

Erdödy (or "Erdődy") was the name of a Hungarian noble family in the Kingdom of Hungary (most notably in Croatia). The Habsburg Monarchy granted them the title "Graf / Gräfin".

The family was first raised in a document dated 1187, under the name of Bakoch Generated Erdewd. They were the first Hungarian family to receive the title of Count in 1485. The family comes from the town of Erdőd who is in the region Szatmár (now Satu Mare in Romania). They are barons Monyorokerek (German Eberau) and counts of Monoszló. Monyorokerek is a small village south of Burgenland (Austria) near the Hungarian border. Today Monoszló is in Croatia.

The Erdődy family originated from the Bakócz family. The Bakóczs were originally serfs of the Drágffy in Szatmár county. They acquired wealth, when Tamás Bakócz became the archbishop of Esztergom. After Tamás Bakócz's death his estates was divided and the Southern branch took the name Erdődy. More members of the family held important offices, we can find judges of the royal court, bishops, Croatian bans and generals among the members of the family. From 1607 they held the capitancy of Varasd.

Most of the Erdődy family fled during the First World War to notably France and the USA after the Austro-Hungarian empire took side with Germany.

Notable members included:
* Erdődy Péter (b. 1504, d. 1557)
* Erdődy Tamás (b. 1558, d. 1624)
* Erdődy Miklós (d. 1693)
* Sidonija Rubido Erdődy (b.1819, d.1884)

The Palais Erdödy was acquired by the Erdődy family from the Esterházys.

After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Erdődyschen scattered possessions in the successor states of the monarchy, which is also due to forced expropriation to a significant reduction of possessions resulted. The final collapse was only the 2nd Weltkrieg. World War II. During World War II stayed with the Erdödy related Bavarian royal family on the castle Somlóvár, since they fled from the Nazis. The invasion of the Red Army forced the bulk of the family to flee to the West and brought the complete expropriation and destruction of goods and locks with.

After reunification, the Erdődy in Hungary and Austria again gain a foothold and are now the largest private landowners in western Hungary. In recent years also developed Eberau castle to a cultural attraction in south-eastern Burgenland. Head of the Reich home county Ladislaus Erdődy et de Monyorókerék Monoszló Erbobergespan of Warasdin and erbl. Member of the Hungarian Magnatenhauses son of Count Franz Reich Erdödy Monyorokerek et de Monoszlo Reich and Therese Countess de Kéthely Hunyady.

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