
Tamás I Nádasdy (1498–1562)

The Nádasdy, also spelled Nadasdy in English, is a major Hungarian aristocratic family whose roots reach into the Middle Ages. Their motto is: "SI DEUS PRO NOBIS QUIS CONTRA NOS" ("If God is for us, who can be against us?"). The Nadasdy family made a large contribution to the development of Hungarian printing. The Nadasdy Hussars, a regiment named after the family, developed a strategy incorporating lightly armed and fast-moving cavalry that was internationally adopted.[1]

Ferenc Nadasdy I (1555–1604)
Ferenc Nádasdy (1708–1783)


Early history

The name is first encountered in the early part of the 13th century, that of Imre (descendent of Darabos de Nádasd) and his sons, Stefánd, Tódor, and Valkomer. Another important member, deceased before 1275, was Simon Nádasdy. Frequently mentioned in family records between 1324-1376 is Pető Gersei, who was married to Margit Hidvégi, is considered the progenitor of the family "Pethő de Gerse". In 1229, Petan sold most of his land to a member of the family Nádasdy. The buyer and his three sons, Vencel/Venceslav, Raszló/Vraslav and László/Ladislav, now partially used the predicate of Pethenegh. Laszlo Nádasdy of Pethenegh (c. 1236) is the progenitor of main line Nádasdy.

Notable family members

Baron Tamás I Nádasdy (1498–1562), was Governor of Croatia and Palatine of Hungary. Countess Elizabeth Báthory married Ferenc Nadasdy II (the "Black Captain"), a general and the son of Tamás I Nádasdy. Ferenc Nadasdy III (d. 1671), grandson of Ferenc Nadasdy II, was a Lord Chief Justice,[1] high steward (Hofrichter) of Hungary, and imperial privy councillor;[2] he created one of the most notable libraries and private art collections in central Europe.[3]


Of its many holdings, the family held the Nádasdy Castle in Sárvár, Hungary, the Csejte Castle, in Čachtice, Slovakia which is situated on a hill adjacent to a nature reserve, and the Nádasdy Mansion in Nádasdladány, Hungary.


  1. ^ a b Phillips, Adrian; Scotchmer, Jo (15 August 2009). Hungary, 2nd. Bradt Travel Guides. pp. 462, 465–. ISBN 9781841622859. http://books.google.com/books?id=81kPyXxxqLwC&pg=PA465. Retrieved 10 July 2011. 
  2. ^ Vehse, Eduard (1896). Memoirs of the court and aristocracy of Austria. Nichols. pp. 27–. http://books.google.com/books?id=sCQMAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA27. Retrieved 10 July 2011. 
  3. ^ Bedford, Neal (1 June 2009). Lonely Planet Hungary. Lonely Planet. pp. 185–. ISBN 9781741046946. http://books.google.com/books?id=5BUmzwqvznAC&pg=PA185. Retrieved 10 July 2011. 

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