Olga Elena Mattei

Olga Elena Mattei
Olga Elena Mattei
Born Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Nationality Colombian
Occupation writing poetry

Olga Elena Mattei is a Colombian poet born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, in 1933. She has won several poetry awards in Colombia and other Spanish-speaking countries. She has published around 16 books, all of them in Spanish.[1] In 1979 she participated in the "International Writers Program" at the University of Iowa (Usono).[2]



  • National (Colombian) Poetry Award Guillermo Valencia in 1973
  • International Poetry Award Café Marfil, Madrid, in 1974
  • ‘l’Ordre des Aniseteurs du RoI’, París, 1976
  • National Poetry Award "Porfirio Barba Jacob", Medellín, 2004

Up to 2009 she has achieved 18 national and international public recognitions, (among awards and condecorations). Her cantata Cosmofonía was performed for the first time on radio and TV in France in 1976 with music of the conductor Marc Carles. Her poem Cosmoagonia, with scientific (astronomy) and humanistic content, has been performed in eight important planetariums around the world such as New York and Washington. Olga Elena Mattei's literature activities go from reporting, arts and music criticism. As a graduate in philosophy and arts by Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín she cooperates with the music critic column in the Medellin newspaper El mundo, in which she comments, among others, the Orquesta Filarmonica de Medellin concerts. Besides, she is lecturer of arts and ancient cultures. Up to 2009 she has 16 publications and many others looking for publisher.[3]


  • Sílabas de arena (1962) 118 pgs, Ed. Imprenta Departamental de Antioquia, "Ediciones La Tertulia", Medellín, 1962
  • Pentafonía (1964) 64 pgs, Ed. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, colecciòn "Rojo y Negro", Medellín, 1964
  • La gente (1974) 182 pgs, Ed. Colcultura, Colección "Biblioteca Colombiana de Cultura", Bogotá, 1974
  • Huellas en el agua (1974) International Poetry Award "Cafe Marfil" 1974
  • Cosmofonía (Cantata) (1977) with music of Marc Carles. Ed. Multipograficas Medellín 1977
  • Conclusiones finales (1989) 38 pags, Ed. Talleres Editoriales del Museo Rayo, Roldanillo (Valle del Cauca, Colombia), 1989
  • Cosmoagonía (Misa cósmica) (1993)
  • Regiones del más acá (1994) 465 pags, Ed. Secretaria de Cultura Departamental de Antioquia,"Colección de Autores Antioqueños", Medellín, 1994
  • Los ángeles del Oceano (2000) 41 pgs, Ed. Talleres Editoriales del Museo Rayo. Roldanillo (Valle del Cauca, Colombia)
  • Escuchando al Infinito (2005), 99 pgs, Sic, Bucaramanga. ISBN 9587081242
  • El profundo Placer de este Dolor (2007) 121 pgs Ed. Fondo ditorial Ateneo. Medellín, 2007
  • Cierra la Puerta de la Ciudad (2007) 59 pgs, Ed. Uryco. Medellín, 2007. National Poetry Prize Meira del Mar (2007)


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