NACHI.TV is an online provider of video-based education for home inspectors and homeowners. Created by American entrepreneur Nick Gromicko, founder of InterNACHI, the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, along with Chief Technology Officer Chris Morrell, NACHI.TV was launched in 2006 with a focus on "late night"-style interview episodes. In 2008, the company slowed the production of these informal episodes and shifted its focus to Pay-Per-View educational videos, such as “Notching, Holes & Cutting Inspection” and “Inspection with IR Cameras.” In 2010, its focus shifted once again as the Pay-Per-View pricing model was dropped in favor of a $10/month “all-you-can-eat” model.

Since its introduction in 2006, NACHI.TV has grown to become the largest provider of video education for home inspectors. Popular topics include:

  • Mold Inspection Training;
  • HVAC Training for Inspectors;
  • Introduction to Energy Audits;
  • Electrical Inspection Training;
  • Inspecting Chinese Drywall; and
  • Inspecting Water Heater Tanks.

Many videos are hosted by InterNACHI founder Nick Gromicko, as well as prominent InterNACHI members, including Kenton Shepard, Ron Huffman, Dan McCarthy, John McKenna and Ben Gromicko. While most episodes are geared toward home inspectors, some are meant for homeowners and home buyers, and most episodes are helpful for professionals who work in related fields, such as construction, plumbing, roofing, extermination, real estate, marketing and environmentalism.

NACHI.TV’s software was built using the Galahad Framework Extension, which, in turn, is built on top of the Zend Framework, a PHP application framework. Video delivery is handled by Ooyala, Inc.

NACHI.TV is a subsidiary of Reports, Inc., a Delaware corporation. Reports, Inc. has offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Boulder, Colorado.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Nachi — may refer to: National Association of Certified Home Inspectors A worm affecting Microsoft XP systems, also known as Welchia. A sacred area in Nachikatsuura, Wakayama, Japan. See Kumano Sanzan Nachi, a cruiser of the Imperial Japanese Navy, named …   Wikipedia

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  • Nachi — La palabra Nachi puede referirse a: Nachi de Lobo, un personaje de Saint Seiya. El Monte Nachi, en la prefectura de Wakayama. Un crucero pesado japonés de la Clase Myōkō, bautizado en honor al monte. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Ñachi — ► sustantivo femenino 1 Chile COCINA Guiso o alimento de sangre de animal, en especial de cordero, aliñado con algunas especias. 2 Chile coloquial Sangre, líquido rojo que circula por los vasos de los animales vertebrados. * * * Ñachi o ñache es… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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