Extromatica Network Monitor

Extromatica Network Monitor
Extromatica Network Monitor
Extromatica Network Monitor 5.1.1251 running under Windows XP
Developer(s) Extromatica
Stable release 5.1.1251 / May 26, 2010; 16 months ago (2010-05-26)
Development status active
Written in C++
Operating system Windows
Type Network management system
License Shareware
Website http://www.extromatica.com/

Extromatica Network Monitor is a network monitoring application created and maintained by Extromatica company. It is designed to monitor network hardware, servers and network services for faults and performance degradation. It alerts users when things go wrong and again when they get better. This software supports a variety of real-time notification mechanisms, including SMS.



The development of this software started in 1999 as internal project by Maxim Perenesenko and Yuri Zaitsev. After 2 years of development if was released as Network Eagle Monitor[1]. It took one more year until first stable release in 2002.

Now, this software is maintained by Extromatica company and has name Extromatica Network Monitor.



  • Testing IP channel between monitoring system and another computer or network device with ICMP protocol.
  • Checking accessibility of TCP based services like (SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, FTP, SSH), and so on.
  • Checking availability and responsiveness of FTP servers.
  • Checking availability and responsiveness of HTTP/HTTPS servers.
  • Checking content of Web page by searching for specified substring.
  • Monitoring free/used space on a disk or a network share.
  • Testing local or remote (Windows share) directory for changes.
  • Periodically running external commands or batch scripts and check the return code.
  • Accessibility testing of ODBC data source or native MS SQL data source. Running SQL query and check the return result as an option.
  • Executing script tests. They can be written on Visual Basic Script, JavaScript or other languages supported by the operating system (ActiveScript technology). For example: Active Python, ActivePerl.
  • Monitoring a process either on the local or remote machine by its Process identifier or process name.
  • Monitoring local or remote Windows Event Log for specified messages.
  • Communicating with a Windows machine to determine if a specified Windows Service is running and responding.
  • Monitoring the content of specified file for changes by calculating MD5 hash or searching for substring. This check can test files inside archives.
  • Monitoring the status of local or network printer. You can track more than twenty events, such as out of paper, jammed paper, out of toner and much more
  • Testing Remote Access Service connection.
  • Monitoring various parameters of SNMP enabled computer or device.
  • LDAP server accessibility testing and LDAP directory content checking.
  • System performance - monitoring CPU loading, memory loading of local or remote Windows computer.

Alerts and actions

  • Displaying a popup-window with information about events.
  • Executing external program.
  • Playing a sound file.
  • Sending an e-mail message with the information about event.
  • Writing event to Syslog.
  • Sending user-defined message to the Windows Event Log.
  • Executing script alerts. Alerts can be written on Visual Basic Script, JavaScript or other languages supported by the operating system (ActiveScript technology).
  • Rebooting local or temote computer.
  • Changing running state of Windows service, local or remote.
  • Running user-defined SQL query.
  • Sending SMS messages.

See also

External links


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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