

Rshikas were an ancient tribe living in the northern division of ancient India. They find references in the Mahabharata, Ramayana, Brhat Samhita, Markendeya Purana etc. Ashtadhyayi of Panini does not mention the Rishikas, but Mahabhasya of Patanjali does make reference to this people. Mahabharata refers to the Rishikas as "Uttara Rishikas" as well as "Parama Rishikas" [:Lohan.ParamaKambojan.Rishikan.uttaranapi | :sahita.nstanmaharaja vyajayatpakashasanih ||24|
:Rishikeshu tu sanggramo babhuvAtibhaya.n karah| :taraka maya sankashah Paramarshika parthayoh ||25|
{Mahabharata, Critical Edition, 2.25.24-25.
] . Rishikas are stated to have been living as neighbors to the "Parama-Kambojas" and the "Lohas" in Transoxiana region, in Saka-dvipa. In second century prior to Christian era, a section of them is believed to have migrated to south-west India via Afghanistan, Balochistan, Sindhu, Sovira and settled in a region, later known as Khandesh (north-western Maharashtra). This settlement of the Rishikas is known as "Southern Rishikas". The southern Rshikas are also attested as Saha.isikas, Saha.chaisika and Saha.vaisikyas in Puranic literature. The Prakrit form of Rishika is said to be Isika/Ishika, Esika/Eshika or Asika/Ashika (Dr Motichandra). The "Prishakas" of Al biruni, are stated to be same as the Rishikas. The "Uttara Rishikas" were the military allies as well as the cultural & geographical neighbors of the Parama Kambojas [Mahabharata 2.27.25.] .

Some scholars hold that the Rishikas are same as the Yuezhis [India as Known to Pāṇini: A Study of the Cultural Material in the Ashtadhyayi, 1953, p 321, Vasudeva Sharana Agrawala. ] . Prof Stein thinks that the Tukharas or Tusharas were a branch of the Yue-ches (Yuezhi) [Rajatrangini, I, p 136 fn.] , where as Dr P. C. Bagchi holds that the Yue-ches, Tokharoi/Tokarai and the Tukharas/Tusharas were identical [ India and Central Asia, p 24, Dr P. C. Bagchi.] . Dr J. C. Vidyalankar believes that the Kushanas or Kanishkas are same as Rishikas [ See quote in: Problems of Ancient India, 2000, p 4, K. D. Sethna.] . Thus, according to above several equations, the Rishikas are also indentifiable with the Tusharas/Kushanas. On the other hand, based on the syntactical construction of the Mahabharata "verse 5.5.15" [:Shakanam Pahlavana.n cha Daradanam cha ye nripah | :Kamboja Rishika ye cha pashchim.anupakash cha ye ||5.5.15|| Trans: The kings of the Shakas, Pahlavas and the Daradas, and the Kamboja-Rishikas live in the west in the Anupa region.] and "verse 2.27.25" [LohanParamaKambojanRishikanuttaran api ||v 2.27.25||] , the outstanding Sanskrit scholar Ishwa Mishra believes that the Rishikas were a section of the Kambojas i.e. Parama Kambojas. Dr V. S. Aggarwala also relates the Parama Kambojas of the Trans-Pamirs to the Rishikas of Mahabharata [See: The Deeds of Harsha: Being a Cultural Study of Bāṇa's Harshacharita, 1969, p 199, Dr Vasudeva Sharana Agrawala.] and locates them in the Sakadvipa (or Scythia) [ India as Known to Pāṇini: A Study of the Cultural Material in the Ashṭādhyāyī, 1953, p 64, Dr Vasudeva Sharana Agrawala - India.] . According to Dr B. N. Puri, the Kambojas were a branch of the Tukharas. ["Buddhism in Central Asia", p. 90.] . Based on the above Rishika-Kamboja connections, some scholars also claim that the Kambojas were a branch of the Yuezhi themselves ["Journal of Tamil Studies", 1969, pp 86, 87, International Institute of Tamil Studies - Tamil philology.] . Dr Moti Chander also sees a close ethnic connections between the Kambojas and the Yuezhi [Geographical and Economic Studies in the Mahābhārata: Upāyana Parva, 1945, p 19, Dr Moti Chandra - India.] .

The Rishikas are also stated to be same as the "Asioi" or "Asii" of Strabo. This name "Asioi/Asii" alludes to their connections with "Asva" or "Assa" (horses) (cf: "Aspasioi, Aspasii, Hippasii, Assa-seni, Aseni, Asscani---the names used by classical writers for the Kamboja clans of Swat/Kunar valleys"). The Aspasios and Assakenois (q.v.) were important clans of the Kambojas exclusively engaged in horse culture. It is therefore, believed by many scholars that the "Asio"/"Asii" or "Aseni" of Strabo may refer to the people of Parama-Kamboja (the bigger and the further branch of the Kambojas living in Scythia or "Shaka-dvipa", across the Hindukush/Himalaya) in Transoxiana region.

Rishikas on Sarasvati/Greater Panjab

Matsya Purana wants to make us believe that the Rishikas were so called since they had descended from the Rishis or wisemen or learned parentage ["Rishika.putra.rishikastu".. 145.86; See also: Vayu Purana 59.84-94; Geographical Data in Early Puranas, p 31).] .

Since Sarasvati, in ancient times, was connected with people of scholarly lineage, Dr M. R. Singh tends to locate the Rishikas of the Puranic accounts on Sarasvati in Haryana [ Ibid.] .

Rishikas in Saka-dvipa

The name "Rishika" occurs in Mahabharata as a part of Saka-dvipa [:"Lohan. Parama. Kambojan. Rishikan.uttaranapi|":"sahita.nstanmaharaja vyajayatpakashasanih || 24||":"(Mahabharata, Critical Editions 2.25.24)"

See comments by Dr Agarwala in: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p 64.] .

These northern Rishikas have been addressed as Uttara Rishikas (i.e. "Rishikan.uttaranapi") and are shown as very close neighbors of the northern division of the Kambojas i.e the Parama-Kambojas and the Lohas.

These allied forces of the Lohas, Parama-Kambojas and northern Rishikas had fought a fierce war with the forces of Pandava Arjuna during latter's Digvijay expedition against the tribes of Uttarapatha or northern division [ Mahabharata 2.27.27.] .

The "Kishikindha Kanda" of Valmiki Ramayana also refers to these northern Rishikas [The Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume 4: Kiskindhakanda, 151, Rosalind Lefeber; Ethnic Settlements in Ancient India: (a Study on the Puranic Lists of the Peoples of Bharatavarsa), 1955, p 71, Dr Sashi Bhusan Chaudhuri.] and locates them in "Saka-dvipa", in the neighborhood of the Sakas, Kambojas, Yavanas, Bahlikas, Tanganas, Chinas, Parama-Chinas etc of the Central Asia.

Rishikas in South-west India

The Saka invasion of India in second century BCE was a joint military venture in which the allied tribes of the Shakas, Pahlavas, Kambojas, Paradas, Rishikas, Bahlikas etc seem to have participated. These tribes had spread into and occupied the parts of western and south-western India.

Thus, the Rishikas are attested in later literature as living in south-western/southern parts of India also.

Some verses in "Karanaparava" and "Bhishmaparava" of Mahabharata composed and edited during post-Christian times (400 AD) refer to the Rishikas in the Dakshinapatha or southern India and show them as a Janapada located in close vicinity to the Vidarbhas and the Ashmakas [ Mahabharata 6.10.63.] .

The "Kishikindha Kanda" of Valmiki Ramayana also refers to this second branch of the Rishikas and also places them in Dakshinapatha in the neighborhood of the Vidarbhas [Op cit., R. Lefeber, p 145.] .

Many scholars assume that the current version of the Valmiki Ramayana was a creation of 200 BCE to 200 CE, hence this reference to the southern Rishikas .

Post-Christian creation Markendeya Purana [ Markendeya Purana Chapter 58.20-28.] also attests the Rishikas of the Dakshinapatha or southern division.

Likewise, a sixth century creation Brhat Samhita by Varaha Mihira also attests the Rishikas in Dakshinapatha or southern division [Brhat Samhita Ch XIV.11-16.] .

The geographical location of these "Rishikas" is said to fall on river Krsnavena. Rishika country laid on south of Vindhya, north of Mulakas, north-east of Nasika, west of Vidharba and south of Anupa or Anupadesha.

Modern "Khandesh" is stated to have formed part of southern Rishika country.

It is notable that the same "Brhat Samhita" [Brhat Samhita XIV.17-19.] and the "Markendeya Purana" [ Markendeya Purana 58.30-32.] also attest some Kamboja and Pahlava settlements located in south-west India [Geographical data in Early Puranas, p 135. See also: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migration_of_Kambojas#The_Kambojas_in_West.2FSouthwest_India] .] .

The geographical location of these Kambojas and Pahlavas is thought to be around Gujarat/Maharashtra somewhere, thus in close neighborhood of the southern Rishikas.

The following evidence from "Udyogaparava" of Mahabharata associates the "Rishikas" with the Kambojas, Shakas and Pahlavas and states them all living around "Anupa region" or "Anupadesha" [cf: Ethnic Settlements in Ancient India: (a Study on the Puranic Lists of the Peoples of Bharatavarsa), 1955, p 71, Dr Sashi Bhusan Chaudhuri.] .

:"Shakanam Pahlavana.n cha Daradanam cha ye nripah |" :" Kamboja Rishika ye cha pashchim.anupakash cha ye ||5.5.15||"

Trans:"The kings of the Shakas, Pahlavas and the Daradas, and the Kamboja Rishikas live in the west in Anupadesa or sea coast regions".

"The Daradas in the verse above appears to be a copyist's mistake for Daradas since it were the Paradas, not the Daradas, who have, most often, been associated with the corporated military confederation of the Shakas, Kambojas and Pahlavas etc" (Pānca-ganah or five hordes of Kshatriyas in the Puranic texts, for instance) [ Harivamsa 14.1-19; Vayu Purana: v 88.127-43.] [Cultural History from Vayu Purana, 1973, p 27, fn 185, Reprint of 1946 Edition, published by Deccan College Post Graduate Research Institute, Poona; Foreign Elements in Ancient Indian Society, 2nd Century BC to 7th Century AD - 1979, p 125, Uma Prasad Thapliyal.] .

"Anupadesha" of Sanskrit traditions is stated to have comprised Doab of rivers Narbada and Tapti. It lied on east of Gujarat, north of Vindhya and south of the Avanti Janapada.

Whatever may be the context, these verses probably reflect on the post-Christian scenario when mass encroachment of interior India had occurred due to invasion of India by these foreign hordes.

On Kamboja Rishika Connection?

There are not enough references in ancient literature on Rishika clan. But it looks like there is somehow, a connection between the ancient Rishikas and the ancient Kambojas. Some notable observations follow:

* The "Sabhaparava" of Mahabharata portrays the Lohas, Kambojas and the Rishikas as very close neighborly and allied tribes and places them all in Saka-dvipa in trans-Himalayan territory [MBH II.27.25] .

* "Adiparva" of Mahabharata collates the Kambojas and the Rishikas together and views them both as "despised" people. Chandravarma, the king of Kambojas is branded as an incarnation of "Daitya Chandra" and also the sage Rishika ("from the Rishika tribe"), likewise is branded as an incarnation of "Danva Arka". The Kambojas and Rishikas here are placed side-by-side in the same verse [MBH 1/67/31-32.] , thus implying them as possibly related or else closely connected together, geographically and culturally, at least.

* The "Udyogaparava" of Mahabharata [Mahabharata 5.5.15, see the verse above.] also connects the Kambojas and Rishikas together and treats them as if they are one people ("Kambojarishika"). Based on the wording of this verse of Mahabharata, Prof Ishwa Misra, a very outstanding Sanskrit scholar and notable contributor on Indiancivilization forum [ [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IndianCivilization/ IndianCivilization : Studies of Civilization of Bha_rata ] ] , "identifies the Rishikas as a sub-section of the Kambojas themselves" [ [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JatHistory/message/404] . ] .

* As noted above, both the Brhat Samhita as well as Markendeya Purana locate one section of the Rishikas in Dakshinapatha (south/south-west India), on river Krsnavena, in Khandesh (Maharashtra). Interestingly, the same two texts also locate "one section of the Kambojas and the Pahlavas" in south-west India, in "Anupadesha", which region borders on this south-western Rishika country. All these people are obviously sections of the invading hordes who had come and settled in India in the wake of second century BCE Saka invasion of India.

* Scholars say that the tribal name "Rishika" implies scholarly class of people as Matsya Purana and the Vayu Purana would like us to believe. Thus Rishikas had either sprung from Rishis i.e. the scholarly parentage or else they, themselves, were a scholarly people. This compares well with the Kambojas who, in "Dronaparava" section of Mahabharata, are also portrayed as a "scholarly people" [:Sanskrit:

:ye tvete rathino rajandrishyante kanchanadhvajah.
:ete durvarana nama Kamboja yadi te shrutah.||43|
:shurashcha kritavidyashcha dhanurvede cha nishthitah.
:sa.nhatashcha bhrisha.n hyete anyonyasya hitaishinah.||44|
:akshauhinyashcha sa.nrabdha dhartarahhtrasya bharata.| :— "(MBH 7.112.43-44)"

:English Trans:

Those other car-warriors with golden standards, O king, whom you see, and who, like the wild elephants are difficult of being resisted, they are called the Kambojas. They are brave, a learned people ("kritavidyash") and are firmly devoted to the science of weapons. Desiring one another's welfare, they are all highly united and mutually co-operative. They constitute a full Akshauhini of wrathful warriors.] .

* And so forth and so on.


The firm "ethnical connection" between the ancient Rishikas and the Kambojas may not be easy to establish due to inadequacy of sufficient reliable references, but whatever limited evidence we have with us definitely points towards this connection and at least attest the fact that the ancient Rishikas and the Kambojas were culturally, militarliy, politically and geographically connected together. Therefore, it may be possible that the Rishikas were a furthermost tip of the Parama-Kambojas.


Books and Megazines

*Mahabharata, Tans: Kisari Mohan Ganguli.
*Matsya Purana
*Vayu Purana
*Brhat Samhita of Varaha Mihira
*Markendeya Purana
*Mahabhasya of Patanjali
*India as Known to Panini, Dr V. S. Aggarwala
*Gographical Data in Early Puranas 1972, Dr M. R. Singh
*Ancient Kamboja, People and Country, 1981, Dr J. L. Kamboj.
*The Mahabharata, Volume 2 : Book 2; Book 3: 1981, J. A. B. Van Buitenen
*The Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume 4 Kiskindhakanda 1994, Rosalind Lefeber.
*Ethnic Settlements in Ancient India: (a Study on the Puranic Lists of the Peoples of Bharatavarsa), 1955, p 71, Dr Sashi Bhusan Chaudhuri

ee also


Parama Kambojas

Uttara Madras


Uttara Kurus





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