Mrs Fitzherbert — [Mrs Fitzherbert] (Maria Anne Fitzherbert 1756–1837) the first wife of the British king ↑George IV. They were married secretly in 1785, before George became king, but the marriage was illegal because it did not have the king’s official permission … Useful english dictionary
Mrs Fitzherbert — ➡ Fitzherbert * * * … Universalium
Fitzherbert — George Romney: Maria Fitzherbert, Öl auf Leinwand, undatiert Maria Anne Fitzherbert, geborene Mary Anne Smythe (* 26. Juli 1756 in Brighton; † 27. März 1837 ebenda), war eine zweifache katholische Witwe und erste Ehefrau des späteren König … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fitzherbert, Maria — ▪ British consort née Mary Anne Smythe born July 1756, Brambridge?, Hampshire, Eng. died March 29, 1837, Brighton, Sussex secret wife of the Prince of Wales, the future George IV of Great Britain. Of an old Roman Catholic family,… … Universalium
Fitzherbert — (Maria Anne Fitzherbert 1756–1837) the first wife of the British king George IV. They were married secretly in 1785, before George became king, but the marriage was illegal because it did not have the king’s official permission. Mrs Fitzherbert… … Universalium
Fitzherbert — Fitzherbert, Mary Anne, geb. 26. Juli 1756, Tochter Walter Smythes auf Brambridge in Hampshire, gest. 27. März 1837, vermählte sich zuerst mit einem gewissen Edward Weld, nach dessen Tode mit dem reichen Thomas F. (gest. 1781) und knüpfte 1785… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Maria Fitzherbert — Born 26 July 1756(1756 07 26) Died 27 March 1837(1837 03 27) (aged 80) … Wikipedia
Maria Fitzherbert — George Romney: Maria Fitzherbert, Öl auf Leinwand, undatiert Maria Anne Fitzherbert, geborene Mary Anne Smythe (* 26. Juli 1756 in Brighton; † 27. März 1837 ebenda), war eine zweifache katholische Witwe und erste Ehefrau des späteren König … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maria Anne Fitzherbert — Maria Anne Fitzherbert † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Maria Anne Fitzherbert Wife of King George IV; b. 26 July, 1756 (place uncertain); d. at Brighton, England, 29 March, 1837; eldest child of Walter Smythe, of Bainbridge, Hampshire,… … Catholic encyclopedia
FITZHERBERT, MRS. — a Roman Catholic lady, maiden name Maria Anne Smythe, with whom, after her second widowhood, George IV., while Prince of Wales, contracted a secret marriage in 1785, which, however, under the Royal Marriage Act, was declared invalid (1756… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia