Mitsuko Shiga

Mitsuko Shiga
Mitsuko Shiga

Mitsuko Shiga
Born 21 April 1885(1885-04-21)
Nagano, Nagano, Japan
Died 23 March 1956(1956-03-23) (aged 70)
Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan
Occupation Writer
Genres haiku poetry

Mitsuko Shiga (四賀光子 Shiga Mitsuko?, 21 April 1885 – 23 March 1956) was the pen-name of a Japanese tanka poet active in Taishō and Showa periods Japan. Her real name was Mitsu Ota.[1]


Early life

Mitsuko was born in Nagano city, Nagano prefecture. After graduating from Nagano Normal School, she worked for two years as a teacher, during which time she met the poet Mizuho Ōta, and began to compose tanka verses herself. She entered the Tokyo Women's Higher Normal School (present-day Ochanomizu University) in 1906 and married Mizuho Ōta when she graduated.

Literary career

While teaching at a girls school in Tokyo, she assisted her husband in his literary magazine, Choon, by contributing tanka verses and helping in its overall administration. On Ota's death in 1955, she took over responsibility for the magazine with her son, Ota Seikyu. From 1957 to 1965, she was also a selector of the verses submitted for the New Year's Poetry Reading at the Imperial Palace.

She published numerous anthologies of her poetry during her lifetime, including Fuji no Mi ("Wisteria Beans"), Asa Tsuki ("Morning Moon"), Asa Ginu ("Linen Silk"), and Kamakura Zakki ("Kamakura Miscellany"). She also published some instructional guides to the writing of poetry, including Waka dokuhon ("A Guide to Waka Verse"), Dento to Gendai Waka ("Tradition and Modern Waka").

Mitsuko and her husband Mizuho Ota began to live in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture from 1934, calling their retreat "Yo-yo Sanso." What began as a quiet getaway became their permanent home from 1939. Shiga continued to live there after her husband's death, and died in 1976. Her grave is at the temple of Tokei-ji in Kamakura, which also has a large stone monument inscribed with one of her verses.

See also


  1. ^ "Shiga Mitsuko." City of Kamakura. Accessed October 12, 008.

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