Nepalese Non-Government Organizations in Hong Kong

Nepalese Non-Government Organizations in Hong Kong

The Nepalese community forms a small ethnic minority group in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Nepalese NGOs target at the Hong Kong Nepalese communities, various needs of which are being met: from social care to education, sports to music and so on. These NGOs were established or founded by various ethnic groups ranging from Chinese to Nepalese themselves. Some of them have their own communicating channels within the community or even to their fellow countrymen outside. Most NGOs are periodically active. A few of them keep their lead and are active in different levels .[1]

NGOs serving Nepalese in Hong Kong can be mainly categorized into two types: either founded by Hong Kong Nepalese or Hong Kong Chinese. However, some NGOs, of which organizers are hardly traceable, are categorized as “others”.

For those Nepalese NGOs organized purely by Nepalese, like the Hong Kong Integrated Nepalese Society, which focuses on providing services and helping for Nepalese in Hong Kong.

The NGOs organized largely by Chinese serve various ethnic minorities including Nepalese, such as Southern Democratic Alliance,[2] Christian Action (Integrated Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities) and the Hong Kong Christian Service.[3] Southern Democratic Alliance aims at uniting South Asians and Hong Kong people together. It demands stronger anti-discrimination legislations and tries to satisfy the desires of South Asians, especially Nepalese.[4] Christian Actions has been serving the ethnic minorities since 2003, especially those in Yau Tsim Mong and Kwun Tong.[5]

Apart from the above, some NGOs categorized as “others” are difficult to trace but fragmented records can be found in different documents or media. It is arduous to reach their chairmen or members to prove their visibility. Hong Kong Tamang Ghedung ( Association ), Lamjung Sewa Samiti, Hong Kong, Miteri Service Committee, Hong Kong and Hong Kong Terhathum Forum are some examples.


Contribution / Works of Nepalese NGOs in Hong Kong

Voicing out for Nepalese in Public

Nepalese NGOs voice out for Hong Kong Nepalese in public through organizing protests and commenting on social issues respectively. There was a protest organized by Hong Kong Nepalese Federation[6] in light of a Hong Kong policeman’s fatal shooting at Mr. Bahadur Limbu on March 17, 2009. The protestors demanded an apology and a fair investigation about Limbu’s death. They urged to suspend the responsible Constable, Mr Ka-Ki Hui from force-involving duties during the course of investigation. They also demanded an English inquest for the case.[7]

The NGOs also make commentaries on social issues through the media and in some meetings of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. For example, the president of Hong Kong Nepalese Security Guard, Mr. Palungwa Dil Bahadur stated that the minimum wage should be more than $35 when being interviewed. Besides, the Far East Overseas Nepalese Association (Hong Kong) commented the consultation document of Race Discrimination Ordinance.[8]

Community Services

Nepalese NGOs provide six types of community services basically. First is integration. Hong Kong Integrated Nepalese Society (HINS) conducts English classes regularly.[9] The second is social care. HINS has been holding a blood donating program together with Hong Kong Red Cross Society on the occasion of Lord Buddha’s birthday since 2004.[10] The third is about education. HINSorganizes programmes to arouse parents’ awareness against drug abuse to prevent the young Nepalese from taking drugs.[11]

The Nepalese NGOs organize lots of festivals to celebrate their national culture and religions as well. Dashin and Tihar (incorporating Deepawali Festival) are celebrated by the Far East Dharan Hong Kong Forum, Urlabari Pariwar Hong Kong[12] and the Magar Association Hong Kong.[13] Teej Festival is celebrated by the HINS[14] and Baglung Society Hong Kong.[15] Besides, Newar Samaj, Hong Kong celebrates Newar New Year and Mha Puja every year.[16]

There are annual activities to promote their culture, such as the NRN Day organized by the Non-Resident Nepali Association Hong Kong (NRNA HK). Actually the NRN Day is also organized around the world every year by different branches of the NRNA.[17] The Hong Kong Nepali Kala Mandir organizes the Nepali Cultural Week every year, usually with Nepalese parades, dances and singing.[18]

There are some online platforms like,,, and, which let Nepalese exchange the information and opinions. They sponsor and report events as well. Moreover, HINS held a discussion forum on anti-legislation drafting consultation. The language used was Nepalese with little English.

Some Nepalese NGOs help directing Nepalese to the government like the Nepalese Community Support Team, locating in Jordan. It aims at providing information about various governmental services and assisting elderly, the disabled and single parents to approach relevant services.[19]


Mainly four kinds of sport associations are founded by Nepalese in Hong Kong to cater Nepalese needs: football, tennis, taekwondo and bodybuilding.

For football, Hong Kong Nepalese Football Association (HKNFA) aims at promoting football within the Nepalese communities in Hong Kong, especially among the youth.[20] Deurali Football Club is one of the football clubs under HKNFA. It encourages Nepalese youth to play football and makes a pure Nepalese Football Team participate in the Hong Kong League.[21] For tennis, Hong Kong Nepalese Tennis Society is founded to gather Nepalese tennis fans in Hong Kong and organizes tennis competitions.[22] Furthermore, Hong Kong Nepalese Taekwondo Association aims at fostering friendship between Taekwondo players of various races and holds up-grading tests for members.[23] Lastly, the Hong Kong Nepal Bodybuilding Association is active in holding conventions, press conferences and Mr. Nepal - Hong Kong China Bodybuilding Championships.[24]

Moreover, there is a music organization, Hong Kong Nepalese Rock Forum, which enables its members to share musical information and promotes young Nepalese music talents.[25]


Religious needs of Hong Kong Nepalese are also met by the Nepalese NGOs. For Christianity, there are seven Nepalese Christian Churches: the United Nepali Christian Church (UNCC), Hosanna Nepali Church and the Nepali Union Church. UNCC holds masses twice a week while the other two are on every Sunday. They aim at promoting Christian teachings among Hong Kong Nepalese.[26]

For Hinduism, Sathya Sai Baba Center of Hong Kong [27] is a recognized Hong Kong Nepalese charity. It has six bhajan groups and publishes Sai Quarterly newsletter and Sai Sarathi. They conduct value-based education through different kind of activities.

Apart from Christianity and Hinduism, Heavenly Path Hong Kong registered in 2006 promotes thoughts of the Supreme Master Almighty Godangel.[28]

Support for Business of Nepalese in Hong Kong and Investments in Nepal

Nepalese NGOs also support the business of Hong Kong Nepalese and their investments in Nepal. Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong (HCCHK) provides an updating database listing information of potential buyers and sellers. It also updates with business leads and attracts frequent users from different countries. Business news, economic analysis and Hong Kong Government tenders, members and company profiles are provided as well. Furthermore, it is a representative to discuss business matters with the government.[29] Apart from helping local Nepalese business, HCCHK and Non-Resident Nepali Association Hong Kong facilitate foreign investments in Nepal.[30]

Visibility in Hong Kong

Opinions from people other than Hong Kong Nepalese


Nepalese did appear in the documents of government. Hong Kong Nepalese Federation and HINS signed the Briefing on Hong Kong’s Race Discrimination Bill (RDB) prepared for the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of racial discrimination in 2008. RDB was passed and has been operating since 2009.[31] Besides, Nepalese is put under the category named “ethnic minority population” in the population census of 2001 and 2006 by the Census and Statistics Department.


Nepalese NGOs seldom appear in media platform in Hong Kong. There was a protest with more than 2000 Hong Kong ethnic minority participants, mostly Nepalese, after Limbu was shot dead by a policeman in 2009. Reports were made on all major press like the TVB, Apple Daily, Oriental Daily and the South China Morning Post. This was the only major incident involving Nepalese reported by the mainstream media.

The Nepalese also sometimes appear on some alternative media platforms. Hong Kong In-media always speaks up for the ethnic minorities in Hong Kong.[32] Since 2003, the RTHK has been running the AM864, which lasts for 30 minutes, to cater Nepalese audiences’ needs.[33] Also, there was an episode of a TV programme, Hong Kong Story, by RTHK in 2009. It praised Nepalese contributions to Hong Kong as vanguards of British troops during World War I, II and as helpers for Hong Kong Police during the British colonial period.[34] However, the Nepalese have had a negative image in the Chinese mainstream media, which tend to stereotype the Nepalese in Hong Kong as illegal immigrants or lazy vagrants. For the reports about Limbu being shot dead, only in the reports of Mingpao and Economic Daily was Limbu portrayed as harmless instead of being a villain .[35]

Descriptions by Hong Kong Nepalese themselves

Some Nepalese organizations representatives explain their invisibility with the following reasons. During Nepalese Cultural Week, Rai Kamala, the principal of Sagarmatha commented that Nepalese culture and religion could live in communion with Hong Kong people. However, the language is the barrier. Also he hoped that the government would pay attention to their education problem.[36] Besides, Mr. Kisan Rai, reported by the Everest Weekly, stressed their identity as Hong Kong people and the peaceful manner of their protest during the protest .[37]


  1. ^ Nepalese in Hong Kong. (n.d.). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 29, 2010 from
  2. ^ Democratic Alliance. Retrieved October 29, 2010 from
  3. ^ Christian Action and the Hong Kong Christian Service. Retrieved October 29, 2010 from
  4. ^ Southern Democratic Alliance. (n.d.). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 29, 2010 from
  5. ^ Integrated Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities. (n.d.) Retrieved October 25, 2010, from
  6. ^ Hong Kong Nepalese Federation. JPTHK.COM. Retrieved October 29, 2010 from
  7. ^ Lam, Anita (30 March 2009). 2,000 march over fatal police shooting Coalition of groups demands impartial investigation into death of Nepali man .South China Morning Post
  8. ^ Hong Kong Nepalese Security Guard talks about the minimum wage. (n. d.) Retrieved October 25, 2010, from
  9. ^ Hong Kong Integrated Nepalese Society major activities. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2010, from
  10. ^ Hong Kong Integrated Nepalese Society major activities. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2010, from
  11. ^ Hong Kong Integrated Nepalese Society major activities. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2010, from
  12. ^ Dharan HK Forum & Urlabari Pariwar Hong Kong Celebrating Deepawali 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2010 from
  13. ^ Magar Association Hong Kong (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2010 from
  14. ^ Nepalese Women's Festival 'Teej' Celebrated. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2010 from
  15. ^ Nepalese women celebrate women's festival "Teej". (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2010 from
  16. ^ Photo Gallery of Functions of Newar Samaj Hong Kong. (n.d.). Retrieved November 7, 2010 from
  17. ^ NRN Day 2010 Hong Kong- Opening Ceremony. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2010 from
  18. ^ 龍緯汶,2008年11月20日,啹喀的「深淡」.心淡 (3)一群被遺忘的英雄,獨立媒體
  19. ^ Nepalese Community Support Team. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2010 from
  20. ^ Hong Kong Nepalese Football Association History. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2010, from
  21. ^ Deurali Football Club. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2010,from
  22. ^ Hong Kong Nepalese Tennis Society. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2010, from
  23. ^ Hong Kong Nepalese Taekwondo Association. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2010, from
  24. ^ Hong Kong Nepal Bodybuilding Association- Second Convention 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from
  25. ^ HK NEPALESE ROCK FORUM. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2010, from
  26. ^ 黃東霞、蔣翠碧、謝建國,2007年7月, 香港尼泊爾人事工初探,《環球華人宣教學期刊》第九期
  27. ^ Sathya Sai Baba Center of Hong Kong. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from
  28. ^ Heavenly Path Hong Kong. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from
  29. ^ Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong About us. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2010 from
  30. ^ About NRNA HK. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from
  31. ^ About NRNA HK. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from
  32. ^ 龍緯汶. 2008年11月20日. 啹喀的「深淡」.心淡 (5). 獨立媒體. 取自
  33. ^ 香港電台旅遊百科,2010年11月18日. 取自
  34. ^ 唐敏明,2009年,«香港故事» 之「啹喀﹕被遺忘的英雄」,香港故事(第八輯),香港電台
  35. ^ Nepalese in Hong Kong. (n.d.). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 29, 2010 from
  36. ^ 在香港的尼泊爾人. December 27, 2007. Retrieved by
  37. ^ 1000 尼泊爾人明靜默遊行,2009年3月28日,取自

External links

1. Aldrich Bay Integrated Children & Youth Services Children and Youth Services. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, 2010, from
2. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2010, from
3. Deurali Football Club. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2010,from
4. Equal Opportunities Commission, Race Discrimination Ordinance and I. (April 11, 2010). Retrieved November 12, 2010, from
5. He, Crystal, & Zhang, Stacy. (2010, January 2). “Nepalese discover greater freedom, new religion in HK”. Retrieved from
6. Lung, James. (2010, April). History of Gurkhas Security Guards Union Hong Kong (GSGUHK). Retrieved from
7. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2010, from
8. 香港融樂會活動與計劃. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2010, from
9. Hong Kong Integrated Nepalese Society – Nepalese Community Support Team. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2010, from
10. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2010, from
11. Hong Kong Nepalese Football Association History. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2010, from
12. Hong Kong Nepalese Taekwondo Association. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2010, from
13. Hong Kong Nepalese Tennis Society. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2010, from
14. Dak Kit, Miu. (Jan 19, 2009). Hong Kong: Nepali security staff demand a living wage. Retrieved from
15. Hong Kong Nepal Bodybuilding Association- Second Convention 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from
16. HKNBBA - Press conference 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from
17. Hosanna Nepil Church,
18. Mr. Nepal- Hong Kong China Bodybuilding Championships photos. (June 9, 2010). Retrieved November 18, 2010 from
19. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2010, from
20. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from
21. Non-Resident Nepali Association Hong Kong. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from
22. Race Relations Unit Useful Links. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from
23. Sathya Sai Baba Center of Hong Kong. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from
24. United Nepali Christian Church Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2010, from
25. Lam, Anita (30 March 2009). 2,000 march over fatal police shooting Coalition of groups demands impartial investigation into death of Nepali man .South China Morning Post
26. Lee, Diana(2 September 2009). Family call for use of English in cop kill case. The Standard
27. Tsang, Phyllis (12 March 2010). Nepali widow protests over prolonged inquest. South China Morning Post
28. 王岸然,2009年4月1日,警隊護短與歧視實為港人之恥,信報財經新聞,P14
29. 黃東霞、蔣翠碧、謝建國,2007年7月, 香港尼泊爾人事工初探,《環球華人宣教學期刊》第九期
30. 葉蔭聰,2006年4月23日,我今天與尼泊爾朋友一起上街,獨立媒體,
31. 港警槍殺一人 尼泊爾裔擬示威,2009年3月28日,取自
32. 陳浩倫.,2009年4月12日,媒體玩謝尼漢四步曲,中大學生報::斟,取自
33. Oi Wan, Lam. (March 19, 2009). Hong Kong: Ng-hao big-naug or you are dead!. Global Voices. Retrieved from

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