OpenmindProjects- Volunteering Abroad

OpenmindProjects- Volunteering Abroad
OpenmindProjects -
Volunteering abroad
Motto Learning for Life, Nature and Future
Formation January 1, 2001 (2001-01-01) (10 years ago)
Type Non-government organization
Legal status Active
Purpose/focus Teaching English, IT (ICT) and Conservation
Location 856/9 Moo. 15 Prajak Rd, Amphoe Muang Nong Khai, Thailand, 43000
Coordinates 16°2826N 102°4919E / 16.47389°N 102.82194°E / 16.47389; 102.82194Coordinates: 16°2826N 102°4919E / 16.47389°N 102.82194°E / 16.47389; 102.82194
Region served Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal
Membership Sven Mauleon(Founder, Co-director),
Thaweesilp Lunchaiyapha(Co-director)
Founder Sven Mauleon
Website OpenmindProjects

OpenmindProjects (OMP)[1], located in Nong Khai Province, Thailand is a developmental aid organisation focused helping communities in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Nepal by the creation and management of ground roots projects in the areas of e-learning, education and environment. The main focus of the organisation is using information and communication technologies (ICT) to educate individuals in schools, orphanages, national parks and villages. Projects rely on volunteers to facilitate change within these communities.

OMP was founded in the year 2001 by Swedish management consultant Sven Mauleon.[citation needed] Since then OMP has supported some 60 schools, orphanages, national parks and villages in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Nepal. OpenmindProjects acts as a private aid organization, bringing essential knowledge about computers, English and conservation to developing countries iin the Mid Asiatic Region.



2001 - OpenmindProjects, then called IT in Isan[2], pioneered computer training projects in poor Thai villages in an effort to see how the digital divide could be bridged. Computers were placed in homes and schools in villages and villagers given unlimited access to the resource. The idea was to give children and teenagers a chance to learn how to use computers and to learn other subjects with the help of computers.

2002 - OpenmindProjects introduced computer and Internet based learning to Thai villages, orphan homes and schools (where teachers and education material are scarce) to inspire students to use computers and Internet to learn English and other subjects. OpenmindProjects started inviting volunteers to teach in remote villages, schools and orphan homes.

2004 - OpenmindProjects started supporting responsible eco tourism and community development projects in Laos and Thailand[3], to help local people and to protect nature and wildlife. In fall of 2004 OpenmindProjects expanded to South Thailand, the Satun, Krabi and PangNga provinces. In December 2004 the first workshops with local schools, and national parks took place. On December 26 the tsunami hit these regions. OpenmindProjects was one of the first organizations whose volunteers helped local tsunami hit schools.

2007 - OpenmindProjects started supporting community, eco projects in Cambodia and Nepal. OpenmindProjects was a pioneer in arranging local teacher training workshops for Thai teachers together with international volunteers and in sending qualified volunteers to help teachers improving education at their own schools. It was one of the first organisations to advocate team teaching as a way to improve English teaching at Thai schools.[citation needed]

2007 - Openmind Projects was chosen by CNN for their "Be the Change" initiative[4]. As part of the progam CNN selected volunteers from eight organisations in various countries to report on their experiences. CNN recommends these eight organisations as part of the initialtive, of which OpenmindProjects is one. OpenmindProjects begins supporting health projects in Thailand and Nepal.

2008 - OpenmindProjects was a finalist in the prestigious Stockholm Challenge in April, 2008 for its work on ICT for development.

2009 - Openmind Traveller[5], a new ecotourism organisation was created as a sister program by OpenmindProjects to promote sustainable tourism and travel in Laos and Thailand.

2010 - OpenmindProjects began supporting community projects in Karen villages, schools and refugee camps along the Thai-Burmese border. Also community projects in conjunction with Nong Khai Aquarium and Khon Kaen University.

Thai student at Tesaban 3 School making a heart with her hands.
Thai student at Tesaban 3 School.


Teaching English Overseas

As English continues to become a "world language", English language skills are becoming increasingly more important for people all across the world. This is especially true for people in developing countries, where having a good English ability can open up many new job and education opportunities. OpenmindProjects has English teaching placements in northeastern and southern Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Nepal. Placements include such things as primary and secondary schools, nurseries, orphanage homes, national parks, and more. By teaching English in poor communities language skills, lives and future prospects are improved.

It is not a requirement for volunteers at OpenmindProjects to be a teacher to teach English. Volunteers are required to have a certain level of English. The main criterion are willingness to teach, flexibility and adptability for working in a developing country. Team teaching is the preferred teaching method promoted by OpenmindProjects and prior to teaching, volunteers undergo a three day training program at the Openmind Training Center in Nong Khai, Thailand (see 3-Day Volunteer Training) to teach them about team teaching.

Ecotourism and Wildlife Conservation

Eco and wildlife volunteers can go to projects in national parks and villages to teach English, create ecotourism information and help improve community-based ecotourism services. The eco volunteer explains the advantages of community-based ecotourism to the local community and provides ecotourism training to gain from ecotourism in the community. Most of the ecotourism revenue too often stays with travel agencies and tour operators.

Responsible ecotourism and conservation is a means to help the local community, national parks and villages to preserve and prosper from a living nature. Ecotourism in Thailand and Laos is tourism that that avoids damages to the environment that commonly occur with mass tourism. It also involves the local population, helping offer an alternative source of income to communities.

Ecovolunteers have the options of training local guides, rangers, host families, and children in the English language, designing and drafting English ecotourism brochures and pamphlets, preparing English information for national parks and assisting local ecotourism projects by developing local resources such as accommodation, transportation, trekking, guide services, and food. All ecovolunteers can participate in trekking and siteseeing whilst on placement.

Eco volunteer placements are located all across Thailand and Laos. Some are located in jungles, mountains, wildlife sanctuaries, by the sea and on islands. Volunteers with the specific qualifications are also needed for webdesign of national park and ecotourism sites, GIS, mapping, surveys and scuba dives.

Computer Training

IT volunteer placements are offered in Thailand and Cambodia at the Openmind Training Centre in Nong Khai, at schools and orphanages and on ecotourism conservation projects and include e-learning projects, IT and website projects, and teaching. Volunteers have a choice of teaching and e-learning resource development, web design for projects (schools, national parks, etc.), database, photo management, creation of promotional material, training local teachers and staff, teach IT/computer lessons to students and staff in schools.

Health Education

In many developing countries, hospitols and clinics often do not have enough resources, enough training, and enough English ability to cater for patients. Health placements with Openmind are available in Thailand and Nepal. Placements in Thailand are broad. Volunteers who have experience in the health industry (doctors, nursing, pharmacy, etc.) are be placed in medical centres and hospitals and can teach in their related field. However, teaching in English is also needed and volunteers can be placed in the same placements in Thailand. Conditions on Nepal placements are challenging. Hospitals are small and lack facilities as they are located in remote areas. It is recommended that only seasoned travellers and seasoned medical professionals take on Nepal health placements. Volunteers have to pass these requirements to be fit for placements in Nepal.

English Camps

OpenmindProjects offers a summer camp for local students in Northeast Thailand(Isan) and South Thailand (Krabi). Camps are targeted at students interested in learning English regardless of social status, money and grade in the class. Students at multiple schools are chosen by their teachers based on the level on motivation to learn English. Camps are run free of charge, by volunteers and staff usually over a period of five days. Over a three week period during the school holidays each site can have up to three camps, with a rotation of about 100 children per site.


Internships are available in the fields of English, computers, tourism, health, conservation, environment and GIS in Thailand, Laos, or Nepal. Interships are individually tailored with interns on behalf of your school or university. Over 60 projects based in schools, orphanages, villages, towns, national parks, and hospitals are available currently. Supervision, support and evaluation are provided as part of the package. 3-Day training is also available for interns.

Work Experience (Thai Nationals and surrounding countries)

OpenmindProjects provides a free service to the community by offering work experience to Nationals of Thailand and surrounding countries who wish to further their English communication skills and education in the internship areas listed above. The service provides hands on, practical experience at different levels. The expectation is for active learning. Participation and length of work experience is assessed on a case by case basis and is fully funded by OpenmindProjects.

3-Day Training

Prior to teaching, volunteers undergo a three day training program at the Openmind Training Center in Nong Khai, Thailand, which teaches volunteers key skills for teaching English to students, as well as language and culture skills so that volunteers can adjust to living at their new placement. You will practice teaching English alongside other volunteers and the local staff. Volunteers will receive an online pre-departure handbook with information on how to teach English and plan lessons. Furthermore, upon arriving at the 3-day cross-cultural and training program in Thailand, volunteers will receive volunteer handbooks that include all the necessary information about teaching and living in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, or Nepal.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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