Officer Education System

Officer Education System

The Officer Education System (OES) is the progressive and sequential education and training process for officers in the Army that begins in the pre commissioning phase and continues in schools at the basic entry level, captain level, intermediate command and staff level, and senior level.

The varying schools and their objectives are as follows:

  • Basic Officer Leader Course, which develops competent and confident junior leaders who, regardless of branch, are imbued with the warrior ethos, grounded in fieldcraft, and skilled in leading small units.
  • Captains Career Course, which prepares senior company grade officers to successfully command at company level and serve effectively in staff positions at battalion and brigade level.
  • Intermediate Level Education, which succeeded the Command and General Staff Officer Course, and through which majors are better prepared for full-spectrum operations in a Joint, interagency, and multinational environment.
  • School of Advanced Military Studies, which educates officers at the graduate level in military art and science to develop commanders and general staff officers who can solve complex military problems in peace and war. The focus of this school is on planning and executing full-spectrum operations in Joint, multinational, and interagency contexts.
  • School for Command Preparation, which prepares brigade and battalion commanders for successful command.
  • Army War College, through which selected senior officers are prepared for the responsibilities of strategic leadership.[1]


 This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Army.

  1. ^ The Armys Officer Education System Information Paper, 2008

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