Kings of Síol Anmchadha

Kings of Síol Anmchadha

Siol Anmchada was a sub-kingdom or lordship of Hy-Many, in an area of the west of Ireland which is now part of Connacht. It was ruled by an off-shoot of the Ui Maine called the Sil Anmchada ("the seed of Anmchadh"), from whom the territory took its name. Some of them were also Kings of Hy-Many. The following is a list of its Kings, Lords, and Chiefs of the Name.

The Kings of Siol Anmchada.
* CuConnacht mac Dunadach, killed 1006; first known King of Siol Anmchada.
* Gadhra Mor mac Dunadach, reigned 1008-1027.
* Dunadach mac Cuconnacht, 1027-1032.
* Diarmaid mac Madudan, 1032-1069.
* Madudan Reamhar Ua Madadhan, 1069-1096.
* Gilla Fionn Mac Coulahan, 1096-1101.
* Diarmaid mac Madudan Reamhar Ua Madadhan, 1101-1135.
* Cucoirne Ua Madudhan, 1135-1158.
* Madudan Mor mac Diarmaid Ua Madadhan, 1158-?
* Melaghlin mac Diarmaid Ua Madadhan, ?-1188.
* Diarmaid Cleirech mac Madudan Mor Ua Madadhan, 1188-1207.
* Madudan Og mac Madudan Mor Ua Madadhan, 1207-1235.

The Lords of Siol Anmchada.
* Cathal mac Madudan Og Ua Madadhan, 1235-1286.
* Murchadh mac Cathal Ua Madadhan, 1286-1327.
* Eoghan mac Murchadh Ua Madadhan, 1327-1347.
* Murchadh mac Eoghan Ua Madadhan, 1347-1371.
* Eoghan Mor mac Murchadh Ua Madadhan, 1371-1410.
* Murchadh mac Eoghan Mor Ua Madadhan, 1410-1451.
* Eoghan Carrach mac Murchadh Ua Madadhan, 1451-?
* Murchadh Reagh mac Eoghan Carrach Ua Madadhan, ?-1475.
* Eoghan mac Murchadh Reagh Ua Madadhan, 1475-c.1479
* Breasal mac Eoghan Ua Madadhan, c.1479-1526.

The Two Lords of Siol Anmchada.

Chief of the Name.
* Domhnall mac Sean Ua Madadhan/Donald Madden, 1567-1612.
* Ambrose Madden, 1612-1636.
* John Madden, 1636-1677?
* Colonel Daniel Madden, c.1677-1727.
* Breasal Madden, 1727-1745
* Ambrose Madden, 1745-c.1791
* Ambrose Madden of Streamstown, alive 1810.
* Breasal Madden of Eyrecourt.
* Ambrose Madden of Buffalo City, USA.
* Walter Madden of Buffalo City, USA, alive 1902.

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