Mor Ní Briain

Mor Ní Briain

Mor Ní Briain, Queen of Connacht, died 1218.


Background and family

Mor was a daughter of King Domnall Mór Ua Briain of Thomond (died 1194). Domnall's wife was Orlachan Ní Murchadha, Princess of Leinster, daughter of Queen Mor Ui Thuathail and King Diarmaid Mac Murchadha of Leinster.

Mor's siblings included:

  • Muirchertach Finn, King of Thomond 1194-1198 and 1202/1203-1208/1210, died 1239.
  • Conchobar Ruadh, King of Thomond 1198-1202/1203, killed 1202/1203.
  • Donnchadh Cairprech, King of Thomond 1208/1210–1242.
  • an unnamed daughter who is said to have married William de Burgh.

She was a niece of Aoife of Leinster, a first cousin to both Isabel de Clare, 4th Countess of Pembroke and Richard Mór de Burgh. Relatives included Archbishop Lorcán Ua Tuathail, Cormac mac Art O Melaghlain, Brian Ua Néill, Ruadhri Ua Flaithbertaigh, and William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke.

Her ancestors included High King of Ireland Brian Boru (died 1014), King Énnae Cennsalach of Leinster (fl. 5th century), Bé Binn inion Urchadh of Maigh Seóla (fl. early 10th century) and Gormflaith ingen Murchada. Other ancestors may have included Sigtrygg Silkbeard, Ingjald Helgasson and Ragnar Lodbrok.

Marriage and descendants

Mor married Cathal Crobdearg Ua Conchobair, who ruled as King of Connacht in opposition (1189–1202) and solely (1202–24). The marriage was unusual as she was Cathal's only wife; in contrast, most Gaelic rulers had a number of wives at the same time.

She was mother to Aedh mac Cathal Crobdearg Ua Conchobair and Felim Ua Conchobair, both of whom would become Kings of Connacht.

External links


  • Jaski, Bart, Early Irish kingship and succession, Dublin, 2000.
  • Both King and Vassal: Feidlim Ua Conchobair of Connacht, 1230-65, Freya Verstraten, pp. 13–37, Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Volume 55, 2003

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