- Israel–Norway relations
Israeli-Norwegian relations
IsraelIsrael–Norway relations refers to the bilateral relations between Israel and Norway. Norway was one of the first countries to recognize Israel on February 4, 1949. Both countries established diplomatic relation later that year. Israel has an embassy in Oslo, which serves Norway and Iceland. Norway has an embassy in Tel Aviv and two honorary consulates (in Eilat and Haifa). 553 Israeli citizens live in Norway and 260 Norwegians live in Israel.[1][2]
Political relations
The leader of the second largest party in Norway, Siv Jensen is a staunch supporter of Israel, and claim to "not [be] afraid to defend Israel's right to defend itself." She visited the Israeli city of Sderot in the summer of 2008, and experienced the landing of a rocket from Hamas first hand, and said that she and others had to "run for the air-raid shelter". She strongly opposed the Norwegian government's decision to recognise Hamas as she holds that "you don't negotiate with terrorists, you just don't."[3]
In January 2009, she appeared at a demonstration called "Let Israel live" in Oslo.[4] The Norwegian Police Security Service feared that Jensen might be the target of an attack although Jensen herself was not concerned.[5] While political scientists had speculated that the Progress Party would lose more voters than they would gain by this strong support for Israel,[6][7] polls showed a slight increase in support for the party.[8]
Military relations
According to the media there is a number of Norwegian soldiers in the Israeli military. In 2007, 24 Norwegians were registered as working for the Israeli military.[9]
In September 2010, after Germany began testing two new Dolphin class submarines for the Israeli Navy, Norway banned them from testing in its territorial waters, due to their possible future role in enforcing the Blockade of the Gaza Strip.[10]
See also
- Israels Venner på Stortinget (Friends of Israel in the Parliament of Norway)
- International recognition of Israel
- History of the Jews in Norway
- 2009 Oslo riots
- ^ Statistics Norway - Persons with immigrant background by immigration category, country background and sex. 1 January 2009
- ^ Number of registered at the embassy. Actual numbers are likely higher.
- ^ Bawer, Bruce (December 2008). "A Norwegian Thatcher?". Standpoint. http://www.standpointmag.co.uk/node/692/full.
- ^ Fondenes, Eivind (1 September 2009). "- Israels krigføring var også terror". TV2. http://www.tv2nyhetene.no/innenriks/politikk/valg09/-israels-krigfoering-var-ogsaa-terror-2884507.html.
- ^ "Politiet frykter angrep på Siv Jensen". VG. 8 January 2009. http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/norsk-politikk/artikkel.php?artid=539656.
- ^ "- Frps Israel-støtte gir velgertap". Dagbladet. 8 January 2009. http://www.dagbladet.no/2009/01/08/nyheter/innenriks/politikk/valg/frp/4289846/.
- ^ Lilleås, Heidi Schei (9 January 2009). "- Siv spiller høyt". Nettavisen. http://www.nettavisen.no/innenriks/article2496700.ece.
- ^ Skarvøy, Lars Joakim (13 January 2009). "Dette kan Siv ha tjent på". Nettavisen. http://www.nettavisen.no/innenriks/politikk/article2502767.ece.
- ^ Forsvarets forum - Ja, vi elsker Israel
- ^ Norway: Israel-bound subs banned from testing in our waters
External links
- Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: information about the relation with Norway
- Norwegian embassy in Tel Aviv
- MIFF - Med Israel For Fred
- Norge IDAG
- DagenMagazinet
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