

:"Not to be confused with Fisher"


Fischer is a surname may refer to:

A - E

* Abraham Fischer (18501913) South African public official
* Ádám Fischer
* Alfred Fischer (judge) (19192004), German judge
* Alfred Fischer (architect) (18811950), German architect
* Annie Fischer (19141995), Hungarian pianist
* Andrea Fischer (born 1960), German politician
* Artur Fischer (born 1919), inventor of the Dowel
* Axel Fischer (politician) (born 1966), German politician (CDU)
* Bernd Fischer (born 1936), German mathematician
* Bobby Fischer (1943-2008), American world chess champion
* Abram "Bram" Fischer (19081975), South African lawyer
* Clare Fischer (born 1928), American Composer, arranger, pianist
* David Hackett Fischer, professor of history
* Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
* Edmond Henri Fischer (born 1920)
* Edwin Fischer (18861960), Swiss pianist and conductor
* Emil Fischer (disambiguation)
* Ernst Fischer (disambiguation)
* Eugen Fischer (historian) (18991973), geologist and historian
* Eugen Fischer (18741967), anthropologist, doctor and member of the Nazi party

F - J

* Franz Joseph Emil Fischer (18771948), chemist, famous for the Fischer-Tropsch process
* Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer, botanist
* Fritz Fischer (biathlete) (born 1956), biathlon-sportsman
* Fritz Fischer (1908-1999), German historian
* Georg Fischer (born 1960), West German cross country skier
* George R Fischer", US underwater archaeologist, a pioneer of the field in the National Park Service
* Gerhard Fischer (19212006), German diplomat and Botschafter
* Gottfried Bermann Fischer, publisher of the S. Fischer Verlag
* Gustav Fischer (18541910), publisher
* Gustav Fischer (18481886), German physician and explorer of Africa
* Hans Fischer (18811945), German chemist, 1930 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
* Heike Fischer (born 1982), German diver
* Heinz Fischer (born 1938), Federal President of Austria
* Hermann Emil Fischer (18521919), German chemist, 1902 Nobel prizewiner, and inventor of the Fischer projection
* Howard Fischer, curator of the New York Jazz Museum
* Iván Fischer, Hungarian conductor
* James Fischer (1927-2004), American engineer
* Jenna Fischer (born 1974), American Actress
* Jiří Fischer (born 1980), Czech ice hockey player
* Johann Fischer (disambiguation)
* John Fischer (disambiguation)
* John Fischer (Christian musician), a musician
* John Fischer (pianist) (born 1930), a musician
* Joschka Fischer (born 1948), former foreign minister of Germany
* Joseph Fischer (disambiguation)
* Julia Fischer (born 1983), German violinist

K - O

* Karl Fischer (18811941, Berlin), founder of a German Youth Movement (Wandervogelbewegung)
* Karl von Fischer (17821820), German architect
* Kate Fischer (born 1973), Australian model and actress
* Klaus Fischer (born 1949), German football (soccer) player and coach
* Kuno Fischer (18241907), German philosopher
* Kurt Rudolf Fischer (born 1922), Jewish-Austrian philosopher
* Lothar Fischer (19332004), German sculptor
* Ludwig Fischer, German racing driver
* Ludwig Fischer (17451825), German Operasinger (bass)
* Marcel Fischer (born 1978), Swiss fencer
* Martin Fischer (18671947), Swiss automobile designer
* Móric Farkasházi Fischer
* Ottfried Fischer (born 1953), German actor and cabaret artist
* O. W. Fischer (19152004), Austrian actor

P - Z

* Paul Gustave Fischer (18601934), Danish painter
* Rainer Fischer (born 1949), German-Canadian judoka
* Robert Fischer (19111983), German judge, President of the "Bundesgerichtshof"
* Ruth Fischer, Communist
* Samuel von Fischer (18591934), German publisher
* Scott Fischer (19561996), American mountain guide
* Stewart "Dirk" Fischer (born 1924), American Composer, Jazz Educator
* Sven Fischer (born 1971), German biathlon-sportsman
* Theodor Fischer (18621938), German architect
* Thierry Fischer (born 1957), Swiss conductor and flautist
* Tim Fischer (born 1946), Australian politician
* Werner Fischer (born 1939), German professor
* Wild Man Fischer (born 1945), Outsider musician
* Wilhelm Fischer ("Willy" Fischer) (born 1972), German boxer


Fischer may also refer to:
* Fischer, an Austrian company that produces Nordic skiing, Alpine skiing, Tennis and Hockey equipment
* Fischer, Behar, Chen, Well, Orion & Co., a law firm in Israel
* Fischer's Lovebird
* Fischer Brewery, an Alsatian brewery
* Fischer Motor Company, a U.S. motorcycle manufacturer
* Fischerspooner, a New York based electronica band
* Fischer-Z, British rock band

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