Kings of Connacht

Kings of Connacht

The Kings of Connacht were rulers of the "cóiced" (variously translated as portion, fifth, province) of Connacht, which lies west of the River Shannon, Ireland. However, the name only became applied to it in the early medieval era, being named after The Connachta.

The old name for the province was Cóiced Ol nEchmacht (the fifth of the Ol nEchmacht). Ptolemy's map of c.150 A.D. does in fact list a people called the Nagnatae as living in the west of Ireland. Some are of the opinion that Ptolemy's Map of Ireland may be based on cartography carried out as much as five hundred years before his time.

The Connachta were a group of dynasties who claimed descent from the three eldest sons of Eochaid Mugmedon: Brion, Ailill and Fiachrae. They took their collective name from their alleged descent from Conn Cétchathach. Their younger brother, Niall Noigiallach was ancestor to the Néill.

The following is a list of kings of Connacht from the fifth to fifteenth centuries. Biographical details will follow.

"Pre-Historic Kings of Ol nEchmacht"

* Genann
* Conrac Cas
* Eochaid Feidlech
* Eochaidh Allat
* Tinni mac Conri
* Medb, Queen of Connacht
* Medb and Ailill mac Máta
* Maine Aithreamhail mac Ailill Máta
* Sanbh Sithcheann mac Ceat mac Magha
* Cairbre mac Maine Aithreamhail
* Eochaidh Fionn
* Aodh mac Cu Odhar
* Eochaidh mac Cairbre
* Aonghus Fionn mac Domhnall
* Cormac Ulfhada
* Aonghus Feirt mac Aonghus Fionn
* Connall Cruchain mac Aonghus Feirt
* Fearadach mac Connal Cruchain
* Forghus Fiansa
* Forghus Fiansa and Art mac Conn
* Ceidghin Cruchain mac Connall Cruchain
* Aodh mac Eochaidh
* Aodh Alainn mac Eochaidh Baicidh
* Nia Mor mac Lughna
* Lughaidh mac Lughna Fear Tri
* Aodh Caomh mac Garadh Glundubh
* Coinne mac Fear Tri
* Muireadh Tireach mac Fiachra Sraibrintne
* Eochaid Mugmedon

"Historic Kings of Connacht"

*Niall Noigiallach/Niall of the Nine Hostages, died c.450/455.

*Murchad mac Áedo, 839-840.
*Fergus mac Fothaid, 840-843.
*Finsnechta mac Tommaltaig, 843-848.
*Mugron mac Máel Cothaid, 848-872.
*Conchobar mac Taidg Mór, circa 855-882.
*Áed mac Conchobair, 882-888.
*Tadg mac Conchobair, 888-900.
*Cathal mac Conchobair, 900-925.
*Tadg mac Cathail, 925-956.
*Fergal Ua Ruairc, 956-967.
*Conchobar mac Tadg, 967-973.
*Cathal mac Tadg, d. 973.
*Cathal mac Conchobar mac Taidg, 973-1010.
*Tadg in Eich Gil Ua Conchobair, 1010-1030.
*Art Uallach Ua Ruairc, 1030-1046.
*Áed in Gai Bernaig Ua Conchobair, 1046-1067.
*Áed mac Art Uallach Ua Ruairc, 1067-1087.
*Ruaidrí na Saide Buide Ua Conchobair, 1087-1092; deposed.
*Flaithbertach Ua Flaithbertaig, d. 1098.
*Tadg mac Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair, d. 1097.
*Domnall mac Tigernáin Ua Ruairc, d. 1102.
*Domnall mac Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair, 1102-1106; deposed.
*Toirdelbach Mór mac Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair, 1106-1156.

Post Norman Invasion of Ireland

*Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair 1156-1186; deposed.
*Conchobar Máenmaige Ua Conchobhair, 1186-1189.
*Cathal Carragh Ua Conchobhair, 1190-1202.
*Cathal Crobderg Ua Conchobair, 1202-1224.
*Aedh mac Cathal Crobdearg Ua Conchobair, 1224-1228
*Aedh mac Ruaidri Ua Conchobair, 1228-1233.
*Felim mac Cathal Crobderg Ua Conchobair, 1233-1256
*Aedh mac Felim Ua Conchobair, 1256-1274
*Aedh Muimhnech mac Felim Ua Conchobair, 1274-1280
*Cathal mac Conchobair Ruadh Ua Conchobair, 1280-1288.
*Maghnus mac Conchobair Ruadh Ua Conchobair, 1288-1293
*Aedh mac Eoghan Ua Conchobair, 1293-1309
*Ruaidri mac Cathal Ua Conchobair, 1309-1310
*Felim mac Aedh Ua Conchobair, 1310-1316.
*Rory na-bhFeadh mac Donough Ua Conchobair, 1316-1317.
*Tairdelbach mac Aedh Ua Conchobair, first reign 1317-1318
*Cathal mac Domhnall Ua Conchobair, 1318-1324
*Tairdelbach mac Aedh Ua Conchobair, second reign, 1324-1350
*Aedh mac Aedh Breifneach Ua Conchobair, 1342-1342; died 1345.
*Aedh mac Tairdelbach Ua Conchobair,
*Ruaidri mac Tairdelbach Ua Conchobair, 1368-1384.
*Cathal mac Ruaidri Ua Conchobair, 1426-1439; last "de facto" King of Connacht.

"De Jure Kings of Connacht: O Connor Donn"

* Toirdhealbhach Óg Donn mac Aodha meic Toirdhealbhaigh, d. 9th December 1406.
* Cathal mac Ruaidhri Ó Conchobhair Donn, d. 19th March 1439.
* Aodh mac Toirdhealbhaigh Óig Ó Conchobhair Donn, d.15th May 1461.
* Feidhlimidh Geangcach mac Toirdhealbhaigh Óig Ó Conchobhair Donn, d. 1474.
* Tadhg mac Eoghain Ó Conchobhair Donn, d. 1476.
* Eoghan Caoch mac Feidhlimidh Gheangcaigh Ó Conchobhair Donn, d. 1485.
* Aodh Og mac Aodh Ó Conchobhair Donn, died ?
* Toirdhealbhach Óg mac Ruaidhri Ó Conchobhair Donn, d.1503
* Conchobhar mac Eoghain Chaoich Ó Conchobhair Donn, d.?
* Cairbre mac Eoghain Chaoich Ó Conchobhair Donn, d. 1546.
* Aodh mac Eoghain Chaoich Ó Conchobhair Donn, deposed 1550.
* Diarmaid mac Cairbre Ó Conchobhair Donn, d. 1585.
* Sir Hugh/Aedh Ó Conchobhair Donn, d. 1632.
* An Calbhach mac Aedh Ó Conchobhair Donn, d. 1654.
* Hugh Óg mac Aedh Ó Conchobhair Don, d. 1662.
* Major Owen O'Conor Don of Ballinagare, d.s.p.m. 1692
* Cathal Óg O'Conor Don of Ballinagare, d. 1696.
* Denis O'Conor Don, 1674-1750.
* Charles O'Conor Don, 1710-1791.
* Denis O'Conor Don of Gelangare, 1732-1804
* Owen O'Conor Don of Clonalis, 1763-1831
* Matthew O'Conor Don, 1773-1844; popularly inaugurated in 1830's.
* Denis O'Conor Don of Clonalis, 1794-1847
* Charles Owen O'Conor Don, 1838-1906.
* Charles O'Conor Don, 1869-1917.
* Owen Phelim O'Conor Don, 1870-1943
* Fr. Charles O'Conor Don, 1906-1981
* Denis O'Conor Don, 1912- July 10, 2000, aged 88.
* Desmond O'Conor Don; former banker and current Chairman of the British Chilean Chamber of Commerce.

ee also

* Irish kings
* O'Conor Don
* O Connor Roe
* O Connor Sligo
* Annals of the Four Masters


*"Annals of the Four Masters", 1990 edition.
*"The Annals of Connacht", A. Martin Freeman, 1944.
*"Irish Kings and High Kings", Francis John Byrne, 1973.
*"Leabhar Mor Genealach", Dubhaltach MacFhirbhisigh, ed. O'Muralie, 2004.

External links

[ A Poem on the Kings of Connacht]

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