nCube (satellite)

nCube (satellite)
The Norwegian satellite nCUBE2.

nCube was a series of two Norwegian satellites, built by students at several Norwegian universities and university colleges. Due to problems during launch (nCube-1) and deployment into orbit (nCube-2), neither of the satellites became operational.

Both satellites were built to the CubeSat pico-satellite standard, which defined their weight and size (10 cm cube). This standard allows one or more cube satellites to be launched by 'piggybacking' with a larger satellite. In this way the smaller satellites get a cheap ride into orbit.

The goal of the nCube satellites was to stimulate interest in science and increase competence in space technology among students and educational institutions. Moreover, enhance co-operation between educational institutions and industry and exchange of knowledge between educational institutions in north and south of Norway.

The second goal was to communicate with amateur radio ground stations, and to test a space-born AIS receiver for tracking ships and reindeer.

See also

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