift, a box full of books. Encased in the books a CD lies. TheMartello Tower is like a giantMaypole , around its base "Carolina" the ice cream van circles around and around, in a clockwise direction. From the ice cream van, haunting music is heard. Hundreds of peoples voices, fragments of songs, lullabies float out into the sky. We all wait, watching. From some distance away the strange, yet beautiful melody is interrupted by the hum of a small plane. The plane flies into view and heads in the direction of the Tower, training a brightly coloured banner. As it approaches it begins to circle anticlockwise. Seven times it circumscribes the Tower. On its seventh circuit confetti falls from the plane showering the Tower and the ground below. The ribbons are released and flutter to the ground. The sound from Carolina grows in intensity. This magical opening of the Tower on17 September 2005 was the culmination of a year-long art project, Soft Ices.References
* [http://www.essexcc.gov.uk/vip8/ecc/ECCWebsite/content/binaries/documents/Arts/Essex_Arts_Ed(3).pdf?channelOid=null "Soft Ices"] Essex County Council
* [http://archive.clactonandfrintongazette.co.uk/2005/4/15/117425.html "Clacton Gazette" article]
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