Moby Prince disaster

Moby Prince disaster

The Moby Prince disaster was a major naval accident resulting in 140 deaths. It occurred in the late evening of Wednesday April 10, 1991 in the harbor of Livorno, Italy. It is the worst disaster in the Italian merchant marine since World War II.[1] It is also considered one of the two worst environmental disasters in Italian history, along with the explosion and loss of the tanker Amoco Milford Haven, which happened the day after in an unrelated accident near Voltri.[2]

Moby Prince, a ferry owned by Nav.Ar.Ma Lines (today Moby Lines) collided with the oil tanker Agip Abruzzo, sparking an extensive fire that ravaged the ship. The only survivor of the crew and passengers of the ferry was a young ship's boy, Alessio Bertrand from Naples.[3] The 140 others aboard were killed by the fire or toxic fumes.

On May 28, 1998, the ship's hull sunk while impounded on a dock of Livorno harbor; it was later refloated and sent to be scrapped in Turkey.[4]



On April 10, 1991, at 10:03 p.m. Moby Prince left Livorno, heading to Olbia for regular service, manned by a complement of 65 crew and 75 passengers.[clarification needed] The ship was commanded by Ugo Chessa.

While exiting the harbor in the usual dedicated route, the ferry's prow struck the Agip Abruzzo, standing at anchor, and sliced through its tank number 7. The tank was filled with 2700 tons of Iranian Light Crude Oil.[5]

At 22:25, the ferry's radio operator broadcasted a Mayday from the portable VHF transmitter. He did not used the fixed radio set since he was not at his place at the moment of the disaster, as was later confirmed by the location of his corpse.[6]


Part of the oil spread on the sea surface and caught fire, but the remainder was sprayed by the impact onto the Moby Prince. A raging fire quickly engulfed the ferry. The exact quantity of oil sprayed on the ferry has been estimated in the subsequent trial at 100 to 300 tons.[7]

In the collision, the tanker got stuck to the ferry; the tanker commander ordered full power to the engines and managed to separate the ships, but unwittingly worsened the oil spill.[8]

The deck of the Moby Prince was on fire, but the people aboard had some time to reach safety. The fire entered the ship only after the two massive lids between the deck and the upper car compartment gave way under the intense heat: after the fire reached the ship's interior, it spread to the prow engine room, slowed only by the fireproof doors.[9] According to trial's surveys, the fire took over half an hour to reach the De Luxe hall, the ship's safe meeting point.

First response

Responders were alerted by repeated calls from Agip Abruzzo. The Mayday sent from Moby Prince went unheard: the situation was unclear up until 23:35, over one hour after the collision, when the ferry's wreck was located.

Moby Prince's crew had no time to cut power to the engines: the ship was left without control and began circling away from the collision spot, still engulfed in flames, as was the sea around her, making rescue even harder.[5][10]

The crew rallied the passengers in the De Luxe hall, at ship's prow, relying on a quick rescue by the port authorities since their base was just minutes away. The hall was equipped with fireproof doors and walls. The flames were fueled by the oil sprayed on the prow, but the wave of fire passed over and around the hall, igniting anything around it but leaving the hall and its occupants unscathed but in the midst of the fire.

The hall's safety features could have given a chance of salvation to the passengers and crew, but the response from the rescue operators was slow, due to miscommunication and confusion from the misunderstood disaster dynamics. By the time the crew understood that help was not coming quickly, the hall's surroundings were engulfed in flames and no escape route was available.

Postmortem examination of the victims revealed that many of them died due to carbon monoxide poisoning, surviving for hours after the initial fire. The thick, black smoke from the oil and from the plastics of the ferry's fittings contributed to the formation of a deadly mist (worsened by the gases evaporating from the crude oil).[11]

When the initial flame wave hit the command deck, the crew had to flee without disengaging the air conditioning system of the ferry: the fans were still operating when the wreck was visited the day after the disaster, and it was found that the air circulation contributed to diffusing toxic gases and smoke in the rooms not directly affected by the fire.

Mistakes in rescue operations

Rescue operations were slow and chaotic, and it was later proved that problems with the rescue constituted one of the major causes of mortality in the disaster.[12]

At first, the rescue ships from Livorno centered their operations around the Agip Abruzzo, reaching the scene at 11:00 p.m. and saving all the crew members of the tanker. Moby Prince's Mayday went unheard, too feeble and garbled for the Port Authority to understand.[13]

...Mayday...Mayday...Moby Prince...Moby Prince...We are in a collision...We are on fire...Firemen needed...Mate, if you do not help us we will burn...Mayday...Mayday......

( Moby Prince radio operator call[14][15]).

Commander Renato Superina of Agip Abruzzo communicated by radio with the responders at 22:36, declaring that the ship had struck a bettolina (a kind of small service boat used for refueling [16]), misreporting the accident and asking the rescuers to hurry to the tanker, "without mistaking them for us".

The mistake about the ship's identification was later repeated by the radio operator of Agip Abruzzo:

...looks like it was a bettolina striking us..

( radio operator of Agip Abruzzo after the collision [17] )

First aid

The firsts to find the Moby Prince wreck at 11.35 p.m. (over one hour after the collision) were two tugboat operators, Mauro Valli and Walter Mattei,[6] who managed to recover the only survivor, Alessio Bertrand, a shipboy hanging from the stern railing. .[6][18]

Along with Valli and Mattei came Port Authority guard ship CP232. The tugboat operators repeatedly called for help, especially after hearing the account from Bertrand stating that many people were still in danger.[6] Bertrand was loaded on the guard ship, which stand in place for over half an hour looking for survivors and ultimately headed back to the port since the injured man needed medical attention.

Valli and Mattei, after relating the first words from Bertrand, later reported that the man said "there is no one to save anymore, they all died burned"".[6]

Meanwhile, tugboats and Vigili del Fuoco firefighting ships were sent to the wreck, and began cooling the hull. At 3.30 a.m. sailor Giovanni Veneruso from a private tugboat courageously volunteered to board the ferry to set a towing line, the first rescuer to board the ship after the disaster. Other rescuers could reach the ship only hours later, in the morning, when the fire on the wreck was extinguished.

The corpse on the deck

File:2007-01-gg-1841-43 big.jpg
Il relitto della Moby Prince.

An helicopter of Carabinieri left its base early in the morning to join the rescue operations, and filmed a corpse laying on its back near the ship's stern. The corpse was not burned, despite the surroundings were deeply scorched by the flames. Later, when the wreck was recovered to Livorno harbor, Vigili del Fuoco found the body completely burned by the heat, suggesting that many people did not die quickly for the flames, but slowly from the intense heat and suffocation.[19]

This opinion was thoroughly discussed in the trial, with some surveys confirming that the corpse on the deck was a passenger who, after surviving the fire and suffocation, at dawn tried to reach the rescue ship but was overcome by the heat from the deck's metal.[20][21]

In September 1992 a videotape from a passenger filmed shortly before the collision was found in good shape, confirming that the flames and heat were quite endurable where the passengers were sheltered, and a quicker rescue operation could have saved many lives.[22]

Causes of the accident


Among the official causes of the disaster, fog played the leading role. Judges confirmed that a natural phenomenon called advection fog, a quick buildup of thick fog in a small area caused by a hot stream reaching the cold sea survace, was experienced that evening in the zone around the Agip Abruzzo, preventing Moby Prince from correctly spotting the tanker.

While this is one of the official causes of the disaster many doubts about the real occurrence of the phenomenon were advanced, especially after the amateur video found in the De Luxe hall was shown on TG1: in the video, weather conditions seem fair.[6] Guardia di Finanza captain Cesare Gentile, commandeering a guard ship which jined the first rescue efforts at 10.35 p.m., witnessed that "at the time the weather was excellent, the sea calm and visibility was perfect".[6]


The judges considered the hypothesis that a bomb aboard the ferry made it lose its route, sending it to crash into the tanker. At first this hypothesis was considered likely,[23][24][25][26] but was quickly dismissed during the trial thanks to technical surveys [27] e testimonianze[28] and thanks to the witness of the only survivor.[29][30][31]


A rumor about the United States and NATO military headquarters owning Radar reports and satellite photographs of the disaster [32] got widespread attention, but was later dismissed by the respective commands.[33]

The presence of the refueling boat was never confirmed. The tanker commander in the early calls for help confirmed many times that the ship struck a small tugboat,[34] grossly mistaking the real nature of the event.[6] Those calls were undoubtedly influenced by the confusion from the collision and by the low visibility caused by the fire's smoke.[35] Some sailors from Agip Abruzzo witnessed that they saw the silhouette of a ship in the fire, but only few of them recognized it could have been a ferry.

Three elements are thought to be confirming the presence of a small refueling boat:

  • Tank number 6 from Agip Abruzzo was not correctly sealed, as if it was being loaded or unloaded [36]
  • A length of pipe commonly used to refuel small boats was found, partially burned, near the tanker
  • The record marked 11.30 p.m. from the diary of the captain of "Efdim Junior":
We were informed that two ships, a passenger ferry and a tanker, collided and a fire broke out. I choose to stay at anchor due to the great number of boats moving out of the burning ships and joining the search and rescue operations in zero visibility.

Against this thesis there are mostly verbal witnesses, among them the harbor spotter Romero Ricci, the pilot Federico Sgherri, many other officers from Agip Abruzzo and harbor personnel.[37]

Two bigger ships, probably the Cape Breton and Gallant II, both American, were riding at anchor near the Agip Abruzzo in a photography taken from the Livorno seafront the afternoon before the tragedy. Captain Gentile gave an account about the position of the ships in the harbor after the collision:

I saw the silhouette of the Agip Abruzzo just outside the harbor, but not the Moby in flames. [...] I had a tanker on my left side, about 700-800 meters from the Naval Academy. Then there was the tanker in that position. On the other side, there were four ships, among them a ship probably carrying ammunitions; at the northern entrance, near the Calambrone, there was, illuminated, an American ship loading ammunitions.
Cesare Gentile, Guardia di Finanza

It's still unclear the role of the Theresa, another ship which presence was hidden but that was found in 2008 to be effectively present on the scene.[38] A mysterious audio recording from 10.45 p.m., just after the collision, was discovered in 1991:

This is Theresa, this is Theresa for the Ship One in Livorno anchorage i'm moving out, i'm moving out....

(Audio recording in English from Theresa [6][39])

In the harbor records no ship named Theresa was registered, and it is still unknown who is the "Ship One" referred in the recording.[39]

Position of Agip Abruzzo

The real location of Agip Abruzzo is debated. The ship's commander declared he was at anchor with the prow heading south, but later revised his account. The tanker appears heading south in the hours after the collision, as it looks evident in a video recording found months after the disaster.[40]

It was never cleared if the collision was caused by the ferry losing his route, or if the tanker position was mistakenly into the "exit cone" of the harbor where parking was strictly forbidden.[6][41]

Human error

Blame was put on the crew of Moby Prince for not using the radar equipment, for not following proper procedures for harbor maneuvering and for speeding.[42][43]

Press wrongly reported that the crew was distracted by the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup football final between Juventus and Barcelona. This accusation was dismissed after Bertrand was interrogated, and declared that the commanding officers were correctly at helm of the ferry.[44]

Rudder malfunction

Initial speculations about a rudder malfunction, or troubles to any other critical navigation system, were dismissed by early surveys by Livorno's prosecutors.[45]

Military ships and weapon traffic

Since Italian and U.S. military authorities are still keeping the matter strictly secret, this point is still unclear.

At the time of the collision, as confirmed by the radio recordings and accounts mentioned above, the presence of unregistered ships was likely, and transfers from cargo ships bearing ammunitions were confirmed. The presence of U.S. Navy ships -or military ships from other nations- was repeatedly reported, but their real presence, identity and activities are currently unknown.[6][46]

Many American ships usually visited the harbor, due to the nearby Camp Darby. The presence of undercover military ships was not unusual, as was not unusual the use of fake names when ships were employed in secret military activities.[46]

Weapon traffic in the Livorno harbor was allegedly linked to the disaster, as an explanation of the secret ship movements and bureaucratic hurdles in obtaining official documents from the military commands.[47][48][49]


Immediately after the disaster, Livorno public prosecutor opened a procedure against unknowns for involuntary homicide and lack of assistance in the disaster. First degree trial begun on November 29, 1995: third officer of the Agip Abruzzo Valentino Rolla, acting commander of the tanker, was charged with involuntary multiple homicide and involuntary arson; Angelo Cedro, second commander of the Port Authority and the guard officer Lorenzo Checcacci were charged with multiple involuntary homicide for the lateness of the rescues; Gianluigi Spartano, sailor, was charged of involuntary homicide for missing the ferry's mayday.

Charges against Navarma owner, Achille Onorato, and Agip Abruzzo commander Renato Superina were dropped.[50]

The trial came to an end two years later, in the night of October 31, 1997, in a very tense atmosphere: In a courtroom full of police and carabinieri, Jury president Germano Lamberti red the sentence absolving all the accused...[51] Second degree trial modified the sentence, acknowledging prescription on all the charges.

In November 1997, 11 members of the parliament proposed a new inquiry commission.[52]

Along with the main trial, two separate other trials were conducted by the Procura: Moby Prince first mate Ciro Di Lauro accused himself of part of the rudder of the wreck, along with Pasquale D'Orsi, maintenance technician for Navarma. Di Lauro confessed he moved the rudder on the engine room of the scorched hull in order to set inquirers on the wrong track. They were both discharged in first, second and third degree trials.[53]

In 2006 Livorno public prosecutor, requested by Commander Chessa's sons, opened a new inquiry on the disaster. New images of the disaster were found in the offices of Livorno public prosecutor, confirming the presence of satellite reconnaissance of the area in the night of the collision.[54][55] In 2009 the association of victims relatives asked president Giorgio Napolitano to ask Barack Obama to disclose the radar recordings, satellite images and any other informations available to American authorities.[56]

In April 2009, parliamentarian Ermete Realacci called for a new inquiry about the presence of other ships, especially from U.S. Navy, allegedly present in the harbor the night of the disaster.[57]

On November 16, 2007 Fabio Piselli, a former army paratrooper,[58] told the press about new information about the disaster he found while investigating the death of a relative working for the U.S. Embassy in Rome. He met with attorney Carlo Palermo, but was later allegedly attacked by four people who kidnapped him and closed him in the trunk of a car, setting it on fire but managed to escape.[59] An inquiry was opened on the incident.

In 2009 Alessio Bertrand was interrogated again,[60] and the seabed of the harbor was searched, finding new evidences.[61]

The floating hull remained impounded in the Livorno harbor, but in 1998 almost sunk. Raised, it was sent for scrap to Aliaga, Turkey.[62]


Here is the list of the victims, with names and age.[63]

  • Abbattista Giovanni 45
  • Allegrini Stefano 23
  • Alves Sandrine 24
  • Amato Natale 52
  • Ambrosio Francesco 22
  • Ambrosio Vittorio 30
  • Andreazzoli Marco 28
  • Averta Rocco 36
  • Avolio Antonio 45
  • Baffa Nicodemo 52
  • Baldauf Gernard 27
  • Barbaro Luciano 24
  • Barsuglia Luca 24
  • Bartolozzi Umberto 48
  • Belintende Sergio 31
  • Bianco Gavino 40
  • Bisbocci Alberto 20
  • Bommarito Giuseppe 43
  • Botturi Adriana 60
  • Brandano Raimondo 60
  • Campo Antonino 26
  • Campus Giovanni B. 53
  • Campus Gianfranco 21
  • Canu Angelo 28
  • Canu Sara 5
  • Canu Ilenia 1
  • Caprari Alessia 19
  • Cassano Antonello 25
  • Castorini Rosario 39
  • Cervini Domenico 21
  • Cesari Diego 14
  • Chessa Ugo 54
  • Cinapro Graziano 45
  • Cirillo Ciro 25
  • Ciriotti Tiziana 22
  • Congiu Giuseppe 23
  • Crupi Francesco 34
  • Dal Tezzon Antonietta 47
  • Dal Zotto Pasquale 32
  • D'Antonio Giovanni 22
  • De Barba Mauro 30
  • De Caritat Beatrice 31
  • Defendenti Anna 24
  • Degennaro Giuseppe 29
  • De Montis Angelita 23
  • De Pretto Tatiana 18
  • Esposito Francesco 43
  • Falanga Nicola 19
  • Farnesi Cristina 22
  • Ferraro Sabrina 20
  • Ferrini Carlo 32
  • Filigheddu Maria 40
  • Filippeddu Giovanni 46
  • Fondacaro Mario 57
  • Formica Maria G. 51
  • Fratini Bruno 34
  • Frulio Ciro 18
  • Fumagalli Alfredo 23
  • Furcas Daniele 33
  • Fusinato Angelo 58
  • Gabelli Antonino 72
  • Gasparini Giuseppe 62
  • Ghezzani Maria G. 57
  • Giacomelli Piera 55
  • Giampedroni Lido 29
  • Gianoli Giorgio 29
  • Giardini Priscilla 23
  • Giglio Alessandra 26
  • Gnerre Erminio 29
  • Granatelli Giuseppina 27
  • Guida Gerardo 23
  • Guizzo Gino 52
  • Ilari Salvatore 31
  • La Vespa Gaspare 31
  • Lazzarini Giuseppe 32
  • Lazzarini Romana 22
  • Lipparelli Raffaela 50
  • Manca Giuseppe 48
  • Marcon Maria 83
  • Martignago Giuseppina 46
  • Massa Angelo 30
  • Mazzitelli Francesco 56
  • Mela Maria 44
  • Minutti Giovanni V. 50
  • Molaro Gabriele 35
  • Mori Aldo 52
  • Mura Paolo 34
  • Padovan Giovanna 54
  • Padula Aniella 44
  • Pagnini Vladimiro 59
  • Paino Vincenzo 34
  • Parrela Maurizio 15
  • Pasqualini Ignazio 36
  • Paternico Rosana 43
  • Perazzoni Arnaldo 28
  • Perez De Vere Luigi 24
  • Pernice Rocco 41
  • Picone Arcangelo 34
  • Piu Pasqualino 28
  • Porciello Pasquale 23
  • Primi Silavana 38
  • Prola Mauro 27
  • Regnier Bernardo 53
  • Rispoli Liana 29
  • Rizzi Monica 27
  • Rizzi Umberto 47
  • Rizzo Salvatore 29
  • Rodi Antonio 41
  • Romano Rosario 24
  • Romdoni Cesare 56
  • Roncalbati Amelio 54
  • Rosetti Sergio 52
  • Rota Vania 22
  • Saccaro Ernesto 50
  • Saccaro Ivan 17
  • Salsi Giuliano 41
  • Salvemini Nicola 35
  • Sansone Massimo
  • Santini Roberto 53
  • Sari Gianfranco 39
  • Scano Salvatore 73
  • Sciacca Giuseppe 53
  • Scuotto Mario 31
  • Serra Maria A. 54
  • Sicignano Gerardo 34
  • Simoncini Maria Rosa 25
  • Sini Antonio 42
  • Soro Gabriella 29
  • Stellati Mara 44
  • Tagliamonte Giovanni 38
  • Timpano Giulio 29
  • Trevisan Ranieri 30
  • Trevisan Rino 58
  • Tumeo Francesco 58
  • Vacca Alessandro 37
  • Vidili Raimonde 22
  • Vigerello Giuliano 44
  • Vigliani Carlo 31
  • Vinattieri Roberto 44
  • Vitiello Ciro 31

Comune of Livorno dedicated a square to the victims.[64] and many public events.[65][66][67]

Further reading

  • Andrea Affricano e Loris Rispoli, 140. Il libro di due uomini che non dimenticano, Associazione, 2003
  • Elisabetta Arrighi, 140 La tragedia del Moby Prince, Pisa, Valenti ed Allegranti, 1993
  • Enrico Fedrighini, Moby Prince. Un caso ancora aperto, Paoline Editoriale Libri, 2005
  • Luigi Grimaldi e Luciano Scalettari, 1994. L'anno che ha cambiato l'Italia. Dal caso Moby Prince agli omicidi di Mauro Rostagno e Ilaria Alpi. Una storia mai raccontata, Chiarelettere, 2010
  • Andrea Vivaldo, Moby Prince. La notte dei Fuochi, a cura di F. Colarieti, BeccoGiallo, 2010

Collegamenti esterni


  1. ^ "Articolo di Repubblica del 12 aprile 1991". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  2. ^ "I disastri ecologici del petrolio | Valoreacqua". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  3. ^ «Moby Prince», è ancora un mistero
  4. ^ Il " Moby Prince " affonda nel porto
  5. ^ a b "Tribunale Penale di Livorno Sez.1". 
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "La Storia siamo noi - Moby Prince".  (page not available)
  7. ^ According to the technical survey of engineer Giorgio del Bene, commissioned by the defenders during the trial
  8. ^ Danilo Soscia (10 April 2009). "Moby Prince: "strage non incidente"". 
  9. ^ "Proceeding from 1998 trial" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  10. ^ "1998 Trial sentence, page 376" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  11. ^ "1998 trial sentence - page 626" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  12. ^ nuovo giallo sui soccorsi nel rogo del Moby Prince
  13. ^ il nuovo giallo delle registrazioni radio
  14. ^ di La Storia siamo noi
  15. ^ "sentenza del 1998- pagina 467" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  16. ^ Bettolina: Definizione e significato del termine Bettolina - Dizionario della lingua italiana - Corriere della Sera
  17. ^ "sentenza del 1998 pag 315" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  19. ^ Moby Prince: ancora accuse ai soccorsi
  20. ^ "puntata di La storia Siamo noi sulla vicenda". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  21. ^ "". 2011-09-21. Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  22. ^ Associazione 10 Aprile - Familiari delle vittime del Moby Prince
  23. ^ " sulla Moby prove certe "
  25. ^ rotta deviata? esperti scettici
  26. ^ ' Un Ordigno Sul Moby Prince Era La Guerra Dei Traghetti' - Repubblica.It » Ricerca
  27. ^ Moby Prince, Guerra Tra Periti ' Non Esplose Alcun Ordigno' - Repubblica.It » Ricerca
  28. ^ " una bomba? poco serio "
  31. ^ ' NESSUNO DI NOI UDI' L' ESPLOSIONE' - » Ricerca
  33. ^ rogo Moby Prince. la NATO smentisce. " non ci sono foto "
  34. ^ ' May Day, Esplosione A Bordo Così Cominciò Il Mistero - Repubblica.It » Ricerca
  35. ^ Moby Prince, E' Sempre Giallo E Spunta Una Barca Misteriosa - Repubblica.It » Ricerca
  36. ^ "sentenza del 1998 pag 320" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  37. ^ "sentenza del 1998 pagine dalla 315 alla 319" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  38. ^ PortoLivorno: Moby, trovata la nave fantasma
  39. ^ a b PortoLivorno
  40. ^ Moby, ballando prima del rogo
  41. ^ "sentenza pagina 286-287" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  42. ^ ' La Moby Prince Navigava Troppo Forte Ecco La Verità Sulla Sciagura - Repubblica.It » Ricerca
  43. ^ tragedia del " Moby Prince ": la colpa fu dell'equipaggio
  44. ^ L'unico sopravvissuto racconta il Moby Prince | Il Tirreno
  45. ^ Moby Prince, Non Fu Avaria Le Eliche Funzionavano - Repubblica.It » Ricerca
  46. ^ a b 'La notte del Moby Prince navi militari in azione' - » Ricerca
  47. ^ Moby Prince coinvolta in traffico d' armi?
  48. ^ Quella notte movimenti di armi - » Ricerca
  49. ^ Moby Prince, spunta una nuova verità - la Nuova Sardegna dal » Ricerca
  50. ^ Moby Prince: due archiviazioni
  51. ^ Moby Prince. Nessun colpevole
  52. ^
  53. ^ Moby Prince: " Ho depistato l' indagine "
  54. ^ dl Corriere della Sera dell'ottobre 2006[dead link]
  55. ^ Moby, la procura riavvia le indagini - » Ricerca
  56. ^ "Corriere di Livorno, 28/03/2009". 2009-03-28. Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  57. ^
  58. ^ "tratto dal Blog di Fabio Piselli". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  59. ^ "articolo di Repubblica del novembre 2007". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  60. ^ "articolo tratto da". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  61. ^
  62. ^ "Moby Prince ad Aliaga". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  63. ^ "Foto della targa in memoria dei 140 morti". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 
  64. ^ Chi era Costui - Scheda di Vittime Moby Prince 10/04/1991
  65. ^ Il caso Moby Prince in mostra a Livorno - » Ricerca
  66. ^ [1][dead link]
  67. ^ "articolo tratto da". Retrieved 2011-09-25. 

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