- Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz (
May 23 ,1606 inMadrid —September 8 ,1682 inVigevano ) was a SpanishCatholic ecclesiastic and writer.Life
He was a precocious child, early delving into serious problems in
mathematics and even publishing astronomical tables in his tenth year. After receiving a superficial education at college, where his unusual ability brought rapid advancement, this prodigy turned his attention to the Asiatic languages, especially Chinese. He was received into theCistercian Order at themonastery of La Espina, in thediocese of Palencia , and after ordination entered upon a varied and brilliant career.His
sermon s attracted the favorable attention of the Infante Ferdinand, Governor of theLow Countries , while he was attached to the monastery of Dunes inFlanders , and in 1638 he was honored with the degree ofDoctor of Theology by the University of Louvain. When he was obliged to leave the Palatinate,Philip IV of Spain made him his envoy to the court of Emperor Ferdinand III. He was in turn Abbot ofMelrose, Scotland (Scotland ), Abbot-Superior of the Benedictines ofVienna , and Grand-Vicar to theArchbishop of Prague .In 1648, when the Swedes attacked Prague, he armed and led a band of ecclesiastics who did
yeoman service in the defence of the city. His bravery on this occasion merited for him a collar ofgold from the emperor. Soon after he becameBishop of Königratz , thenArchbishop of Otranto , and at his death wasBishop of Vigevano .Works
His books are even more numerous than his titles and his varied achievements; for, according to
Jean-Noël Paquot , he published no less than 262 works on grammar, poetry, oratory, mathematics, astronomy, architecture, physics, politics, canon law, logic, metaphysics, theology and asceticism. He loved to defend novel theories, and in "Theologia moralis ad prima atque clarissima principia reducta" (Louvain, 1643) tried to solve theological problems by mathematical rules. He was a leading exponent of probabilism and his permissive moral opinions were criticized in Pascal's "Provincial Letters" and gained for him fromAlphonsus Liguori the title of "Prince of the Laxists".His mathematical work centered on
combinatorics and he was one of the early writers onprobability , republishingHuygens 's work on dice with helpful explanations.Printed Works
*"Philippus Prudens", Antwerp, 1639.
*"Respuesta al Manifiesto del Reyno de Portugal", Antwerp, 1641.
*"Rationalis et realis philosophia", Louvain, 1642.
*"Theologia moralis fundamentalis, praeterintentionalis, decalogica, sacramentalis, canonica, regularis, civilis, militaris", Frankfurt, 1652-1653.
*"Theologia rationalis" Frankfurt, 1654-1655.
*"Theologia moralis fundamentalis", editio secunda, Rome, 1656.
*"Primus calamus ob oculos ponens metametricam, quae variis currentium, recurrentium, adscendentium, descendentium, nec-non circumvolantium versuum ductibus, aut aeri incisos, aut buxo insculptos, aut plumbo infusos, multiformes labyrinthos exponat", Rome, 1663.
*"Mathesis biceps, vetus et nova", Campagna - Lyons, 1670.
*"Architectura civil recta y obliqua", Vigevano, 1678.References
*D. Pastine, "Juan Caramuel : Probabilismo ed Enciclopedia", Florence, La Nuova Italia, 1975.
*D. Pastine, "Dello scetticismo e del probabilismo all'operatività : Juan Caramuel", "Rivista critica di storia della filosofia" 30 (1975), p. 411-419.
*P. Bellazi, "Juan Caramuel", Vigevano, Editrice Opera Diocesana - Buona Stampa, 1982.
*J. Velarde Lombraña, "Juan Caramuel. Vida y obra", Oviedo, Pentalfa, 1989.
*P. Pissavino (ed.), "Le meraviglie del probabile. Juan Caramuel (1606-1682). Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Vigevano 29-31 ottobre 1982", Vigevano, Comune di Vigevano, 1990.
*U. G. Leinsle (2000), "Maria als Gegenstand der Philosophie. Zu Caramuels 'Philosophia Mariana'", in "Den Glauben Verantworten. Bleibende und neue Herausforderungen für die Theologie zur Jahrtausendwende. Festschrift für Heinrich Petri", ed. E. Möde & Th. Schieder, Paderborn-München-Wien-Zürich, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2000, p. 59-66.
*J. Franklin, "The Science of Conjecture: Evidence and Probability Before Pascal", Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
*J. Schmutz, "Juan Caramuel on the Year 2000 : Time and Possible Worlds in Early-Modern Scholasticism" in "The Medieval Concept of Time. The Scholastic Debate and Its Reception in Early Modern Philosophy", ed. P. Porro, Leiden-New York-Köln, Brill, 2001, p. 399-434.
*A. Catalano, "Juan Caramuel Lobkovitz (1606-1682) e la riconquista delle coscienze in Boemia", "Römische Historiche Mitteilungen" 44 (2002), p. 339-392.
*J. Fleming, "Juan Caramuel on the Nature of Extrinsic Probability", "Studia Moralia" 42 (2004), p. 337-360.
*L. Robledo, "El cuerpo como discurso, retórica, predicación y comunicación non verbal en Caramuel", "Criticón" 84-85 (2002), p. 145-164.
*Y. Schwartz, ed. & transl., "Ioannes Caramuel Lobkowitz. On Rabbinic Atheism", translated from the Latin with Introduction by M.-J. Dubois, A. Wohlman, Y. Schwartz, Notes to the text by Y. Schwartz, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2005 [in Hebrew] .
*A. Serrai, "Phoenix Europae. Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz in prospettiva bibliografica", Milan, Edizioni Sylvestre Bonnard, 2005.
*H. W. Sullivan, "Fray Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz, O.Cist.: The Prague Years, 1647-1659", in "Corónente tus hazañas". Studies in Honor of John Jay Allen", ed. M. J. McGrath, Newark (DE), Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Studies, 2005, p. 339-374.
*P. Dvorák, "Jan Caramuel z Lobkovic : Vybrané aspekty formální a aplikované logiky [John Caramuel : Various Aspects of Formal and Applied Logic] ", Prague, Oikumene, 2006.
*J. Schmutz, "Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz (1606-82)", in "Centuriae latinae II. Cent et une figures humanistes de la Renaissance aux Lumières, à la mémoire de Marie-Madeleine de la Garanderie", ed. C. Nativel, Geneva, Droz, 2006, p. 182-202.
*J. Fleming, "Defending Probabilism: The Moral Theology of Juan Caramuel", Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2006.
*P. Dvorák, "Relational logic in Juan Caramuel" in: "Mediaeval and Renaissance Logic", Volume 2 (Handbook of the History of Logic) ed. D. M. Gabby, J. Woods, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 2008 pp. 645-666.External links
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03329c.htm Article on Caramuel] from "Catholic Encyclopedia" (1911)
* [http://www.flu.cas.cz/dscef/caramuel.html Caramuel Conference, Prague 2006]
* [http://perso.wanadoo.fr/caramuel/ Caramuel Electronicus (Works and Bibliography), by Jacob Schmutz]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.