New Calvinism

New Calvinism

The New Calvinism is a growing perspective within conservative Evangelicalism that embraces the fundamentals of 16th century Calvinism while also trying to be relevant in the present day world. In March 2009, TIME magazine ranked it as one of the "10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now."[1] Some of the major movers in this area are John Piper,[1] Mark Driscoll,[1] Al Mohler,[1] Mark Dever,[2] C.J. Mahaney,[3] Joshua Harris[3] and Tim Keller. [4]


Old and New Calvinism

Following the heritage of Reformed, or Calvinist, theology, New Calvinism strives to be deeply interested in the correct doctrine. In a Christianity Today article, Collin Hansen describes the speakers of a Christian conference:

Each of the seven speakers holds to the five points of [Calvinism]. Yet none of them spoke of Calvinism unless I asked about it. They did express worry about perceived evangelical accommodation to postmodernism and criticized churches for applying business models to ministry. They mostly joked about their many differences on such historically difficult issues as baptism, church government, eschatology, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They drew unity as Calvinist evangelicals from their concerns: with seeker churches, church-growth marketing, and manipulative revival techniques.[3]

While Calvinism holds firmly to a belief in the monergistic sovereignty of God, the New Calvinists look to Puritans like Jonathan Edwards who taught that sanctification requires a vigorous and vigilant pursuit of holy living, not a passive attitude of mechanical progress.[5]

Mark Driscoll lists four main differences between Old and New Calvinism:[6]

  1. Old Calvinism was fundamental or liberal and separated from or syncretized with culture. New Calvinism is missional and seeks to create and redeem culture.
  2. Old Calvinism fled from the cities. New Calvinism is flooding into cities.
  3. Old Calvinism was fearful of the Holy Spirit and generally cessationist (i.e., believing the gifts of the Holy Spirit such as tongues and prophecy had ceased). New Calvinism delights in the Holy Spirit and is generally continuationist with regard to spiritual gifts.
  4. Old Calvinism was fearful and suspicious of other Christians and burned bridges. New Calvinism loves all Christians and builds bridges between them.

This fourth distinctive is what Driscoll considers a vital component in being able to engage with the present day society.[7]


R. Scott Clark, professor of church history and historical theology from Westminster Seminary California, argues that New Calvinists like Driscoll should not be called Calvinists merely because they believe in the five points of Calvinism, but rather he suggests that adherence to the Three Forms of Unity and other Reformed confessions of faith is what qualifies one a Calvinist. Specifically, he suggests that many of the New Calvinists' positions on infant baptism, covenant theology, and continuation of the gifts of the Spirit are out of step with the Reformed tradition.[8]

J. Todd Billings, professor of Reformed Theology at Western Theological Seminary argues that the New Calvinists "tend to obscure the fact that the Reformed tradition has a deeply catholic heritage, a Christ-centered sacramental practice and a wide-lens, kingdom vision for the Christian's vocation in the world."[9]

In 2011, John MacArthur expressed concerns over the 'Young, Restless, and Reformed,' for their self-identification with beer, "tobacco, tattoos, gambling, mixed martial arts, profane language, and lots of explicit talk about sex." [10]


  1. ^ a b c d Van Biema, David (March 12, 2009). "The New Calvinism". Time Magazine.,28804,1884779_1884782_1884760,00.html. 
  2. ^ Burek, Josh (27 March 2010). "Christian faith: Calvinism is back". The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 16 March 2011. 
  3. ^ a b c Hansen, Collin (September 22, 2006). "Young, Restless, Reformed". Christianity Today. 
  4. ^ Chew, David (June, 2010). "Tim Keller and the New Calvinist idea ofGospel eco-systems”". Christian Research Network. 
  5. ^ McCall, Thomas (April 29, 2008). "Two Cheers for the Resurgence of Calvinism in Evangelicalism: A Wesleyan-Arminian Perspective". 
  6. ^ Driscoll, Mark (March 12, 2009). "Time Magazine Names New Calvinism 3rd Most Powerful Idea". 
  7. ^ Driscoll, Mark (March 12, 2009). "More Thoughts on Time Magazine and New Calvinism". 
  8. ^ Clark, R. Scott (March 15, 2009). "Calvinism Old andNew"". 
  9. ^ Billings, J. Todd (December 01, 2009). "Calvin's Comeback?: The Irresistible Reformer". The Christian Century. 
  10. ^ Macarthur, John. "Beer, Bohemianism, and True Christian Liberty". 

See also

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