

Eco may refer to:
* eco-, a prefix mostly relating to ecological or environmental terms
* Earth Summit ( also known as Eco 92 ), an international conference on environment (held in 1992, Rio de Janeiro)
* Eco (currency), a proposed currency
* Eco (computer game), a computer simulation game
* Umberto Eco, philosopher, semiotician, novelist.
* Eco, a character, played by Jacqueline Duncan, on the children's show The Shak
* The natural substance of energy and power in the "Jak and Daxter" games

As an abbreviation:
* "Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings", a scheme to classify chess openings
* Economic Cooperation Organization, an international organization involving seven Asian, three European nations.
* ECO (Enterprise Core Objects), software development framework useful for Domain Driven Design.
* Epichlorohydrin, a type of synthetic rubber
* Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand
* Engineering Change Order: is used for changes in documents such as processes and work instructions.
* English Chamber Orchestra, a chamber orchestra based in London
* Enterprise Core Objects, powerful Model-Driven Architecture implementation from Borland with object-relational mapping and other capabilities.
* Eco, a now defunct 24-hour Spanish-language cable news network, owned and operated by Televisa
* Equity carve-out, a sort of corporate restructuring
* Electronic Countermeasures Officer, an officer in the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series
* Eternally Collapsing Objects, an alternate theory of black hole. See Magnetospheric eternally collapsing object

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