National Renewable Energy Action Plan

National Renewable Energy Action Plan

NREAP - National Renewable Energy Action Plan

National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP) were made by all Member States of the European Union in 2010. These plans provide detailed roadmaps of how each Member State expects to reach its legally binding 2020 target for the share of renewable energy in their final energy consumption required by Article 4 of the renewable energy Directive (2009/28/EC). In these plans Member States set out the sectoral targets, the technology mix they expect to use, the trajectory they will follow and the measures and reforms they will undertake to overcome the barriers to developing renewable energy.


Progress in EU

The Commission will evaluate the National Action Plans, assessing their completeness and credibility. The Member States must adopt and publish, initially every five years, a report setting the indicative Member State targets for future RES-E consumption for the following ten years and showing what measures have or are to be taken to meet those targets.

See also

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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