National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies

National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies

The National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies, or the AHS as it is more commonly known, is a national umbrella organisation for free thinking student societies in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. It is composed of student societies many of which are affiliated to NUS member student unions. The aim of the AHS is to provide a national voice for free thinking student societies in the UK and help coordinate national activities.



The AHS sprang from discussion on the Secular Portal, a now-defunct online forum for members of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student societies. Discussions there led to the organising of the Secular Student Conference hosted by Edinburgh Humanist Society in June 2008. The Conference was the organisations first annual conference and was attended by students from Durham, Edinburgh, Keele, Leeds, Oxford and Warwick and representatives from The British Humanist Association, National Secular Society and Humanist Society of Scotland all sent representatives[1] to pledge their support to the organisation. The name, structure and aims of the National Federation was agreed at this Conference.

The constitution of the AHS was ratified at a second conference in November 2008 which took place in Leeds[2]. Liverpool Atheist Society also formally joined the organisation during this conference and the first Executive were elected and a Board of Trustees appointed. The first website was launched shortly after.

From here, the AHS began organising its Press Launch. This occurred on 19 February 2009 at Conway Hall in London, and featured guest speakers Richard Dawkins, AC Grayling and Polly Toynbee, along with many students and other distinguished guests. An irreligious fair was held, with stands from the NSS, BHA, Accord, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and Waterstones. This got the AHS a lot of press coverage, including half a page in the Guardian. The first issue of Secular Future, the AHS's Magazine, was released.

"I wish the new federation well, warmly applaud the initiative that has brought it into existence, and feel happier about the future as a result. This is more than another candle in the dark, it is a whole candelabrum, shining its welcome light onto the forward path, for the many who see the world as a natural realm, for which the responsibility - for the planet's health as for the peace, flourishing and good of all its human residents - belongs to humankind alone."

A. C. Grayling, The Guardian, Feb 2009.

The second AHS AGM was held in June 2009, hosted by Warwick Atheist Society, and saw the election of the second Cabinet, with Jenna Catley becoming President. The Regional Development Officer Scheme was launched at this AGM, and the first batch of RDOs were elected.

The second Convention was held on 27th February 2010, and hosted by the Oxford Atheist Society and Oxford Secular Society as part of Oxford Think Week. The event focused on training, with several workshops running throughout the day. The irreligious fair now featured the NSS, BHA, New Humanist, Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, 10:23 campaign, Camp Quest UK, Iran Solidarity UK and Chris Worfolk Foundation, and the day was capped off with a performance by the BHA Choir.

The third AGM was hosted by Bristol Atheist, Agnostic and Secular Society. Richy Thompson was elected the third President, and the AHS was reconstituted to be facilitated and supported by the British Humanist Association. By now the Speaker, Film and Debate Directories had been created, the regular Newsletter had started and the new (and current) website was launched.

The third year has been the most successful in the organisations history more than doubling membership in the first 6 months!

Organisational structure

The AHS is run by a committee composed of representatives from each society, namely the president and an elected representative[3]. From the committee the executive, composed of a President, Secretary and Treasurer are then elected to form the core leadership body of the organisation. The Cabinet consists of the Executive and Officers (Press Officer, Head of Membership, Head of Education and Web Master).

The Regional Scheme is were the UK and Ireland are split up into 13 Regions. There are 9 in England, plus Scotland, Wales Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland. Each region has their own Regional Development Officer (previously Regional Representative) who is lives in that region and is there to support and help set up societies there.

Founding members

  • Durham University Humanist Society (Durham University)
  • Edinburgh University Humanist Society (Edinburgh University)
  • Leeds Atheist Society (Leeds University)
  • University of Liverpool Atheist Society (University of Liverpool)
  • Keele Humanist Group (Keele University)
  • Oxford Atheist Society (Oxford University)
  • Oxford Secular Society (Oxford University)
  • Warwick Atheists (Warwick University)

Other Events

Society Awards

See also

  • Freethought Association of Canada

External links


  1. ^ "Re: Looking for more student groups at Scottish Universities", Think Humanism forums
  2. ^ Events listings, Leeds Atheist Society
  3. ^ Our Team, AHS Students

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